PART ONE. 在寂静中启程
In 1990, Japan experienced an economic crisis, and various industries were plunged into a state of depression. However, three classmates from ten years ago, Shunsaku Miyagi, Junichi Yoshimura, and Susumu Yoshida, chose to come together and go against the trend.At that time, Yoshimura had followed the pioneer of Japanese gardening, Shodo Suzuki, for ten years. Miyagi had studied at Harvard University and mastered the cutting-edge technologies and ideas from the US. And Yoshida had ten years of construction experience. They were deeply concerned about the current state of the Japanese landscape industry and hope to convey a completely different design philosophy from the current flashy landscape designs.PLACEMEDIA创始合伙人(从左至右):吉田新、宫城俊作、吉村纯一
我们想做什么?面对日本高速发展三十年(1960-1990)留下的华丽浓妆,三位默契认同景观的本质并非在场地创造吸引眼球的装饰物,而是帮助焕发场地本身的特质,包括自然风貌、历史文化等。因此将公司取名为PLACE MEDIA,意为“场所的媒介”。他们将设计师比作人与场所之间的中转站(即媒介),通过自己的美学思考和技术经验,还原场地鲜为人知的魅力,让风景自然显现。
What do we want to do? Facing the gorgeous decoration left by Japan's rapid development for three decades (1960-1990), the three believe that the essence of landscape is not to create eye-catching decorations in the site, but to help revitalize the natural and cultural characteristics of the site itself. Therefore, they named their company PLACE MEDIA, meaning "the medium of place". They compare designers to the intermediary between people and places, using their aesthetic thinking and technical to reveal the hidden charm of the landscape. Make the scenery appear naturally.1994,植村直己纪念公园,获日本建筑学会奖项
PART TWO. 萧条期的生存方式
There is no business, but there is more time for free expression. When there are no job opportunities in the market, they present their ideas in the form of concepts and participate in various exhibitions with relatively low budget investment, thereby gaining recognition from people who are on the same wavelength. Over the course of two or three years, PLACEMEDIA did receive more and more commissions to create various landscape places, and the Shimura Naoyuki Memorial Park mentioned earlier is one of the projects obtained through this approach.1992年,PLACEMEDIA创始人宫城俊作(日本景观设计第一人)与佐佐木叶二(日本当代三大景观设计师之一)、三谷彻(后与长谷川浩己成立studio on site)等同学开展的各种景观主题展览
PART THREE. 当前中日差异
The ecological awareness in society is different. According to current projects, Yoshimura has found, Whether it is a project in the center of Tokyo or a remote factory construction project, people's protection of the ecological environment has been a general consensus.
For the general public, the recent frequent occurrence of high temperatures and other deteriorating climate conditions that everyone is experiencing has made people worried about the environment, which in turn has led them to urge the government and construction units to take ecologically sustainable development measures. Unreasonable development and excessive intervention will not be accepted, and may even be severely criticized.
For business owners and developers, the involvement of landscape design is not about earning short-term revenue from land lot heat, but about seeking the well-being of the public and society, thereby establishing a good corporate image, which can actually lead to brand premium and longer-term economic benefits.
Traditionally, people have a different sense of boundaries. In response to a question about the differences between China and Japan, Yoshimura added another point he believed: the Chinese tradition of building cities with walls to protect them from other invaders, and the common people used to build courtyards and gardens to enjoy their own world and have a clear sense of boundaries. Japan has historically been less war-torn, and cities are protected by natural mountains, so each site is connected to the other. The essence of the landscape is not to create gorgeous new things inside the closed site, but to allow the relationship within the site to emerge by establishing a connection with the surrounding area.
Although the site has boundaries, the design should not have boundaries.04
PART FOUR. 永远适用的设计方法
Preserving the natural charm. Looking back on the various projects of the past 34 years, the current international hot words, such as resilient landscape, environmental trends, etc., Yoshimura believes that many of the company's past projects have been in practice, although these words did not appear at the time, but it is enough to prove that some of the team's working concepts are still applicable now, and also applicable to the future.PLACEMEDIA's new book is not only a summary of previous work, but also covers current work and how it relates to future work. For example, the design method of "preserving the natural charm".虽然庭院面积很小,但设计师并没有配合场地尺寸改用小型树木来模仿自然
PART FIVE. 去玩吧!请尽情感受自然!
吉泽真太郎:就像现在和大家分享一样,我也在大学教那些从将要开始做景观的人,我们是在同一个领域朝着同一个方向努力的伙伴,在分享我们迄今为止积累的知识的同时,以前的机制正在发生越来越大的变化,各种智能工具也在不断发展。作为新时代的伙伴,我会践行我的景观理念不会改变,所以,即使我们在不同的公司,做着不同的工作,坚信我们将永远前行,共勉。Yoshimura: I was at a landscape event in Kyushu last week, and a lot of people asked me how exactly should I study?I said, please go play, go skiing, go to the beach to surf...... Only when you go to experience nature, feel nature, you will really love nature, find climate change, sea water pollution and other environmental problems. You will gain new ideas while playing, so I think if you play more, you will learn more. This is my answer.Yoshizawa: As I share with you now, I also teach those who are going to start doing landscape design in the university, we are partners working in the same field and in the same direction, while sharing the knowledge we have accumulated so far, the previous mechanisms are changing more and more, and various intelligent tools are constantly evolving. As a landscape architect in the new era, I will practice my landscape concept will not change, so even if we are in different companies, doing different jobs, I firmly believe that we will always move forward, mutual inspiration.
— END —
PLACEMEDIA事务所探访+游学招募中 | 枫叶季东京X京都(11.25-12.1)