创业   2024-11-19 10:00   福建  


The design of the new store space is not only based on the appearance of shape and taste, but also on the need to create a space that is more than an experience, a space where phenomena exist.

▼空间概览,overview of the space ©Tomooki Kengaku


Specifically, we created a state in which phenomena such as dawn and dusk exist by utilizing a circular flow line and distance from the reception desk, through the examination rooms, back to the treatment rooms and reception desk, and by setting the color temperature and brightness of downlights and indirect lighting in a range from daylight to bulb color, one light at a time in detail during the round trip.

▼接待台,reception desk ©Tomooki Kengaku

▼接待台旁等候区,waiting area near the reception desk ©Tomooki Kengaku

▼治疗室外观,exterior of the treatment rooms ©Tomooki Kengaku

▼走廊,corridor ©Tomooki Kengaku

▼朦胧不清的灯光,ambiguous lighting ©Tomooki Kengaku


I wanted to create a moment or state in which there is a difference between illuminated and unilluminated areas, a moment that is natural but suddenly changes the landscape, and a phenomenon that seems to have no boundaries.

▼差异化的空间,different space ©Tomooki Kengaku

▼灯光细部,lighting detail ©Tomooki Kengaku


I created an ambiguous state that can be perceived as a sensation and at the same time appears as a perception, just like natural phenomena, questioning the uncertainty and the state of being of such phenomena.

▼创造出一种朦胧不清的状态,created an ambiguous state  ©Tomooki Kengaku


The base of the entire space is the same color, but the color temperature of the lighting creates a gradation of color. By creating a place where people realize that there are differences among people, different values, and a place where they can affirm themselves, we realized the affinity between the beauty clinic business and the space.

▼家具细部,furniture detail ©Tomooki Kengaku


▼平面图,plan © Kiyoshi Miyagawa (SESN) + Takehito Kusanagi


