【中文版】我们,2024世界传统医药大会的与会者,在2024年12月3日至4日在中国北京举办的主题为“多元 传承 创新:让传统医药造福世界”的大会上,认同《生物多样性公约》(1992年)、《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》(2005年)、联合国教科文组织大会《保护和促进文化表现形式多样3性公约》(2005年)、《联合国土著人民权利宣言》(2007年)、联合国《2030年可持续发展议程》、《昆明—蒙特利尔全球生物多样性框架》(2022年)、世界知识产权组织《知识产权、遗传资源和相关传统知识条约》(2024年)等国际文件。 我们回顾第62届世界卫生大会传统医学决议WHA62.13,该决议敦促成员国考虑采纳和实施2008《北京宣言》,以及第67届世界卫生大会传统医学决议WHA67.18,该决议敦促成员国调整、采纳和实施《世界卫生组织2014—2023年传统医学战略》。 我们重申与传统医药相关的全球承诺,如《阿拉木图宣言》(1978年)、《阿斯塔纳初级卫生保健宣言》(2018年)、《联合国全民健康覆盖政治宣言》(2019年和2023年)、世界卫生大会关于传统医药的决议和决定,以及世界卫生组织《2025—2028年第十四个工作总规划》。 我们围绕大会主题,聚焦协调与合作、保护与利用、创新与融合,促进传统医药跨文化、跨领域工作,增强可获得性与公平性,提高安全性、有效性和环境可持续性,以实现可达到的最高健康水平、全民健康覆盖和可持续发展目标。 我们达成如下共识,作为《2024世界传统医药大会北京宣言》的成果:
1. 传统医药是优秀传统文化的重要载体,在促进文明互鉴、维护人民健康等方面发挥着重要作用。传统医药植根于相互关联的人类和环境健康,通过可持续性实践,促进人类健康和生物多样性,提供以人为本、尊重文化的服务,与初级卫生保健目标保持一致。 2. 平等是联合国2030年可持续发展议程的核心,要确保人人享有可获得、可负担、可接受和高质量的传统医药医疗服务。传统医药信息透明对于患者安全、知情选择和共同决策至关重要。 3. 传统医药的安全性和有效性均需要基于证据。对传统医药做出的决策应同时基于科学和传统证据,并需要更多数据支持,提高传统医药在医疗保健中的作用,与现代医学并行发展。 4. 传统医药具有复杂性和跨文化特性,需要专门的研究方法。数字和人工智能技术为提高传统医学研究和医疗保健服务,包括自我保健,提供了新方法。 5. 有效的监管机制至关重要,要强调患者安全和从业人员资质,保护公众免受不安全的传统医药产品和实践的影响。 6. 将安全有效的传统医药融入卫生体系,这会在重新调整医疗保健服务和卫生体系方面发挥关键作用。传统医药可以融入卫生体系的各个组成部分,覆盖整个医疗保健服务过程和生命周期的各级医疗保健。 7. 政治承诺和政策的大力支持对促进传统医药安全有效地融入卫生体系至关重要。协调且资源充足的传统医药医疗保健服务和专业教育是实现以人为本的医疗卫生服务的关键。
8. 推广传统医药的概念、知识和实践,以达到人与动物及大自然的健康和谐共处。除在卫生保健领域外,还在文化、教育、农业、环境、知识产权、贸易和社会保护等其他领域,积极协调跨领域、跨部门、跨专业合作,发挥传统医药在实现多个可持续发展目标方面的作用。 9. 支持制定和实施国际传统医药优先研究议程,重点开展设计严谨且具高度影响力的科学研究,并就关键成果指标达成协议。加大力度调动更多资金和技术资源用于研究,以夯实传统医学的证据基础。推进透明且符合伦理的医疗实践,包括传统医药研究中的临床试验注册和证据知情决策。加强数据库建设,支持证据生成和应用。加强能力建设,使传统医药从业者能够参与研究项目的共同设计。 10. 推动传统医学与现代医学融合,用现代科技阐释传统医学,识别并应用传统医学证据。这也是实现身心健康和福祉的重要途径。鼓励探索二者相结合的模式,支持传统医学与现代医学研究人员和从业者合作开展更多研究。 11. 探索具有创新性的研究方法和研究工具,并且能与传统医药知识及其实践的独特性相适应,比如其独特的复杂干预和整体干预。这些方法和工具,包括考虑使用复杂性科学、系统生物学、大数据和真实世界数据,以及跨学科合作等。最大限度地合理利用人工智能等先进技术,探索能与传统医药独特性相匹配的创新研究方法。 12. 加强国际监管合作,实现公平获取传统医药产品,作为平衡监管机制和监督的重要成果。实施适当的监管机制,确保传统医药产品的可持续生产和供应。参与世界卫生组织国际草药药典等规范和标准的制定与实施。 13. 调整监管框架以适应不同形式的传统医药实践和从业者,包括为教育培训、资格认证和执业要求制定标准,同时构建平衡机制,促进行业间的合作与协调。 14. 推动制定政治承诺和政策框架,使传统医药安全有效地融入医疗保健服务和卫生体系。制定教育政策框架,推动传统医学与现代医学从业人员的相互理解、交流与合作。根据各国实际情况,促进传统医学与现代医学融合,为使用者提供无缝衔接的医疗服务,实现以人为本的卫生保健共同目标,特别是初级卫生保健目标。积极探索和分享实现全民健康覆盖的融合模式。 15. 呼吁各国政府、卫生和教育行政部门及私立机构,加大资金和人力资源投入,加强传统医药人才培养,开展学术教育、师承教育和各类职业培训,提高传统医药从业人员的整体素质,培养更多合格的专业人士。 16. 保护所有传承者的传统医药知识,推广包容性的方法和模式,发挥传统医药知识对身心健康的作用,实现传统医药知识的惠益分享。 17. 赋权于个人、家庭和社区,倡导促进与保护健康和福祉的政策制定,利用传统医药知识和实践,共同发展卫生健康和社会服务。 18. 加强国际交流合作,为决策者、传统医药专业人员、社区领导和私营人员建立网络沟通平台,共同提高传统医药卫生保健服务水平,促进传统医药产业的高质量、可持续发展。 19. 鼓励开展更多双边和多边国际项目,在最需要的国家和群体中,加强传统医药决策者和专业人士的能力建设,确保在实现联合国可持续发展目标的全球进程中,不让任何人掉队。
●我们,2024年世界传统医药大会的与会者,承诺:支持并最大程度地促进新的《世界卫生组织传统医学战略2025—2034》的制定与实施,以实现其总目标和战略目标。 ●推动发展传统医药是我们共同的责任。我们呼吁所有利益相关者与我们共同努力,充分发挥传统医药在实现全民健康覆盖中的潜力。
我们,2024世界传统医药大会的与会者,在2024年12月3日至4日在中国北京举办的主题为“多元 传承 创新:让传统医药造福世界”的大会上,认同《生物多样性公约》(1992年)、《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》(2005年)、联合国教科文组织大会《保护和促进文化表现形式多样性公约》(2005年)、《联合国土著人民权利宣言》(2007年)、联合国《2030年可持续发展议程》、《昆明—蒙特利尔全球生物多样性框架》(2022年)、世界知识产权组织《知识产权、遗传资源和相关传统知识条约》(2024年)等国际文件。We,the participants of the 2024 World Conference on Traditional Medicine under the theme of"Diversity,Inheritance and Innovation;Traditional Medicine for All",held in Beijing,China,on 3 and 4 December 2024,acknowledge the Convention on Biological Diversity(1992),the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights(TRIPS,2005);the United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO) Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions(2005);the United Nations(UN)Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples(2007);the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development;the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework World(2022),and the World Intellectual Property Organization(WIPO)Treaty on Intellectual Property,Genetic Resources,and Associated Traditional Knowledge(2024).
我们回顾第62届世界卫生大会传统医学决议WHA62.13,该决议敦促成员国考虑采纳和实施2008《北京宣言》,以及第67届世界卫生大会传统医学决议WHA67.18,该决议敦促成员国调整、采纳和实施《世界卫生组织2014—2023年传统医学战略》。We recall the resolution World Health Assembly(WHA)62.13 on traditional medicine(TM),which urges Member States to consider adopting and implementing the Beijing Declaration on TM,and the resolution WHA67.18 on TM which urges to adapt,adopt and implement the World Health Organization(WHO) TM strategy:2014-2023.
我们重申与传统医药相关的全球承诺,如《阿拉木图宣言》(1978年)、《阿斯塔纳初级卫生保健宣言》(2018年)、《联合国全民健康覆盖政治宣言》(2019年和2023年)、世界卫生大会关于传统医药的决议和决定,以及世界卫生组织《2025—2028年第十四个工作总规划》。We reaffirm global commitments related to TM,as noted in the Declaration of Alma-Ata(1978),the Declaration of Astana on Primary Health Care(PHC,2018),the UN General Assembly Political Declarations on Universal Health Coverage(UHC,2019 and 2023),WHA resolutions and decisions on TM,and WHO Fourteenth General Program of Work 2025-2028.
我们围绕大会主题,聚焦协调与合作、保护与利用、创新与融合,促进传统医药跨文化、跨领域工作,增强可获得性与公平性,提高安全性、有效性和环境可持续性,以实现可达到的最高健康水平、全民健康覆盖和可持续发展目标。We contributed to the conference theme,focusing on promoting the TM cross-culture and cross-sector value,TM universal accessibility and equity,TM safety,effectiveness and environmental sustainability through harmonization and collaboration,protection and capitalization,innovation and integration for achieving the highest attainable health and well-being,UHC and the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs).
我们达成如下共识,作为《2024世界传统医药大会北京宣言》的成果:我们认识到:We reached the following consensus as evidence-informed outcomes of the Beijing Declaration of 2024 World Conference on TM.
• 传统医药是优秀传统文化的重要载体,在促进文明互鉴、维护人民健康等方面发挥着重要作用。传统医药植根于相互关联的人类和环境健康,通过可持续性实践,促进人类健康和生物多样性,提供以人为本、尊重文化的服务,与初级卫生保健目标保持一致。TM is an important carrier of excellent traditional culture,playing a significant role in promoting mutual learning among civilizations and safeguarding people's health.TM is deeply rooted in interconnected human and environmental health.It supports well-being and biodiversity through sustainable practices and promotes people-centered,culturally respectful care aligned with PHC.
• 平等是联合国2030年可持续发展议程的核心,要确保人人享有可获得、可负担、可接受和高质量的传统医药医疗服务。传统医药信息透明对于患者安全、知情选择和共同决策至关重要。Equity is central to the UN 2030 Agenda,ensuring TM services are accessible,affordable,acceptable,and of high quality for all.Transparent information on TM is essential for safe,informed health choices and shared decision-making.
• 传统医药的安全性和有效性均需要基于证据。对传统医药做出的决策应同时基于科学和传统证据,并需要更多数据支持,提高传统医药在医疗保健中的作用,与现代医学并行发展。Evidence-Based is necessary for TM's safety and effectiveness.Decisions on TM should draw from both scientific and traditional evidence,with more data needed to strengthen its role in healthcare alongside biomedicine.
• 传统医药具有复杂性和跨文化特性,需要专门的研究方法。数字和人工智能技术为提高传统医学研究和医疗保健服务,包括自我保健,提供了新方法。TM's complex,cross-cultural nature requires specialized research methods,with digital and Artificial Intelligence(AI)technologies offering new possibilities for enhancing TM research and health care services,including self-care.
• 有效的监管机制至关重要,要强调患者安全和从业人员资质,保护公众免受不安全的传统医药产品和实践的影响。Effective regulatory mechanisms,emphasizing patient safety and practitioner qualifications,are essential to protect the public from unsafe TM products and practices.
• 将安全有效的传统医药融入卫生体系,这会在重新调整医疗保健服务和卫生体系方面发挥关键作用。传统医药可以融入卫生体系的各个组成部分,覆盖整个医疗保健服务过程和生命周期的各级医疗保健。The integration of safe and effective TM into health systems will play a key role in the reorienting of health care services and health systems.TM can be integrated into all the building blocks of a health system,covering all levels of health care across the care continuum and life course.
• 政治承诺和政策的大力支持对促进传统医药安全有效地融入卫生体系至关重要。协调且资源充足的传统医药医疗保健服务和专业教育是实现以人为本的医疗卫生服务的关键。Strong political commitment and policies are critical to support the integration of safe and effective TM.Coordinated and well-resourced TM health care services,alongside professional education,are key to achieving people-centered care.
我们一致同意采取以下行动:We agree to take the following actions:
• 推广传统医药的概念、知识和实践,以达到人与动物及大自然的健康和谐共处。除在卫生保健领域外,还在文化、教育、农业、环境、知识产权、贸易和社会保护等其他领域,积极协调跨领域、跨部门、跨专业合作,发挥传统医药在实现多个可持续发展目标方面的作用。Promote TM concepts,knowledge,and practices to assist in integrating human,animal,and environmental health.Actively coordinate and collaborate across multiple sectors,agencies,and disciplines not only related to health care but also other areas such as culture,education,agriculture,environment,intellectual property,trade,and social protection.Engage TM contribution in the achievement of multiple SDGs targets.
• 支持制定和实施国际传统医药优先研究议程,重点开展设计严谨且具高度影响力的科学研究,并就关键成果指标达成协议。加大力度调动更多资金和技术资源用于研究,以夯实传统医学的证据基础。推进透明且符合伦理的医疗实践,包括传统医药研究中的临床试验注册和证据知情决策。加强数据库建设,支持证据生成和应用。加强能力建设,使传统医药从业者能够参与研究项目的共同设计。Support the establishment and implementation of an international TM priority research agenda focusing on rigorous and high-impact scientific research with agreements on key outcome measures.Scale up the efforts in mobilizing more financial and technical resources for research to enhance the evidence base of TM.Promote transparent and ethical practices including clinical trial registration in TM research and evidence-informed decision making.Strengthen data banks to support evidence production and implementation.Enhance the capacity building for the involvement of TM practitioners in the co-design of research projects.
• 推动传统医学与现代医学融合,用现代科技阐释传统医学,识别并应用传统医学证据。这也是实现身心健康和福祉的重要途径。鼓励探索二者相结合的模式,支持传统医学与现代医学研究人员和从业者合作开展更多研究。Integrate TM and biomedicine,and explain TM through modern science and technology for identifying and applying TM evidence.It is also an important approach for achieving whole-person health and well-being.Exploring the models for the integration needs to be encouraged and more researches conducted through the collaboration of both TM and biomedicine researchers and practitioners should be supported.
• 探索具有创新性的研究方法和研究工具,并且能与传统医药知识及其实践的独特性相适应,比如其独特的复杂干预和整体干预。这些方法和工具,包括考虑使用复杂性科学、系统生物学、大数据和真实世界数据,以及跨学科合作等。最大限度地合理利用人工智能等先进技术,探索能与传统医药独特性相匹配的创新研究方法。
Explore innovative approaches and tools to TM research that are appropriate to the unique characteristics of TM knowledge and practices such as complex and holistic interventions,including consideration of the use of complexity science,system biology,big data and real-world data approaches,as well as interdisciplinary collaboration.Maximize the rational use of advanced technologies such as AI for developing appropriate and innovative approaches to research on TM.
• 加强国际监管合作,实现公平获取传统医药产品,作为平衡监管机制和监督的重要成果。实施适当的监管机制,确保传统医药产品的可持续生产和供应。参与世界卫生组织国际草药药典等规范和标准的制定与实施。
Expand international regulatory collaboration and cooperation for achieving equitable access to TM products as an essential outcome of balanced regulatory mechanisms and oversight.Implement appropriate regulatory mechanisms for ensuring sustainable production and supply of TM products.Contribute to the norms and standards setting and implementation including the WHO International Herbal Pharmacopeia.
• 调整监管框架以适应不同形式的传统医药实践和从业者,包括为教育培训、资格认证和执业要求制定标准,同时构建平衡机制,促进行业间的合作与协调。
Adapt regulatory frameworks to different forms of TM practices and practitioners including appropriate standards for educational programs,certifications,and licensing requirements and balancing frameworks to inter-professional collaboration and coordination.
• 推动制定政治承诺和政策框架,使传统医药安全有效地融入医疗保健服务和卫生体系。制定教育政策框架,推动传统医学与现代医学从业人员的相互理解、交流与合作。根据各国实际情况,促进传统医学与现代医学融合,为使用者提供无缝衔接的医疗服务,实现以人为本的卫生保健共同目标,特别是初级卫生保健目标。积极探索和分享实现全民健康覆盖的融合模式。
Promote the formulation of political commitments and policy frameworks for the safe and effective integration of TM into health care services and health systems including policy frameworks for educating practitioners of both TM and biomedicine to promote mutual understanding,communication,and collaboration.Facilitate the integration of TM and biomedicine as appropriate to each country to provide users with the seamless care they need to achieve the shared goal of people-centered care especially in PHC.Actively explore and share models of the appropriate integration for achieving UHC.
• 呼吁各国政府、卫生和教育行政部门及私立机构,加大资金和人力资源投入,加强传统医药人才培养,开展学术教育、师承教育和各类职业培训,提高传统医药从业人员的整体素质,培养更多合格的专业人士。
We urge governments,health and education administrative departments,as well as the private sectors,to increase investments in funding and human resources for the cultivation of talent in TM encompassing academic education,apprenticeship training,and various types of professional development.These efforts shall aim to enhance the overall quality of practitioners in TM and foster a greater number of qualified professionals in this field.
• 保护所有传承者的传统医药知识,推广包容性的方法和模式,发挥传统医药知识对身心健康的作用,实现传统医药知识的惠益分享。
Protect the TM knowledge of all its custodians,Promote inclusive approaches and models for benefit-sharing of TM knowledge and capitalize its potential to health and well-being.
• 赋权于个人、家庭和社区,倡导促进与保护健康和福祉的政策制定,利用传统医药知识和实践,共同发展卫生健康和社会服务。
Empower individuals,families,and communities to advocate for policies that promote and protect their health and well-being through the use of TM knowledge and practice,and act as co-developers of health and social services.
• 加强国际交流合作,为决策者、传统医药专业人员、社区领导和私营人员建立网络沟通平台,共同提高传统医药卫生保健服务水平,促进传统医药产业的高质量、可持续发展。
Strengthen the international exchanges and collaboration,build networks and platforms for policymakers,TM professionals,community leaders,and private sectors for the collective contribution to qualified and sustainable advancement of TM health care and herbal medicines industries across the world.
• 鼓励开展更多双边和多边国际项目,在最需要的国家和群体中,加强传统医药决策者和专业人士的能力建设,确保在实现联合国可持续发展目标的全球进程中,不让任何人掉队。
Encourage initiation of more bilateral and multilateral international programs on capacity building for TM policymakers and professionals in the most needed countries and groups to leave no one behind in the process towards achieving the UN SDGs targets at the global level.
We,the participants,pledge to support and maximize our contribution to the finalization and implementation of the new WHO TM Strategy 2025-2034 for achieving its goal and strategic objectives.
Promoting TM is a shared responsibility.We urge all relevant stakeholders to join us in harnessing the potential contribution of TM to UHC.
• 探索具有创新性的研究方法和研究工具,并且能与传统医药知识及其实践的独特性相适应,比如其独特的复杂干预和整体干预。这些方法和工具,包括考虑使用复杂性科学、系统生物学、大数据和真实世界数据,以及跨学科合作等。最大限度地合理利用人工智能等先进技术,探索能与传统医药独特性相匹配的创新研究方法。
Explore innovative approaches and tools to TM research that are appropriate to the unique characteristics of TM knowledge and practices such as complex and holistic interventions,including consideration of the use of complexity science,system biology,big data and real-world data approaches,as well as interdisciplinary collaboration.Maximize the rational use of advanced technologies such as AI for developing appropriate and innovative approaches to research on TM.
• 加强国际监管合作,实现公平获取传统医药产品,作为平衡监管机制和监督的重要成果。实施适当的监管机制,确保传统医药产品的可持续生产和供应。参与世界卫生组织国际草药药典等规范和标准的制定与实施。
Expand international regulatory collaboration and cooperation for achieving equitable access to TM products as an essential outcome of balanced regulatory mechanisms and oversight.Implement appropriate regulatory mechanisms for ensuring sustainable production and supply of TM products.Contribute to the norms and standards setting and implementation including the WHO International Herbal Pharmacopeia.
• 调整监管框架以适应不同形式的传统医药实践和从业者,包括为教育培训、资格认证和执业要求制定标准,同时构建平衡机制,促进行业间的合作与协调。
Adapt regulatory frameworks to different forms of TM practices and practitioners including appropriate standards for educational programs,certifications,and licensing requirements and balancing frameworks to inter-professional collaboration and coordination.
• 推动制定政治承诺和政策框架,使传统医药安全有效地融入医疗保健服务和卫生体系。制定教育政策框架,推动传统医学与现代医学从业人员的相互理解、交流与合作。根据各国实际情况,促进传统医学与现代医学融合,为使用者提供无缝衔接的医疗服务,实现以人为本的卫生保健共同目标,特别是初级卫生保健目标。积极探索和分享实现全民健康覆盖的融合模式。
Promote the formulation of political commitments and policy frameworks for the safe and effective integration of TM into health care services and health systems including policy frameworks for educating practitioners of both TM and biomedicine to promote mutual understanding,communication,and collaboration.Facilitate the integration of TM and biomedicine as appropriate to each country to provide users with the seamless care they need to achieve the shared goal of people-centered care especially in PHC.Actively explore and share models of the appropriate integration for achieving UHC.
• 呼吁各国政府、卫生和教育行政部门及私立机构,加大资金和人力资源投入,加强传统医药人才培养,开展学术教育、师承教育和各类职业培训,提高传统医药从业人员的整体素质,培养更多合格的专业人士。
We urge governments,health and education administrative departments,as well as the private sectors,to increase investments in funding and human resources for the cultivation of talent in TM encompassing academic education,apprenticeship training,and various types of professional development.These efforts shall aim to enhance the overall quality of practitioners in TM and foster a greater number of qualified professionals in this field.
• 保护所有传承者的传统医药知识,推广包容性的方法和模式,发挥传统医药知识对身心健康的作用,实现传统医药知识的惠益分享。
Protect the TM knowledge of all its custodians,Promote inclusive approaches and models for benefit-sharing of TM knowledge and capitalize its potential to health and well-being.
• 赋权于个人、家庭和社区,倡导促进与保护健康和福祉的政策制定,利用传统医药知识和实践,共同发展卫生健康和社会服务。
Empower individuals,families,and communities to advocate for policies that promote and protect their health and well-being through the use of TM knowledge and practice,and act as co-developers of health and social services.
• 加强国际交流合作,为决策者、传统医药专业人员、社区领导和私营人员建立网络沟通平台,共同提高传统医药卫生保健服务水平,促进传统医药产业的高质量、可持续发展。
Strengthen the international exchanges and collaboration,build networks and platforms for policymakers,TM professionals,community leaders,and private sectors for the collective contribution to qualified and sustainable advancement of TM health care and herbal medicines industries across the world.
• 鼓励开展更多双边和多边国际项目,在最需要的国家和群体中,加强传统医药决策者和专业人士的能力建设,确保在实现联合国可持续发展目标的全球进程中,不让任何人掉队。
Encourage initiation of more bilateral and multilateral international programs on capacity building for TM policymakers and professionals in the most needed countries and groups to leave no one behind in the process towards achieving the UN SDGs targets at the global level.
We,the participants,pledge to support and maximize our contribution to the finalization and implementation of the new WHO TM Strategy 2025-2034 for achieving its goal and strategic objectives.
Promoting TM is a shared responsibility.We urge all relevant stakeholders to join us in harnessing the potential contribution of TM to UHC.