GR伙伴 | 第26届国际草地大会—100 Years of Grassland Research

文摘   2024-07-17 06:30   甘肃  

The Scientific and Organizing Committee of the XXVI International Grassland Congress cordially invites you to participate in the International Grassland Congress “100 years of grassland research – ways to the future” June 13-18, 2027 at “Kongresshalle am Zoo” Leipzig, Germany.

The IGC 2027 will present diverse aspects of natural grasslands and those managed at varying intensities, including the cultivation and use of other forage crops. Sustainable development of on-farm food production will be discussed, as well as the benefits of grassland management for society as a whole, especially for the environment and the preservation of biodiversity.

The International Grassland Congress (IGC) was held for the first time in 1927, also in Leipzig. Since then, the IGC has given scientists, students and representatives from industry, extension services and farms the opportunity to exchange the latest research findings and experiences on grassland every three to five years at different locations around the world.

In 1977, the year of its 50th anniversary, the International Grassland Congress was again held in Leipzig. In 2027, the congress will celebrate its 100th anniversary in Leipzig. The motto of IGC 2027 will be “100 years of grassland research – ways to the future“.


Grassland Research参加2023年国际草地大会并参展


排版、执行编辑 | 彭京伦


Grassland Research是我国草业科学领域第一本国际学术期刊,季刊,由中国草学会和兰州大学共同主办。该刊受中国科技期刊卓越计划高起点新刊项目支持,由国际出版集团John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.提供出版及宣传服务,于2022年正式出版。

Grassland Research论文刊发范围广,综合性强。从分子到全球变化层面,全维度聚焦草业科学及其在人类可持续发展中的作用。期刊将刊登天然草原,栽培草地、草坪和生物能源作物,以及草地生态系统三大板块的基础性和应用性研究成果、综述、论点等类型的文章。优先考虑发表青年学者优秀研究成果,期待成为青年科学家喜爱的国际学术交流主阵地。

在创刊前三年,Grassland Research将免收版面费,以OA形式通过全球化出版平台Wiley Online Library出版。




Grassland Research