PwC AC Shanghai荣获"最适宜工作的职场"与"最具吸引力雇主"奖项

文摘   2024-01-12 10:52   新加坡  

我们很高兴地宣布,AC Shanghai 连续第三次荣获 "最适宜工作的职场"奖项,这一骄人成绩证明了我们致力于为所有员工提供能够给予帮助与鼓舞人心的环境

We are glad to share that AC Shanghai has won The Best Workplace to Work award by the government for the third consecutive time. This remarkable achievement reflects our commitment to providing a supportive and inspiring environment for all employees.


此外,我们还被中国知名的企业&高校招聘平台 "实习僧 "评为 "最具吸引力雇主"。这是继 2022 年之后,我们第二次获此殊荣。这一奖项彰显了我们对培养和发展青年人才的承诺,也展示了我们吸引优秀人才的能力。 

Additionally, we have also been recognized as "The Most Attractive Employer" by Shixiseng, China's leading recruitment platform for companies and universities. This is the second time we have received this esteemed accolade, following our previous win in 2022. This award underscores our commitment to nurturing and developing young talent and showcases our ability to attract the best and brightest minds. 

这两个奖项证明了 AC Shanghai 所营造的卓越的企业文化,以及我们对促进员工成长与发展的坚定承诺。 

These awards are a testament to the exceptional workplace culture we have fostered at AC Shanghai, as well as our unwavering dedication to the growth and development of our employees
