成果发布 | 嵊山岛国际海钓基地建筑设计国际竞赛

乐活   2023-12-04 12:01   北京  

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International competition successfully concluded



竞赛自2023年5月启动,遴选出包括Benedetta Tagliabue - EMBT建筑事务所、KCAP荷开浦建筑与规划事务所、MVRDV建筑规划事务所三家知名国际设计机构入围,为嵊山岛海岸线设计7座海钓建筑。


本次竞赛终审评委主要由建筑与规划领域专家构成,由华中科技大学建筑与城市规划学院原院长、中国建筑学会理事李保峰先生,Wutopia Lab建筑设计事务所创始人俞挺先生,上海高目建筑设计主持建筑师张佳晶先生,山水秀建筑事务所主持建筑师祝晓峰先生担任。同时,本次竞赛有幸邀请到浙江舟山群岛新区总规划师、中国城市规划学会学术工作委员会委员周建军先生作为政府代表担任评委。


On November 17, 2023, the “International Sea Fishing Base Project with Shengshan as the Core-Landmark Building International Invitational Competition” successfully held the final review meeting of the competition on the west bund of Shanghai, and the journey that lasted for 6 months was successfully concluded!

The competition is organized by The People’s Government pf Shengsi County, Shengsi County Development and Reform Bureau, and co-organized by Bu.Jia.Si.Suo. We are committed to creating a series of high-quality sea fishing landmarks for Shengshan Island, which will jointly contribute to Shengshan's development into a sea fishing tourism destination with international influence.

The competition was launched in May 2023, and three renowned international design organizations, including Benedetta Tagliabue - EMBT Architects, KCAP Architects and Planners, MVRDV Architects, were selected as finalists to design seven sea fishing buildings for the coastline of Shengshan Island.

On the day of the final review meeting, Mr. ZHOU Guohong, Member of the Party Group and Deputy County Chief of Shengsi County People's Government, and the representatives from Shengsi County Development and Reform Bureau, Shengsi County Natural Resources and Planning Bureau, Shengsi County Bureau of Ocean and Fishery, Shengsi County Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, Shengshan Township People's Government, were present at the final review meeting.

The final jury of the competition is mainly composed of experts in the field of architecture and planning, which including LI Baofeng, Former Dean of the School of Architecture and Urban Planning of Huazhong University of Science and Technology and Director of the Architectural Society of China; YU Ting, Founder of Wutopia Lab Architects; ZHANG Jiajing, Principal Architect of Atelier GOM and ZHU Xiaofeng, Principal Architect of Scenic Architects. At the same time, the competition was honored to invite Mr. ZHOU Jianjun, Chief Planner of Zhoushan Islands New District in Zhejiang Province, Member of the Academic Working Committee of the China Society of Urban Planning.

*Introduction of judges in alphabetical order

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终审会以各个设计点位独立评选名次,并以各点位得分加总,综合评定最终奖项。最终,KCAP荷开浦建筑与规划事务所夺得竞赛一等奖,Benedetta Tagliabue - EMBT建筑事务所、MVRDV建筑规划事务所分别荣获二等奖、三等奖。

The final judging was done by selecting the ranking of each site independently and adding up the scores of each point to determine the final awards. In the end KCAP Architects and Planners won the first prize, while Benedetta Tagliabue - EMBT Architects and MVRDV Architects won the second and third prizes respectively.


Award List

Century-old fishery, sea fishing destination


Shengshan Island, located in the northeast of Zhoushan Islands in China, is the easternmost inhabited island in China. The inlet currents of the Yangtze River and the Qiantang River meet here with a number of ocean currents, making it a uniquely rich sea area. In 1904, Zhang Qian established China's first joint-stock fishing company in Shengshan and introduced the first steam engine fishing boat owned by China for the first time, which started the era of mechanization of China's fishery industry, and Shengshan has since gradually developed into the No.1 fishery in China, which has been flourishing for a hundred years. After the hustle and bustle of the big fishing industry has receded, Shengshan Island has developed into a high-quality vacation island that is highly sought after by tourists, relying on the rare turquoise-blue sea water and excellent natural landscape in the Yangtze River Delta region.

海钓经济是嵊山的未来产业新愿景。优越的水文条件和大自然馈赠的无数近海岛礁,让嵊山位列全球绝佳钓场之一,吸引着来自国内外的海钓客。 2022年,嵊泗提出打造“国际海钓基地”的发展目标,并以嵊山作为未来海钓产业发展的核心地带。当下,嵊山已经开启了包含“海钓集散中心”在内的海钓综合基础设施建设,立足打造面向多元客群的国际海钓基地。

Sea fishing economy is Shengshan's new vision of future industry. Shengshan is one of the best fishing grounds in the world with its excellent hydrological conditions and countless offshore islands and reefs gifted by nature, attracting sea anglers from home and abroad. In 2022, Shengsi proposes the development goal of "International Sea Fishing Base", with Shengshan as the core area for the future development of sea fishing industry. At present, Shengshan has already started the construction of comprehensive sea fishing infrastructure including "Sea Fishing Distribution Center" to build an international sea fishing base for diversified customers.

Imagine Sea Fishing Architecture


本次竞赛的7处建筑均为海钓经济发展起步阶段的重要服务设施,基于海钓活动的链条进行功能与空间配置,包括服务海钓爱好者的“钓客街区”,面向海钓新手的“海钓驿站”,面向全龄客群的“渔博物馆”,以及代表嵊山海钓与美食极致体验的“海礁餐厅”。每一个海钓建筑都被鼓励配备钓点钓位。 这些建筑将在嵊山岛的海岸线上共同构成触手可及的“海钓之岛”文化景观。

Shengshan Island, with the vision of building an international first-class sea fishing base, will become a comprehensive sea fishing culture and tourism destination that not only serves professional sea anglers and hosts international sea fishing tournaments, but also attracts new generations of sea anglers.

The seven buildings in this competition are important service facilities in the initial stage of the development of the sea fishing economy, with functional and spatial configurations based on the chain of sea fishing activities, including the "Angler's Block" for sea fishing enthusiasts, and the "Sea Fishing Station" for newcomers to the sea fishing industry. The "Fishing Culture Exhibition Hall" for all ages and the " Reef Restaurant" represent the ultimate experience of Shengshan's sea fishing and cuisine. Each fishing building is encouraged to be equipped with fishing spots. Together, these buildings will form a cultural landscape of the "Island of Fishing" within easy reach of the coastline of Shengshan Island.

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From left to right: shoreline project landing site overview map; economic activities in sea fishing map


- 海钓配套服务集聚地 -

Anglers' Block

Sea Fishing Supporting Services Cluster


The "Anglers' Block" is adjacent to the Shengshan Sea Fishing Distribution Center and the pier (under construction), and extends 100 meters along the coastline. The unique spatial characteristics and location make this area particularly suitable for hosting commercial services for sea fishing activities. "With a construction area of about 2,000 square meters, the Angler's Block will absorb a variety of businesses, such as fishing clubs, tackle stores, culture and catering, to create a community hub for sea fishing enthusiasts and a "scene center" for the sea fishing lifestyle.


*The following entries are listed in the order of their winning places in this competition spot; in case of a tie, they are listed in alphabetical order


It is divided into horizontal and vertical extensions. the natural distribution of the reef is used as the basis for widening, expanding the road and the overall scope of use, and facilitating the development of diversified behaviours. The building interacts with the ocean in a humble manner, yet retains its own characteristics and functions. The horizontal and vertical extension of the architectural language, and the curvilinear shape of the straight floor slabs, conveying the resilience, bravery and modesty of mankind in the face of the natural environment.


The site is tight between the rock and the coast, a serious of fishing spots will be placed on the coastline. Taking inspiration from fishing nets, colorful metal strips are interwoven to form the skin of the building. Additionally, we utilized prefabricated glass modules and colored skins to create diverse modules for various functions such as commercial, events, entertainment, etc., adapting to different elevations. We used sidewalk paving to connect pedestrian spaces between buildings, facilitating the movement of visitors among the buildings.


The Anglers Block is designed to offer an ongoing discovery experience, evoking the surprise of finding beautiful shells nestled in the sand. The program is structured to create a generous public square overlooking the sea. Four distinct entrances have been designed to guide users to the various programs offered on the site. Two piers extend from the Club Avenue, offering on-the-spot locations for testing fishing equipment.


体验型综合展示空间 -

Fishing Culture Exhibition Hall

Experiential integrated exhibition space 


The“Fishing Culture Exhibition Hall” is located in the gateway area on the west side of the coastline of Shengshan Island, with a natural small "bay" by the mountains and the sea. It will make use of unused factory land to build a small cultural and commercial building of about 2,000 square meters, creating an all-ages destination with marine ecology education, fishing culture experience, and introductory sea fishing experience.


*The following entries are listed in the order of their winning places in this competition spot; in case of a tie, they are listed in alphabetical order



As a starting point and cultural center, we hope that when people see this iconic building, they can associate it with the shimmering shells in the sea and object covered by the patina of the ocean. We chose precast panels with a shining aluminum surface as the main exterior material, allowing the Fishing culture exhibition hall to sparkle under the sunlight during the day.

The museum is vertically layered with the exhibition halls in the base, a glass level with the restaurant and an organic volume with foyer, research and study area on top.  


It is regarded as the key origin of Shengshan Island’s marine art and marine environment education. The design is located between the reef and the sea, using the original site conditions, retaining the original set of entrances and exits and setting up a main entrance by the higher stone wall, entering from the mezzanine wall at the entrance of the village, and framing a part of the building from the stone wall symbolizing the “impression of Shengshan”, the building elevation has different degrees of perspective to create a telescopic view effect, as if passing through a cave to the Peach Blossom Garden.


The Sea Fishing Exhibition Hall draws inspiration from the costal rocks where the relentless waves dance with the shore. The lower levels of the building accommodate exhibition spaces with minimum light requirements, while the upper floors host public functions with sea view. The main accessibility is enhanced by two entrances connected by a grand atrium space. Salty water ponds are designed in order to offer optimal fishing learning experiences.


从大海到餐桌的顶级美食“礁”点 -

Reef Restaurant

Top Gourmet Spot, from Sea to Table


Enjoying fresh catches is the "highlight" for sea anglers, and top fishing destinations also need unique culinary landmarks. The starting point of "Sea Reef Restaurant" is to bring the collision of "super fishing spot" and "top cuisine" to Shengshan Island. The "Sea Reef Restaurant" covers an area of about 400 square meters and is located on top of a jagged reef that stretches out into the sea. Locals refer to this reef as "Fishing Head"—one of the most recognized places for islanders to go fishing. The small abandoned buildings on the existing reef and the meandering walkway towards the sea form the basis for the creation of the space, and present an imaginative design challenge for the designers.


*The following entries are listed in the order of their winning places in this competition spot; in case of a tie, they are listed in alphabetical order


Inspired in the bones of a fish, we situated the restaurant amidst the raw and beautiful textures of the rocks, resembling a land art project. Being inside gives the sensation of being within the body of a fish, providing a unique experience. The restaurant’s shape is an allegory of fish and fishing activities, the interior design notably incorporates wood and transparent elements to ensure comfort and maximize the scenic views.


Reef Restaurant  stands on the natural reef called “Diaoyutou Tou” which extends out to the sea. As the name suggests, this is a popular fishing spot where anglers gather, and the topography develops outward from the coastline, so this place has an endless coastal scenery, and the natural reefs that have been weathered are interconnected with existing buildings to form a rocky landscape with varying heights, and a “small sea strait” for sightseeing and fishing has been formed between the reefs along the sea coast, which integrates the advantages of gathering people and observing the waves and the sea.


The Reef Restaurant embodies the lively essence of a just-caught, shimmering fish in motion. The program is arranged on two levels to provide users with the finest views and experience. Accessibility is provided on both street and lower levels to accommodate visitors arriving from the streets and sea-facing fishing spots. Four fishing platforms, situated by the water's edge, offer a premium experience, complemented by restaurant service.

 海钓驿站 · 小白驿站

Sea Fishing Stations · The Rookie Station


With a construction area of about 100 square meters, the building is transformed from the current unused building, and in the future, it will incorporate sea fishing service facilities such as "Sea Fishing Convenience Store", "Beginner's Fishing Spot", "Tourist Toilet", and so on, to create a "0 threshold" experience space for "sea fishing novices".


*The following entries are listed in the order of their winning places in this competition spot; in case of a tie, they are listed in alphabetical order


The existing building is optimized for both practical and ornamental value, and the design concept of connectivity and conformity to the terrain is carried through by hollowing out the middle of the initially heavy platform. In addition to basic services the first floor features a fishing and sea viewing observation deck in the center of the base, echoing the rock face with curved lines, and adopting a descending contour design approaches to soften the previously rigid shoreline landscape.


The design features of the Seabed draw inspiration from the gentle curves formed by the currents shifting the sand on the sea floor. The roof is designed to create a seafront tribune for people to sit and enjoy the surroundings. A spacious pier provides the ideal fishing experience for fishing beginners. 


We create a brand-new ocean-facing public space tailored for anglers, featuring new pavement design and public service facilities. We've revamped The Rookie Station, enhancing comfort and infusing it with more engaging activities, making it a remarkable platform.

海钓驿站 · 情人石

Sea Fishing Stations· The“Qingrenshi (lover’s rock)” Station


Located beside the beach of Dayu Bay on Shengshan Island, the station is adjacent to a group of reefs that resemble human figures. The "Lover's Stone" and "Dream Platform" are the cultural clues to convey the beautiful love story of Shengshan Island. With a site area of about 450 square meters, the "Lover's rock" station will be upgraded on the basis of the existing small plaza, superimposed with the function of novice sea fishing, to create a space for sea fishing experience with clues of local culture.


The “Lovers Rock” is the interpretation of seaweed as an artful creation inviting all to immerse in its poetic and luminescent experience. The spacious platform on the seashore guarantees a secure and enjoyable fishing experience and unique tourist’s destination for people to take photos.

海钓驿站 · 琴键码头

Sea Fishing Stations · The“Keyboard Wharf” Station


The "Keyboard Wharf" is an unused pier on the south side of Shengshan Island, where the islanders moor their boats and replenish their nets, and the 10-meter difference in height between the cliffs and the piano key-shaped staircase stretching towards the sea make it one of the most sought-after spots for tourists. The design will superimpose the function of sea fishing experience, and create a landscape space shared by residents and tourists.


Keyboard Wharf Station serves as an existing waterfront access point, and our proposal includes the installation of a fishing spot and a square with newly designed pavement. Transforming the space into more than just a fishing area but also an interactive public space. Hosting various events, offering beginner fishing courses, and creating a relaxing atmosphere, making it a dynamic, multifunctional leisure spot.

海钓驿站 · 极目海礁

Sea Fishing Stations · The“Reef Overlook” Station


"Reef Overlook" is located in the "East Cliff" scenic spot of Shengshan Island. The "East Cliff" is one of the most famous tourist destinations in Shengshan Island, and it is also a popular fishing spot for experienced anglers. Here, tourists can not only see the "Cliff Anglers", but also have a great view toward Haijiao Island when the weather is clear. Haijiao Island is one of the bases of China's territorial waters and the future location of Shengsi's large-scale international fishing grounds. The design will enhance the landscape experience here by injecting the cultural clues of fishing to create a space for the perception of fishing culture.

建筑形式呼应地势上扬的形态,由窄至宽,远观时受建筑围塑的框景,接近后出现完整的海岸景观,在人的尺度塑造囹圄到开阔的体验。将“嵊山印象” 刻画于游客的记忆中,设计围绕地形环境及人文发展,材料选择贴合嵊山质感的耐候钢,把建筑视为将渔业经济、岛屿历史传承和延续的媒介,在自然与社会的演变下乘载嵊山的文化精粹。

The form of the building echoes the upward trend of the terrain, also shapes the experience of being imprisoned to being open in the scale of human beings.  In order to engrave the “Shengshan impression” into the memory of visitors, the design is centered on the topography and humanistic development, and the materials are made of weather-resistant steel that fits the texture of Shengshan. The building is regarded as a medium for the inheritance and continuation of the fishery economy and the island’s history, so as to carry Shengshan’s cultural essence in spite of the changes in the nature and the society.

Participating Units

* 按照首字母排序

* In alphabetical order

Benedetta Tagliabue - EMBT建筑事务所

Benedetta Tagliabue-EMBT Architects

Benedetta Tagliabue - EMBT Architects(原Miralles Tagliabue EMBT)由Enric Miralles与Benedetta Tagliabue于1994年在巴塞罗那成立。EMBT保持其基本核心价值观:开放包容的设计方法、充满探索和实验的态度、高水平的抽象思维。EMBT在建筑设计、室内设计、城市规划方面有着成熟的设计方法,在教育、商业、工业、住宅、建筑修复以及景观领域有着丰富的项目经验。今天,EMBT在巴塞罗那、巴黎及上海均设置有办公室,并在全世界范围内开展业务。

Benedetta Tagliabue - EMBT Architects (formerly Miralles Tagliabue EMBT) is an internationally acknowledged architecture studio founded in 1994 by the association of Enric Miralles and Benedetta Tagliabue in Barcelona. The office has kept its fundamental core: an open approach, full of exploration and experiments, and a high level of conceptual thought. EMBT’s mature approach to architecture, interior design, and facility planning includes experience with educational, commercial, industrial, and residential buildings, restoration of buildings, and landscape architecture. Today, EMBT has offices in Barcelona, Shanghai, and Paris and operates with works and direct commissions worldwide.


KCAP Architects and Planners

由Kees Christiaanse创立于1989年荷兰,KCAP拥有坐落于鹿特丹、苏黎世、巴黎、上海及首尔5个全球办公室,及来自25个国家100多位专业设计人员。KCAP擅长以整合多学科的工作方法应对复杂的城市挑战。过去30年间结合教学研究与创新实践,专注生态先导型战略规划以及滨水可持续开发。代表作德国汉堡港口城 (HafenCity) 已成为全球经典标杆项目,先后斩获ULI全球卓越奖 及 TOD可持续发展金奖。

Established in the Netherlands in 1989, comprising a team of over 100 people and more than 25 nationalities with office in Rdam, Zurich Pais Seoul and Shanghai, KCAP has developed expertise in handling complex urban challenges with a holistic and multidisciplinary design approach. With more than 30 years of practice combining research and design in strategic masterplanning and sustainable waterfront transformation, HafenCity in Hamburg, Germany, has become a globally renowned benchmark project approved by ULI and TOD award.  


MVRDV Architects

由Winy Maas、Jacob van Rijs和Nathalie de Vries于1993年联合创立于荷兰鹿特丹,在上海、巴黎、柏林、纽约设有分办公室,致力于为当代世界的建筑和都市问题提供解决方案。MVRDV的300余位建筑师、设计师和城市规划师在多学科交叉的设计过程中,始终坚持严格的技术标准和创新性研究。MVRDV采用BIM技术,拥有内部的BREEAM和LEED认证专家团队。MVRDV与荷兰代尔夫特理工大学合作运营独立智库和研究机构The Why Factory,通过展望未来都市,为建筑及都市主义提供发展议程。

MVRDV was founded in 1993 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands by Winy Maas, Jacob van Rijs and Nathalie de Vries. MVRDV engages globally in providing solutions to contemporary architectural and urban issues. More than 300 architects, designers and urbanists develop projects in a multi-disciplinary, collaborative design process that involves rigorous technical and creative investigation. MVRDV works with BIM and has official in-house BREEAM and LEED assessors. Together with Delft University of Technology, MVRDV runs The Why Factory, an independent think tank and research institute providing an agenda for architecture and urbanism by envisioning the city of the future.

Message from the judges

* 按发言顺序排序

* In order of presentation





LI Baofeng

Former Dean of the School of Architecture and Urban Planning of Huazhong University of Science and Technology; Director of the Architectural Society of China

The KCAP team has the most thorough understanding of site and place, and they have set the building into the landscape with great care, and it fits in very skillfully. I was most impressed by their "Angler's Blocks" proposal, with its fun and expressive modular approach to the fishbone, and its attention to the transportation challenges of the site, which really creates a sense of space in the "block", responding organically to the topography and the preserved buildings on the site. EMBT's proposal is both artistic and romantic, with their museum and restaurant design responding to the local culture and fishing theme, as well as being a landmark that will leave a lasting impression on visitors. In the design of the "Lover's Rock" and "Rookies' Station", MVRDV has adopted a light and calm approach, which is commendable. In fact, it is not necessary for all buildings to be ostentatious.




这次竞赛中,三家单位各有亮点和遗憾。 “钓客街区”的设计,KCAP的方案非常突出,温柔但有力,并具有实用性,让人觉得这个场地上就应该是这个建筑;“渔博物馆”的设计,三家都还可以做得更好。 KCAP方案的空间最好用,但在形态上有一点古板。MVRDV和EMBT在建筑的地标性上做得更好,但在内部空间的实用性和趣味度上还应提升;“海礁餐厅”的设计,我更认同MVRDV与EMBT的方案,MVRDV的方案有“遗世孤立”的态度,而EMBT的方案则更加温暖、优美。

ZHU Xiaofeng

Principal Architect of Scenic Architects; Guest Professor of School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University

In this competition, the three organizations have their own highlights and regrets. KCAP's proposal for the "Angler's Blocks" stood out as a gentle but powerful and functional design that makes people feel that this is the building that should be on the site; all three could have done better with the "Fishing Museum" design. The KCAP proposal has the best space, but it is a bit hard in form; MVRDV and EMBT have done a better job in the landmark of the building, but the practicality and interest of the interior space should be improved; for the design of the "Sea Reef Restaurant", I agree with MVRDV and EMBT's proposal more, MVRDV's proposal has the characteristics of "isolated" attitude, while EMBT's proposal is warmer and more beautiful.





ZHANG Jiajing

Principal Architect of Atelier GOM; Guest Professor of School of Design, Shanghai Jiaotong University 

The three firms in this competition are all internationally recognized architectural firms, their proposals are serious and show different styles; MVRDV pays more attention to the elaboration of their design process; EMBT's design highlights the dynamic style that this firm has always had; KCAP impressed me with their four proposals, which are all designs that know more about the island or have a feeling for the island, and I like this firm's play better.


Wutopia Lab建筑设计事务所创始人



YU Ting

Founder of Wutopia Lab Architects; Lifestyler; Writer

I think sea fishing is a kind of joy of life, the spirit of sea fishing is "taming the impossible", and the highlight of a sea angler is catching the impossible fish.But unfortunately, I don't see much expression of the joy of fishing life, the spirit of fishing, and the highlights of anglers in this project. I also expect fantastical and heroic architecture to appear in this program, and I hope that architects can be brave enough to express the love of life in architecture design. We can create unprecedented wonders on such a great island.





ZHOU Jianjun

Chief Planner of Zhoushan Islands New District in Zhejiang Province; Member of the Academic Working Committee of the China Society of Urban Planning

An island must be a place of dreams and can be a place where pioneering architects unfold their adventurous spirit. Zhoushan Islands is the largest archipelago in China, thanks to all the designers and experts who came to be creative for Zhoushan! The competition proposal is excellent, all three organizations are very serious and understand the island from different perspectives, we are looking forward to the completion of the projects!

At Sea



We hope that this competition will create a cultural landscape of "Fishing Island" that is within reach of Shengshan Island and help Shengshan Island to become an international fishing base.

The competition proposals are now on display at the ACHIPELAGO TERMINAL in Shanghai West Bund. Welcome to visiti!


主办单位 | 嵊泗县人民政府

承办单位 | 嵊泗县发展和改革局

协办单位 | 上海不假思所文化艺术有限公司


项目负责 | 王欣、黄馨琳

策划与组织 | 佘兴龙、w.rong、顾家铭、赵百玲、石莹、刘晓芙、潘潘、翁李明  

新媒体 | 徐抒文、小蜻蜓

视觉 | w.rong

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