Special Issue in Honor of Dr. Alexander Poznyak 80th birthday celebration
Submission deadline: 31 January 2026
Guest editors:
Dr Isaac Chairez
Tecnologico de Monterrey, Monterrey, Mexico
Email: isaac.chairez@tec.mx
Fields of interest: Robotics, Neural networks, Fuzzy systems, Adaptive control, Data mining, Biomedical systems, Metabolic Networks and Dynamic Games
Dr Wen Yu
Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional (CINVESTAV-IPN), Ciudad de México, Mexico
Email: yuw@ctrl.cinvestav.mx
Fields of interest: Robotics, Neural networks, Fuzzy systems, Adaptive control, Data mining
Special issue information:
This special issue invites comprehensive survey/review papers that address the latest advancements in neural networks and their applications. We encourage submissions of survey/review that build upon Dr. Poznyak's pioneering work and explore new frontiers in the field. Please note that only survey/review papers will be considered for this special issue; other types of papers, including original research articles, will not be accepted. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
Novel neural network architectures: Exploring innovative topologies for recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and differential neural networks (DNNs) with a focus on improved performance and efficiency.
Game theory and neural networks: Developing theoretical frameworks for differential and static games with uncertain models using RNNs and DNNs, with applications in various domains.
System identification and learning: Advancing parametric and non-parametric identification methods for deriving effective learning laws for RNNs and DNNs.
Control and estimation: Designing robust controllers and estimators for systems with approximate dynamics based on RNN and DNN models.
Stability analysis and learning: Applying Lyapunov stability theory to develop novel learning algorithms for neural networks with guaranteed stability and performance.
Constrained optimization: Addressing state and control constraints in the dynamics of artificial neural networks for practical applications.
Distributed parameter systems: Approximating complex distributed parameter systems using neural networks for efficient modeling and control.
Physics-informed neural networks: Developing and applying physics-informed neural networks to solve challenging engineering and scientific problems.
Biomedical and biotechnological applications: Exploring the use of neural networks in biomedical imaging, drug discovery, and other related areas.
Chemical systems modeling and control: Applying neural networks to model and control complex chemical processes.
Manuscript submission information:
Manuscript Submission Deadline: January 31, 2026
Prospective authors should follow standard author instructions for Neurocomputing and submit their manuscripts online at https://www.editorialmanager.com/neucom/default.aspx. Authors must select “VSI: Dr. Alexander Poznyak 80th birthday" when they reach the "Article Type" step.
Please refer to the Guide for Authors (https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/neurocomputing/publish/guide-for-authors) to prepare your manuscript.
Differential Neural Networks; Recurrent Neural Networks; Advanced learning laws; Intelligent control