At the 2nd of July, we had the 6th improv writing event in Shanghai. Before the event, everyone had to write a prompt, the writting time was 60 mins. Some of the writers shared their work with us. Check it out below:
Sofia was sitting on her chair, spinning her pen through her fingers. A fresh autumn breeze was flowing through the curtains.
Since a month, or maybe more, she had been receiving little riddles like this every week. An equation, a question, they all came in the same way, handwritten on a blue paper.
She was looking at the sheet, her thoughts navigating through the fog of her mind. She hasn’t been feeling quite like herself lately.
She couldn’t remember the last time she was sitting in maths class. A regular beeping sound was giving rhythm to the movements of her pen. Beep. Spin. Beep. Spin.
“What am I supposed to do with these?” The thought was coming from far away, like a voice buried deep inside her brain, muffled. She started feeling tired.
As she was staring blankly at the numbers, a door opened behind her.
“Sofia, I’m back. I got you some orange juice.”
The girl didn’t move an inch, the pen spinning endlessly in her hand.
Her sister came to the desk to drop off the drink, and noticed the paper, untouched since she gave it to her an hour ago.
“Well, I guess it won’t be for this week either” she said in a whisper, and then louder “Sofia, I know you’re in there. I’ll come back next week, until then try to think about this. Enigmas were your favourite game.”
She kissed Sofia softly on the forehead and left the room. The nurse was waiting for her.
“Don’t worry Madam, it has only been a month since the accident and Sofia is already making a lot of progress.”
Juliette is a certified bookworm who also likes to write (or at least try) and to hear about other people’s stories.
Cage holds chicken
The cage holds the chicken on the flatbed that holds the cages. A Tetris game of sorts.
“You ever played Tea-tris, kid?” Leandro side eyes his driver’s seat neighbour.
“Sorry, what?” Nicky plucks the Air Pod out his left ear and leans in.
“I asked if you ever played Tea-tris. You know, the Nintendo game. Rotating blocks of different sizes until they are perfectly aligned. Tea— hey, how old are you anyway? I can’t be chaperoning any underage hitchhikers.”
Nicky removes the other Air Pod and smirks. “Twenty-three, and I think you mean Tetris, sir.”
“That’s what I said. Tea-tris.”
“It’s Tetris. ‘Tet’ like bet or yet, not ‘tea’ like— Anyway, of course, I know it. My two older brothers taught me how to play and I got pretty good at it. You might not suspect this of someone my age, but I have great respect for the simplicity of old Nintendo games. You know, Tetris is not as easy as it looks. I’m not so convinced that the young generations have the tenacity to master a game like that.”
“I don’t completely follow but I’m lis’nin.”
“Such as real life, if you are too slow to react or bungle your move, you’re screwed. Eventually you drown in a sea of misaligned blocks, so to speak. Drowning is the complete loss of control of the game. That’s the part I am most familiar with. Like, you see those cages you’ve got back there. It took spatial awareness and strategy to stack them in a way that ensures they don’t topple over or slide around like bumper cars. Maybe it’s innate at this point but some consideration was required.”
“I s’pose,” Leandro agrees with the smugness of a child getting their way.
“Most other guys my age would just stack the cages as quickly as possible and worry later if one rouge cage is leftover. Maybe they’d tilt it on its side, let chicken shit ricochet all the way to the bottom. Or maybe just let that lone chicken ride up front with them like it’s one of the boys.”
“Shotgun!” Leandro interjects. “Heck, maybe just leave it behind and hope nobody notices a little chicken shortage.”
“That’s what Johnny would do.”
“Who’s Johnny?”
“Just, uh, someone who’d be terrible at Tetris. Life is too competitive these days, especially for us young people. Nobody has time or energy to strategize. Just focus on where you’re headed. Focus on not drowning.”
“But nobody drowns without flailing around wildly first,” Leandro softens his tone.
“There’s been a lot of flailing around these days, that’s for sure. But wouldn’t it be better for everyone to just learn how to swim before jumping in?”
“Swimming helps. Navigating the waters is something else. Don’t bank too much on thorough planning, kid.”
Nicky’s head nod signifies understanding. Then a silence settles over the cab. It’s the kind of silence and stillness that can only follow a cross-generational epiphany. It lingers for a good few hundred meters before an ominous crash radiates from the rear of the truck.
THUNK. Thunk, thunk, thunk. Lighter and lighter until it stops. Leandro checks the rear mirror and gives an enthusiastic, “Aw, fudge” toward the drooping fabric of the cab’s roof. “Give me a hand, will you.”
Nicky hops out and approaches the fallen cage resting no more than 50 meters behind the truck. The cage holds no chicken. Nicky squats and inspects the metal carcass. “The latch must have busted on impact.” Leandro and Nicky survey the area, east to west, north to south. Nothing resembling a chicken can be seen in any direction. They look back to the vacant space where the now empty cage previously lived. “Let’s redistribute the weight on the top row so we don’t lose another,” Leandro commands.
“Just like Tetris.”
“Screw Tea-tris, kid.”
Lauren is a university lecturer and hobby film photographer and writer. She enjoys iced coffee year-round and people incorrectly guessing where she’s from.
Tell me a change in your life. Could be small, could be big. From the past to recent. A story or some thought on it.
People say, change can be good, change can be bad. However, things have changed recently. People say, change is mostly bad, and even evil. It may be one of the evidences that human perception has been severely damaged once again.
I wonder what is a nice person like? Are they receiving changes in a sophisticated way? Have they luckily built a powerful sop to cope the twist and the unexpected? Can they transform changes from bad formula into good instantly?
There is a very popular business book called “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind”. The arrogant author yells out 17 advices on how to get financial sufficiency. The idea is good, but the words make me feel mentally uncomfortable. The same feeling when I have to face changes.
What would a nice person do when she finds herself very uncomfortable? I asked myself and thought about it for several days. At the end of one day, I decided to make simple classification for this book. Thousands of words were arranged into 4 categories: self-motivated (70%), dualism (20%), money usage handbook (5%), high-performance (5%). The monster was carefully dissected into 4 pieces.
Emotional brain is always more powerful than rational brain, the path to rationality lies in the freedom of emotional brain. After 2 hours working, I’m so proud to say, I agree with the author about 80% of his content. “This is a good book.” I said to myself. “I’m a rational person, I’m a nice person today.”
Grabbing rationality out of uncomfortable feelings, this is my recent change.
Jennifer is a Chinese citizen who enjoy reading and writing. Her favorite novelists are: Ayn Rand, Frank Herbert, Haruki Murakumi. She has a fierce passion for Chinese, American, Japanese and British (England, the country with that queen) writers.
Covid-19, lockdowns, testing, but from the perspective of a pet dog
Lea, performer, theatre-maker.
Improv writing is a monthly offline activity. Welcome all to join us in August!
即兴写作每月会在Camera Stylo进行一次,欢迎大家参加我们8月份的活动。