
文摘   教育   2024-07-15 06:52   加拿大  

最近阅读了《经济学人》一篇题为“Donald Trump survives an assassination attempt唐纳德·特朗普在暗杀企图中幸存)的报道, 我深刻体会到,一篇好的文章不仅仅需要准确的信息和深入的分析,还需要文学语言的加持。这篇报道不仅在内容上详尽地描述了事件,还通过丰富的文学语言手法,让读者深刻感受到事件的紧张和复杂性。




这几句话通过视觉和听觉描写, 比如“a pop was heard”、“Mr Trump’s hand immediately went to his right ear”、“More pops followed”,生动地描绘了现场的声音和动作,让读者仿佛置身于现场。我们仿佛能听到那一声声巨响,看到特朗普先生的迅速反应,这种生动的描写让读者仿佛置身现场,感受到紧张的气氛。



“...it takes the 2024 presidential campaign, already seething with contempt and chaos, into an even darker direction.”

“seething with contempt and chaos”

  • 比喻:将“contempt and chaos”(蔑视和混乱)比作可以沸腾的液体,形象地表现出2024年总统竞选的动荡和敌意。

  • 拟人:将竞选过程赋予了情感和生命,使其仿佛是一个充满敌意和混乱的个体,增强了读者对选情严峻性的感受

“Images of the bleeding candidate holding his fist in the air will saturate the media in coming days and will now likely define the convention’s narrative.”

  • 比喻和拟人

    • 比喻:将“saturate the media”比作液体充满容器,形象地表现出媒体对这一事件的高度关注和覆盖。

    • 拟人:赋予“images”和“media”以生命和行动,使它们仿佛能够自主行动和影响舆论

“Ever since Mr Biden’s self-immolation at the debate between the two men...”

  • 比喻使用“self-immolation”(自焚)比喻拜登在辩论中的表现,使读者更形象地理解事件的影响和严重性。

“It would be a modest balm in this fractious summer.”


“a modest balm”

  • 比喻:将“和解”或“安慰”比作“一剂温和的药膏”(a modest balm)。这个比喻形象地表现出这次和解的效果是温和但有一定疗效的,就像药膏可以缓解疼痛和炎症一样,和解可以缓解政治上的紧张局势。

“fractious summer”

  • 比喻:将当前的政治环境比作“纷乱的夏天”(fractious summer)。夏天通常是炎热且多变的,而“fractious”意为“易怒的”、“难以驾驭的”,通过这种比喻,形象地表现出当前政治环境的动荡不安。


  • 拟人:将“夏天”赋予情感和状态,描述为“fractious”(易怒的、难以驾驭的),赋予了季节人的情感和特征,使读者能够更加感同身受地理解当前局势的紧张和不稳定。


  • 对比:将“modest balm”(温和的药膏)与“fractious summer”(纷乱的夏天)对比,突出和解或安慰在动荡环境中的重要性和难得。一个是温和且缓解疼痛的,一个是充满冲突和不稳定的,通过这种对比,强调了和解的珍贵和有效性。


  • 意象:通过“balm”和“summer”的意象,激发读者的视觉和触觉想象。药膏通常让人联想到舒缓和治疗,而夏天让人想到热烈和波动。这些意象帮助读者更好地理解和感受句子的意义。

“Media attention will now shift from the president’s own struggles to Mr Trump, perhaps starving the rebellion against Mr Biden of the attention it needed to succeed.”

  • 拟人:将媒体关注赋予了生命和意图(shift and starving),强调了媒体在塑造公众舆论中的力量和影响同时将“rebellion”拟人化,仿佛它需要关注来维持生命。这样的表达不仅形象生动,还让读者更容易理解事件的复杂性和重要性

“The presidential election had been stable, even dull, until it was thrown off its rails just over two weeks ago. It now seems destined for many more twists and turns.”

  • 比喻和拟人:将总统选举比作一列火车,描述其“thrown off its rails(脱轨)”。这个比喻形象地表现出选举的突然变化和混乱,使读者能够清晰地理解选举局势的剧变。通过“脱轨”这一比喻,突显了事件的突发性和不可预见性,增加了句子的视觉冲击力和戏剧性。“twists and turns”则预示着未来的不确定性和更多变故,使选举过程仿佛有自己的命运和轨迹。

  • 对比:通过将之前的“stable, even dull (稳定,甚至有些平淡)”和现在的“thrown off its rails(突然脱轨)”进行对比,突显了选举局势的剧烈变化。这种对比使得读者更能体会到事件的重大影响和严重性


文章还通过类比和引用来增强表达效果“Already comparisons are being made to Theodore Roosevelt, who was shot in the chest in 1912 but finished his speech after judging the wound unthreatening.”

  • 历史类比:将川普的遇刺事件与历史上的西奥多·罗斯福遇刺事件进行类比,增强了文章的深度和权威性。

“Mr Trump wrote on Saturday night, ‘It is incredible that such an act can take place in our Country.’”

  • 直接引用引用川普的原话,增强了报道的真实性和权威性


文章还通过对比和反讽来增强表达效果。“The presidential election had been stable, even dull, until it was thrown off its rails just over two weeks ago. It now seems destined for many more twists and turns.” 这段话通过将之前的“稳定、无聊”与现在的“脱轨、曲折”对比,突出了事件对选举的巨大影响。此外,文中提到“Defying an assassination attempt may only enhance his standing.”,用反讽的手法指出,暗杀未遂反而可能提升特朗普的声望,这种表达方式使读者对事件的反常性和复杂性有更深的理解。


文章中多次使用预示和暗示的手法,让读者对未来可能的发展有所了解。“Whatever the shooter’s profile, it takes the 2024 presidential campaign, already seething with contempt and chaos, into an even darker direction.” 这句话不仅预示了未来竞选活动可能更加混乱,还通过“seething with contempt and chaos”暗示了当前的政治环境已经极其紧张和动荡。


通过引用直接言论和情感化的语言,文章增强了与读者的情感共鸣。“It is incredible that such an act can take place in our Country,” Mr Trump wrote on Saturday night. 这种直接引用不仅增加了报道的真实性,还让读者感受到事件的冲击和特朗普先生的震惊。





Just six minutes after Donald Trump began speaking to a crowd of supporters in Butler County, Pennsylvania, a pop was heard. Mr Trump’s hand immediately went to his right ear. More pops followed. Mr Trump ducked; his Secret Service protective detail jumped on top of him. The crowd began to scream. One minute later, his agents and police began shouting “shooter’s down” and “we’re clear” to one another. They lifted Mr Trump up, surrounding him. He paused, then raised his fist defiantly into the air several times before his bodyguards rushed him out.




“I knew immediately that something was wrong in that I heard a whizzing sound, shots, and I immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin,” Mr Trump recounted hours later on his social-media site. “Much bleeding took place, so I realised then what was happening.” Mr Trump said nothing further about his injuries but his campaign and President Joe Biden said he was not seriously harmed. The motive of the deceased shooter is unknown and may take days to determine. But this appears to be the most serious assassination attempt against a president or presidential candidate since Ronald Reagan was shot and seriously wounded in 1981. Whatever the shooter’s profile, it takes the 2024 presidential campaign, already seething with contempt and chaos, into an even darker direction.




Mr Biden, who is vying for re-election against Mr Trump, spoke to his rival on Saturday night. Earlier that evening he told reporters in Delaware that “There’s no place in America for this kind of violence. It’s sick…Everybody must condemn it.” 



Political violence has been rising in America. In 2017, a left-wing fanatic shot a practice session of the Republican congressional baseball team, nearly killing Steve Scalise, the current majority leader. A crazed man invaded the San Francisco home of Nancy Pelosi, then the Democratic house speaker, in 2022, and repeatedly bashed her elderly husband on the head with a hammer. Supporters of Mr Trump were so incensed by his election loss to Mr Biden in 2020, that they attempted a violent sack of the Capitol on January 6th 2021. As shocking as the attempt on Mr Trump’s life is, it is sadly not surprising.




Mr Trump is days away from being formally nominated for the presidency for the third consecutive time at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Images of the bleeding candidate holding his fist in the air will saturate the media in coming days and will now likely define the convention’s narrative. “It is incredible that such an act can take place in our Country,” Mr Trump wrote on Saturday night.




The mood within the Trumpworld had been triumphal over the last few weeks. Ever since Mr Biden’s self-immolation at the debate between the two men, held on June 27th, the Democrats have been agonising over the viability of Mr Biden’s re-election bid. Some 20 elected Democrats in Congress have publicly called for the president to stand aside. Mr Trump had been relatively quiet during this period, standing back while the Democrats tore themselves apart.




The consensus view in Washington is that Mr Trump is the dominant favourite to win the presidential election. Defying an assassination attempt may only enhance his standing. Already comparisons are being made to Theodore Roosevelt, who was shot in the chest in 1912 but finished his speech after judging the wound unthreatening. Republicans were already unwavering in their support of Mr Trump, despite the shock of January 6th and the multiple indictments (and several felony convictions) that their candidate has faced. His supporters’ allegiance will be even more secure now. For Mr Biden, the shooting is a test of presidential leadership that he sought to meet with an early public appearance to report facts and promise follow-up. It would be a modest balm in this fractious summer if Mr Biden’s outreach to his rival produced even a brief performance of comity and good will between the candidates.




If that occurs, it may pass quickly. Mr Biden has often campaigned on the idea that he is running to save the nation’s democracy from Mr Trump’s intended tyranny and dictatorship. Republicans have in turn painted the president as a corrupt criminal. After the shooting, J.D. Vance, the Republican senator who is on Mr Trump’s vice-presidential shortlist, wrote on X that the shooting was “not an isolated incident” and that the Biden campaign’s rhetoric “led directly to Mr Trump’s attempted assassination”. More of that sort of incendiary accusation can be expected.


如果发生这种情况,它可能会很快过去。拜登先生经常以拯救国家民主免受特朗普意图中的暴政和独裁统治为竞选口号。共和党人则将总统描绘成腐败的罪犯。枪击事件发生后,特朗普先生副总统候选人名单上的共和党参议员J.D. Vance在X上写道,这次枪击“不是孤立事件”,拜登竞选团队的言辞“直接导致了对特朗普的暗杀企图”。可以预料到更多类似的煽动性指控。


Mr Biden, meanwhile, has been fighting for his political life, portraying himself as an insurgent against his own party’s establishment after his abysmal debate performance. Media attention will now shift from the president’s own struggles to Mr Trump, perhaps starving the rebellion against Mr Biden of the attention it needed to succeed. The presidential election had been stable, even dull, until it was thrown off its rails just over two weeks ago. It now seems destined for many more twists and turns.




作者*雅思8.5达人@Lili 老师


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