
文摘   教育   2024-10-22 06:13   加拿大  


最近,我阅读了《大西洋月刊》(The Atlantic)的一篇文章,标题为《特朗普的语言像希特勒、斯大林和墨索里尼》(Trump Is Speaking Like Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini)。作为一本成立于1857年的权威杂志,《大西洋月刊》以其深入的分析和高质量的写作而闻名,涵盖政治、文化、经济等多个领域。这篇文章深入探讨了前总统特朗普在其政治言辞中使用的去人性化语言,指出这种语言与历史上独裁者的修辞相似。作者Anne Applebaum通过丰富的历史背景和实例,展示了这种语言的潜在危险及其对美国政治文化的影响。接下来,我将分析这篇文章中批判性思维的运用,探讨其对写作的启示。


1. 明确的论点 / Clear Thesis Statement

  • 确保在开头段落中明确表述你的观点或论点。这不仅告诉读者你的立场,还为整个文章提供了方向。

    例子: “虽然社交媒体在现代社会中起到了连接人们的作用,但它们也造成了个人隐私的严重侵害。”

    "While social media plays a role in connecting people in modern society, it also poses serious threats to personal privacy."

2. 多角度分析 / Multi-Faceted Analysis

  • 在论述某个问题时,考虑多个视角和不同的立场。这可以帮助你全面分析问题,并展示出对复杂性和多样性的理解。

例子: “虽然一些人认为快速的城市化会促进经济发展,但另一些人则指出,这可能导致环境恶化和社会不平等。”

"While some argue that rapid urbanization promotes economic growth, others point out that it may lead to environmental degradation and social inequality."

3. 使用数据和实例 / Use of Data and Examples

  • 在支持你论点的过程中,引用可靠的数据、研究结果或实际案例,以增强论据的可信度。

"According to a study, over 60% of young people reported that social media has a negative impact on their mental health."

例子: “根据一项研究,超过60%的年轻人表示,社交媒体对他们的心理健康产生了负面影响。”

4. 考虑反对意见 / Consider Counterarguments

  • 主动识别和回应反对意见,展现你对不同观点的理解和尊重。这不仅能增强你论证的深度,还能展示你批判性思维的能力。

"Although some believe that using social media helps promote social interaction, we cannot overlook the loneliness and anxiety it may cause."

例子: “尽管有人认为使用社交媒体有助于促进社会交往,但我们不能忽视它所带来的孤独感和焦虑。” 

5. 逻辑推理 / Logical Reasoning

  • 在论证中使用逻辑推理,确保观点和例证之间有清晰的联系。使用逻辑连接词使论点更具连贯性。

"Therefore, while social media can make it easier for people to connect, it may also lead to superficial relationships and alienation."

例子: “因此,虽然社交媒体能让人们更容易联系,但它也可能导致人际关系的表面化和疏远。”

6. 道德和社会责任的考量 / Consideration of Moral and Social Responsibility

  • 在讨论问题时,考虑道德和社会责任,分析其对个人和社会的影响。

例子: “面对社交媒体的影响,作为社会的一员,我们有责任促进数字素养,帮助人们更好地使用这些工具。”

"In light of social media’s influence, we have a responsibility as members of society to promote digital literacy and help people use these tools more effectively."

7. 总结与展望 / Summary and Outlook

  • 在结尾段落中,总结主要观点,并展望未来的发展。这展示了你对问题的深刻思考和对未来可能性的考虑。

"Overall, the influence of social media is complex, and we must continue to research and discuss it to ensure that it fosters social connection without harming our mental health."

例子: “总体而言,社交媒体的影响是复杂的,我们必须继续研究和讨论,以确保其在促进社会连接的同时,不会损害我们的心理健康。”


同样, 在《Trump Is Speaking Like Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini》一文中,作者Anne Applebaum通过多种方式运用批判性思维,深入分析了特朗普所使用的去人性化语言及其潜在影响。她不仅结合了历史背景和具体实例,还通过逻辑推理和对比分析,揭示了这些言辞与过去独裁者的相似之处,从而有效地阐明了去人性化语言可能带来的社会危害。这种批判性思维的运用使文章的论点更具说服力,也促使读者对这种语言的影响进行深刻反思。

1. 明确的论点 / Clear Thesis Statement

在文章的开头,Anne Applebaum 清晰地表明了她的观点,即特朗普的语言使用带有去人性化的特征,这在美国总统政治中是前所未有的。她通过引入历史背景,指出这种语言的危险性。


“This language isn’t merely ugly or repellent: These words belong to a particular tradition.”


2. 多角度分析 / Multi-Faceted Analysis

Applebaum 不仅分析特朗普的语言,还回顾了历史上使用类似语言的其他独裁者,如希特勒和斯大林。她展示了这种语言的历史根源,提供了多重视角。


“In occupied Warsaw, a 1941 poster displayed a drawing of a louse with a caricature of a Jewish face.”


3. 使用数据和实例 / Use of Data and Examples

Applebaum 通过引用历史实例来增强她的论点,显示出这种语言在不同政治背景下的应用。


“He called his opponents the ‘enemies of the people,’ implying that they were not citizens and that they enjoyed no rights.”


4. 考虑反对意见 / Consider Counterarguments

在文章中,Applebaum 虽未直接回应反对意见,但她通过展现特朗普的语言与传统政治的区别,暗示这种做法的危险性。

例子:“Even George Wallace’s notorious, racist, neo-Confederate 1963 speech avoided such language.”


5. 逻辑推理 / Logical Reasoning

Applebaum 在文章中运用逻辑推理,阐释去人性化语言的影响和后果。她清晰地阐述了如果将反对派描绘为“害虫”,那么就可以更容易地剥夺他们的权利。

例子:“If they are parasites, they aren’t human.”



例子: “If you connect your opponents with disease, illness, and poisoned blood, if you dehumanize them as insects or animals… then you can much more easily arrest them, deprive them of rights, exclude them, or even kill them.”


分析: 在这段文字中,作者通过逻辑推理揭示了去人性化语言的结果,批判性地探讨这种语言如何在历史上导致暴力和压迫。这样的分析不仅展示了作者的深刻见解,也提醒读者警惕类似的言辞。

6. 道德和社会责任的考量 / Consideration of Moral and Social Responsibility

Applebaum 通过分析特朗普的语言对社会的影响,强调了政治语言使用的道德责任。


“By calling for mass violence, he hints at his admiration for these dictatorships but also demonstrates disdain for the rule of law.”这种道德考量引发读者对言辞影响的反思。

7. 总结与展望 / Summary and Outlook

在结尾,Applebaum 总结了特朗普的语言如何打破了美国政治的常规,并警告其潜在的后果。


“Trump is gambling—knowingly and cynically—that we are not.”这种展望不仅提醒读者关注当前政治语言的变化,也引发对未来政治文化的担忧。

综上所述,Anne Applebaum 在《Trump Is Speaking Like Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini》一文中运用了多种批判性思维的手段。通过明确的论点、多角度分析、实例引用、逻辑推理以及道德考量,她有效地展示了特朗普语言的危险性。这些策略不仅增强了她的论证力,也为读者提供了深刻的反思。这样的批判性思维在英语写作中是十分宝贵的,尤其在雅思写作中,能帮助考生展现出更高层次的思维能力和逻辑分析能力。

Trump Is Speaking Like Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini

The former president has brought dehumanizing language into American presidential politics.

By Anne Applebaum
Rhetoric has a history. The words democracy and tyranny were debated in ancient Greece; the phrase separation of powers became important in the 17th and 18th centuries.
The word vermin, as a political term, dates from the 1930s and ’40s, when both fascists and communists liked to describe their political enemies as vermin, parasites, and blood infections, as well as insects, weeds, dirt, and animals.
The term has been revived and reanimated, in an American presidential campaign, with Donald Trump’s description of his opponents as “radical-left thugs” who “live like vermin.”
This language isn’t merely ugly or repellent: These words belong to a particular tradition.

Adolf Hitler used these kinds of terms often. In 1938, he praised his compatriots who had helped “cleanse Germany of all those parasites who drank at the well of the despair of the Fatherland and the People.”

In occupied Warsaw, a 1941 poster displayed a drawing of a louse with a caricature of a Jewish face. The slogan: “Jews are lice: they cause typhus.”

Germans, by contrast, were clean, pure, healthy, and vermin-free. Hitler once described the Nazi flag as “the victorious sign of freedom and the purity of our blood.”
Stalin used the same kind of language at about the same time. He called his opponents the “enemies of the people,” implying that they were not citizens and that they enjoyed no rights.

He portrayed them as vermin, pollution, filth that had to be “subjected to ongoing purification,” and he inspired his fellow communists to employ similar rhetoric.

In my files, I have the notes from a 1955 meeting of the leaders of the Stasi, the East German secret police, during which one of them called for a struggle against “vermin activities” (there is, inevitably, a German word for this: Schädlingstätigkeiten), by which he meant the purge and arrest of the regime’s critics.

In this same era, the Stasi forcibly moved suspicious people away from the border with West Germany, a project nicknamed “Operation Vermin.”
This kind of language was not limited to Europe. Mao Zedong also described his political opponents as “poisonous weeds.”

Pol Pot spoke of “cleansing” hundreds of thousands of his compatriots so that Cambodia would be “purified.”
In each of these very different societies, the purpose of this kind of rhetoric was the same.

If you connect your opponents with disease, illness, and poisoned blood, if you dehumanize them as insects or animals, if you speak of squashing them or cleansing them as if they were pests or bacteria, then you can much more easily arrest them, deprive them of rights, exclude them, or even kill them.

If they are parasites, they aren’t human. If they are vermin, they don’t get to enjoy freedom of speech, or freedoms of any kind.
And if you squash them, you won’t be held accountable.
Until recently, this kind of language was not a normal part of American presidential politics.

Even George Wallace’s notorious, racist, neo-Confederate 1963 speech, his inaugural speech as Alabama governor and the prelude to his first presidential campaign, avoided such language.

Wallace called for “segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.”

But he did not speak of his political opponents as “vermin” or talk about them poisoning the nation’s blood.

Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Executive Order 9066, which ordered Japanese Americans into internment camps following the outbreak of World War II, spoke of “alien enemies” but not parasites.
In the 2024 campaign, that line has been crossed.

Trump blurs the distinction between illegal immigrants and legal immigrants—the latter including his wife, his late ex-wife, the in-laws of his running mate, and many others.

He has said of immigrants, “They’re poisoning the blood of our country” and “They’re destroying the blood of our country.”

He has claimed that many have “bad genes.”

He has also been more explicit: “They’re not humans; they’re animals”; they are “cold-blooded killers.”

He refers more broadly to his opponents—American citizens, some of whom are elected officials—as “the enemy from within … sick people, radical-left lunatics.”


Not only do they have no rights; they should be “handled by,” he has said, “if necessary, National Guard, or if really necessary, by the military.”
In using this language, Trump knows exactly what he is doing.

He understands which era and what kind of politics this language evokes.

“I haven’t read Mein Kampf,” he declared, unprovoked, during one rally—an admission that he knows what Hitler’s manifesto contains, whether or not he has actually read it.

“If you don’t use certain rhetoric,” he told an interviewer, “if you don’t use certain words, and maybe they’re not very nice words, nothing will happen.”
His talk of mass deportation is equally calculating.

When he suggests that he would target both legal and illegal immigrants, or use the military arbitrarily against U.S. citizens, he does so knowing that past dictatorships have used public displays of violence to build popular support.

By calling for mass violence, he hints at his admiration for these dictatorships but also demonstrates disdain for the rule of law and prepares his followers to accept the idea that his regime could, like its predecessors, break the law with impunity.
These are not jokes, and Trump is not laughing.

Nor are the people around him.

Delegates at the Republican National Convention held up prefabricated signs: mass deportation now.

Just this week, when Trump was swaying to music at a surreal rally, he did so in front of a huge slogan: trump was right about everything.

This is language borrowed directly from Benito Mussolini, the Italian fascist.

Soon after the rally, the scholar Ruth Ben-Ghiat posted a photograph of a building in Mussolini’s Italy displaying his slogan: mussolini is always right.
These phrases have not been put on posters and banners at random in the final weeks of an American election season.

With less than three weeks left to go, most candidates would be fighting for the middle ground, for the swing voters.

Trump is doing the exact opposite. Why?
There can be only one answer: because he and his campaign team believe that by using the tactics of the 1930s, they can win.

The deliberate dehumanization of whole groups of people; the references to police, to violence, to the “bloodbath” that Trump has said will unfold if he doesn’t win; the cultivation of hatred not only against immigrants but also against political opponents—none of this has been used successfully in modern American politics.


But neither has this rhetoric been tried in modern American politics.

Several generations of American politicians have assumed that American voters, most of whom learned to pledge allegiance to the flag in school, grew up with the rule of law, and have never experienced occupation or invasion, would be resistant to this kind of language and imagery.


Trump is gambling—knowingly and cynically—that we are not.


作者*雅思8.5达人@Lili 老师


10年的教学经验,曾多次帮学生40课时内达到雅思8分和7.5分的高分记录,擅长帮学生搭建高分句型构、分素材,雅思作批改,直失分,英名校圣安德斯大(英国卫报排名第二; 威廉王子母校) 英教育MBA 双硕士科班出身,有深厚的英语语言教以及作功底,TESOL 证书 TESl Canada 认证


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