第4集 | 中美“脱钩断链”是可选项吗?

时事   2024-11-14 16:35   北京  


Is decoupling an option for China and the U.S.?




Decoupling between China and the U.S. is not an option.


Objectively put, the Chinese economy and the American economy complement each other profoundly. China is the only country home to all the industries under the United Nations Industrial Classification; its manufacturing volume has ranked 1st for 14 consecutive years globally, and more than 40% of its products outrun other countries in terms of output. On the other side of the Pacific, America boasts powerful innovative capacity and a rather advanced innovation ecosystem, while gathering high-end talents from various fields.


Now, the “Made in China + Created in America” and “American technology + Chinese utilization” models are the answer for many multinational companies. According to the American Chamber of Commerce in South China, more than 90% of the U.S.-funded companies are profiting, and 66% of the companies have decided to expand their business into the Chinese market. One can say, the two countries are intertwined with each other in industry chains, supply chains, innovation chains and value chains.


Decoupling from each other and breaking the said chains will not only harm the real benefits brought to China and the U.S., but also impede global technological progress and industrial development, which is neither practical nor viable.

(本集专家:鲍淑君 国家发展改革委国际合作中心研究员


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