
文摘   2023-07-16 10:03   广东  

What's up guys! 我是老马。拖延是没有意义的,但拖延者始终无法摆脱等到最后一刻才去做事情的习惯。在这个有趣而有洞察力的演讲中,演讲者鼓励我们在时间耗尽之前,更认真地思考我们真正的拖延是什么。让我们一起来看看吧!

When I was in college, I had to write a lot of papers. Most students spread the work out(分布) over time(随着时间的推移). But I would wait until the last minute(等到最后时刻) and then try to do it all at once(同时). I thought that procrastinators might have different brains than other people. So I found a lab and had my brain scanned. Then I compared it to(与...相比) a scan of a person who doesn't procrastinate.


Our brains were different. Both brains have a Rational Decision-Maker, but the brain of the procrastinator also has an Instant Gratification(即时满足) Monkey. This means that the procrastinator will make a rational decision to do something productive(有效率的), but then the Instant Gratification Monkey will take over(接管) and make the person do something else instead.


The Instant Gratification Monkey does not make good decisions. He only cares about(关心) two things: easy and fun. That means he does not remember the past or plan for(计划) the future. Sometimes it is good to(...是好的) do things that are easy and fun. But other times we need to do things that are harder and less pleasant. That's when we have a conflict.



