So Trump is the next president of the United States. Liberal media is freaking out, calling this a disaster (灾难). The polls were horribly off (错得离谱)…again, but I actually predicted (预测) a Trump win!
How did this happen? 那这到底是怎么发生的呢?
This election, there were 7 states that were most important, i.e. the swing states (摇摆州): Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada.
Harris’ most direct path to victory was winning the “blue wall states” of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan.
哈里斯实际表现怎么样呢?And how did Harris do?
Not only did Trump win ALL the swing states, but he also dominated the popular vote. Even though (虽然、尽管) that “doesn’t matter,” it’s further proof of Trump’s immense support this year (or Americans’ immense dissatisfaction with the Democrat party).
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What went wrong? 哈里斯咋了?
Harris UNDERPERFORMED compared to Biden almost EVERYWHERE. People say that Republicans are mostly in rural (农村) areas, but urban areas swung MASSIVELY for Trump.
In New York City, the migrant crisis and weak economy made it so that Trump gained HUGE followings in Queens, Bronx, etc.
Looking at how different ethnicities voted, Asian and Latino voters had some pretty significant changes. Compared to 2020, Latino men went +18% for Trump. And Trump's support among Asian Americans increased by over 5%!
Total Voting Numbers vs. 2020 投票总数与2020年对比
People say Democrats just didn’t come out to vote. In 2020, there were 155,000,000 votes (81m for Biden, 74m for Trump)
Initially, a lot of people were saying this, but they ignored the fact that on election night, we still have a lot of ballots to count, and the total is very different from what you have that day. Trump is already at 76 million votes (more than he got in 2020), and Kamala is almost 74 million (and she might beat Trump's 2020 vote count).
BUT ACTUALLY, the most important places, Swing States, hit record numbers!
If she got the same amount of votes in those states as Biden, she still would’ve lost because of how many MORE people vote for Trump (Kamala Screwed Anyway)
Left vs. Right Media 左派媒体 vs 右派媒体
Top Political Podcasts & non-mainstream media are almost all right-leaning
Conservative messaging of “SWAMP the vote,” which means to overwhelm voting so much that even if the Democrats cheated, they wouldn’t be able to get enough votes.
Left-leaning media just kept telling people that Trump was bad, senile, and he was screwed anyway.
Did that lead to voter complacency on the left? And energize the right? Potentially… I think so.
What People REALLY Care About 那美国老百姓到底关心的是什么?
Ultimately, people are PRIMARILY focused on themselves. And they feel like they are worse off now than they were four years ago. We can go into how decisions affect the economy and how long it takes another day.
But Democrats weren’t able to convince people that they would be able to fix it. Many people who don’t necessarily like Trump still voted for him because they had greater confidence that he’d be able to bring about change.
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