北京大学-统计基因组与遗传流行病学、功能与单细胞多组学/AI 方向诚聘博士后

学术   2025-02-04 18:14   安徽  










韩西坤,2024 年加入北京大学流行病与卫生统计学系,研究员、博士生导师、北京大学博雅青年学者、国家青年人才项目(海外)。

先后于中山大学、北京协和医学院 (导师:顾东风院士)、澳大利亚昆士兰大学/昆士兰医学研究所(统计遗传学方向,博士导师:Stuart MacGregor 教授【澳大利亚 Health&Medical Sciences 院士】)完成本科到博士阶段的学习。在哈佛大学公共卫生学院流行病系,遗传流行病与统计遗传学项目(导师:Liming Liang 教授);麻省理工学院计算机与人工智能实验室,Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,计算生物学组(导师:Manolis Kellis 教授)完成博士后研究。

获国家青年人才项目(海外)、美国人类遗传学会研究奖(Charles J. Epstein Trainee Research Award)- semifinalist 、澳大利亚 CSL Florey Next Generation Award - finalist、国家优秀自费留学生奖学金等。

研究成果以第一/通讯作者发表于 Nature Genetics(2 篇, 独立通讯), American Journal of Human Genetics, Cell Genomics, JAMA Ophthalmology (3 篇), Cell Reports Medicine, BMC Medicine, European Journal of Epidemiology, International Journal of Epidemiology, Human Molecular Genetics 等期刊。

先后受邀为几十个国际期刊审稿,包括 Nature Genetics, Cell Genomics, American Journal of Human Genetics, Cell Reports, Nature Communications, Ophthalmology, JAMA Ophthalmology, BMC Medicine, European Journal of Epidemiology 等。

代表性研究包括:1)基于大脑组织单细胞多组学,探究神经精神类疾病的功能基因组学基础(Nature, under review, first author)2)基于多组学、功能基因组学,鉴定潜在的青光眼基因药物靶点 (Nature Genetics 2023);3)整合大型队列遗传学,鉴定青光眼易感位点,系统评价遗传风险预测模型及临床应用价值 (Nature Genetics 2020);4)采用深度学习、大规模影像学、基因组学,进行跨种族遗传学研究 (American Journal of Human Genetics 2021)。


招聘人数:2 名



2)计算方向主要课题:a) genetics and single cell genomics; b) AI in genomics and healthcare;

3)实验方向:开展分子遗传学、功能基因组学等相关研究,采用细胞/动物模型、单细胞多组学、空间组学、organoid、iPSC、MPRA、CRISPR 等技术,探究疾病遗传调控机制。




3)计算方向:具有计算机、统计学、生物信息学、流行病与卫生统计学、遗传学等计算背景。熟悉常用统计或深度学习方法(VAE/CNN/transformer/diffusion model 等),熟悉至少一门编程语言(Python/R 等) 及 Linux 系统操作等。

4)实验方向:具有分子生物学、生物化学和生物医学相关实验学科背景(眼科学、神经生物学优先);熟悉以下之一:细胞/动物模型、单细胞多组学、空间组学、organoid、iPSC、MPRA、CRISPR 等。课题组将为实验背景的同学提供计算方向的科研培训。




全力协助申报博士后相关项目; 根据研究兴趣,全力协助实现职业发展规划。


请将应聘材料发送至 genetics.genomics.lab@gmail.com,邮件标题请注明「应聘-岗位 (如博士后)-姓名


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« †joint first author, *corresponding author »

  • Han X†*, Gharahkhani P†, Hamel AR, Ong JS, …, Hewitt AW, Craig JE, Pasquale LR, Mackey DA, Wiggs JL, Khawaja AP, Segrè AV, MacGregor S. Large scale multi-trait genome-wide association analysis identifies hundreds of glaucoma risk loci. Nature Genetics. 2023; 55(7):1116-1125

  • Craig JE†, Han X†*, Qassim A†, Hassall M, …, Wiggs JL, Hewitt AW, MacGregor S. Multitrait analysis of glaucoma identifies new loci and enables effective polygenic risk score prediction of disease susceptibility, progression. Nature Genetics. 2020; 52(2):160-166.

  • Han X*, Steven K, Qassim A, Marshall HN, Bean C, Tremeer M, An J, Siggs OM, Gharahkhani P, Craig JE, Hewitt AW, Trzaskowski M, MacGregor S. Automated AI labelling of optic nerve head enables new insights into cross-ancestry glaucoma risk and genetic discovery in >280,000 images from UKB and CLSA. American Journal of Human Genetics. 2021; 108(7):1204-1216.

  • Li      C, Chen K, Fang Q, Shi S, Nan J, He J, Yin Y, Li X, Li J, Hou L, Hu X,      Kellis M, Han X*, Xiong X*.      Crosstalk between epitranscriptomic and epigenomic modifications and its      implication in human diseases. Cell Genomics. 2024, doi:      10.1016/j.xgen.2024.100605.

  • Han X*, Lains I, Li J, Li J, Chen Y, Yu B, Qi Q, Boerwinkle E, Kaplan R, Thyagarajan B, Daviglus M, Joslin CE, …, Miller J, Hu F, Willett W, Lasky-Su J, Kraft P, Richards JB, MacGregor S, Husain D, Liang L. Integrating genetics and metabolomics from multi-ethnic and multi-fluid data reveals putative mechanisms for age-related macular degeneration. Cell Reports Medicine. 2023;4(7):101085.

  • Han X*, Hewitt AW, MacGregor S. Predicting the future of genetic risk profiling of glaucoma: a narrative review. JAMA ophthalmology. 2021;139(2):224-231.

  • Han X†, Souzeau E†, Ong JS, An J, Siggs OM, Burdon KP, …, Hewitt AW, Gharahkhani P, Craig JE, MacGregor S. Myocilin Gene Gln368Ter Variant Penetrance and Association With Glaucoma in Population-Based and Registry-Based Studies. JAMA Ophthalmology. 2019; 137(1):28-35.

  • Han X*, Gharahkhani P, Mitchell P, Liew G, Hewitt AW, MacGregor S. Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies identify novel genes for age-related macular degeneration. Journal of Human Genetics. 2020; 65(8):657-665.

  • Han X*, Ong JS, Hewitt AW, Gharahkhani P, MacGregor S. The effects of eight serum lipid biomarkers on age-related macular degeneration risk: a Mendelian randomization study. International journal of epidemiology. 2021; 50(1):325-336.

  • Han X*, Liang L*. metabolomicsR: a streamlined workflow to analyze metabolomic data in R. Bioinformatics Advances. 2022; 2(1):vbac067.

« co-author »

  • Daniszewski M, Senabouth A, Liang LH, Han X, Lidgerwood GE, Hernández D, …, Mackey DA, Craig JE, MacGregor S, Powell JE, Pébay A, Hewitt AW. Retinal ganglion cell-specific genetic regulation in primary open angle glaucoma. Cell Genomics 2022, 2, 100142.

  • Senabouth A, Daniszewski M, Lidgerwood GE, Liang HH, Hernández D, Mirzaei M, Keenan SN, Zhang R, Han X, Neavin D, Rooney L,… , Mackey DA, Bylsma G, Verma N, MacGregor S, Watt MJ, Guymer RH, Powell JE, Hewitt AW, Pébay A. Transcriptomic and proteomic retinal pigment epithelium signatures of age-related macular degeneration. Nature Communications. 2022 26;13(1):4233.

  • Gharahkhani P., Jorgenson E., Hysi P., Khawaja A.P., Pendergrass S., Han X, Ong J.S., Hewitt A. W., …, Mackey D.A., Kubo M., Aung T., Craig J. E., MacGregor S., Wiggs J. L.. Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies 127 open-angle glaucoma loci with consistent effect across ancestries. Nature Communications. 2021;12(1):1258.

  • Ong JS, An J, Han X, Law MH, Nandakumar P, …, Gharahkhani P, Kendall BJ, MacGregor S. Multitrait genetic association analysis identifies 50 new risk loci for gastro-oesophageal reflux, seven new loci for Barrett’s oesophagus and provides insights into clinical heterogeneity in reflux diagnosis. Gut. 2021; gutjnl-2020-323906.

  • MacGregor S, Ong JS, An J, Han X, Zhou T, Siggs OM, …, Mackey DA, Gharahkhani P, Craig JE, Hewitt AW. Genome-wide association study of intraocular pressure uncovers new pathways to glaucoma. Nature Genetics. 2018; 50(8):1067-1071.
