在A类雅思小作文中8分的评分标准中,要求考生presents a clear overview of main trends, differences or stages,那么能够对比分析数据和趋势是获得8分及以上的关键思维和技能,而体现这种对比的高级句型和表达方式有很多,例如:
“In comparison to...”:用于比较两个项目的异同。
例句:In comparison to the previous year, the sales figures have significantly increased.
“While... , ...”:用于对比两个相反的情况。
例句:While the number of cars increased, the number of buses decreased.
“By contrast,...”:用于强调两个事物的不同。
例句:The population of City A grew rapidly. By contrast, the population of City B remained stable.
“On the other hand,...”:用于展示两种相反的观点或情况。
例句:The production of oil decreased. On the other hand, the production of renewable energy sources increased.
“Compared to...”:用于直接比较两个项目。
例句:Compared to 2010, the employment rate in 2020 saw a dramatic rise.
例句:The literacy rate improved in both countries. Similarly, the health care quality showed notable progress.
例句:The cost of living in the city has risen. However, rural areas have remained relatively affordable.
例句:Whereas the eastern region experienced heavy rainfall, the western region suffered from drought.
然而,在最近阅读《经济学人》时,我读到了一种体现这种对比分析思维的最佳表达方式。在《经济学人》题为 “Why investors have fallen in love with small American firms”这篇文章中,
“This rather parochial picture, however, is not reflected in the country’s stockmarket, where the falling number of public companies and extreme concentration of value are a concern.”
这句话不仅展示了对比分析的能力,还运用了高级句型,例如 定语从句,使得作文更具说服力和逻辑性。这种表达方式在雅思小作文中尤为重要,因为它能够帮助考生清晰、有效地传达对比信息,提升文章的整体水平
“The increasing trend in renewable energy production, however, is not reflected in the total energy consumption, where fossil fuels still make up the majority of the energy mix.”
“The surge in electric vehicle sales, however, is not reflected in the total car market, where gasoline-powered vehicles still dominate the landscape.”
“The decreasing trend in butter and margarine consumption, however, is not reflected in the consumption of low fat and reduced spreads, where the amounts increased significantly since their introduction in the mid-1990s.”
作者*雅思8.5达人@Lili 老师
超过10年的教学经验,曾多次创下帮学生40课时内达到雅思8分和7.5分的高分记录,擅长帮学生搭建高分句型结构、满分素材,强雅思写作批改,直击失分点,英国名校圣安德鲁斯大学(英国卫报排名第二; 威廉王子母校) 英语教育MBA 双硕士科班出身,有着深厚的英语语言教学以及写作功底,TESOL 资格证书 TESl Canada 资格认证;
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