创业   2024-12-28 17:48   福建  

       OOTB概念源自于“Outfit of the Bike”,是由互联网热词“OOTD”延展而来,直译为每日骑行穿搭!其想要诠释的是骑行爱好者想要表达的生活态度,骑行犹如每天穿搭一般丝滑融入到日常生活中!它可以是着硬壳冲锋衣带着护具速降在山野间砾石路上,也可以是着气动骑行服穿着锁鞋准备今天的赛段PR,更可以是富有格调的复古的穿搭穿梭在城市大街小巷的CITY RIDE。 这就是属于骑行人的OUTFIT OF THE BIKE -OOTB!

The concept of OOTB, derived from “Outfit of the Bike”, is an extension of the popular internet slang “OOTD”, which stands for “Outfit of the Day”. What OOTB aims to convey is the attitude towards life that cycling enthusiasts wish to express : Cycling can be seamlessly integrated into daily life, just like choosing daily outfit. It can be donning a hard-shell jacket and protective gear for a swift descent on the gravel roads in the mountains, or donning an aerodynamic cycling jersey and clipless in preparation for today’s stage personal record, or even opting for a stylish retro outfit for a CITY RIDE through the city’s streets and alleys. This is the OUTFIT OF THE BIKE–OOTB for cyclists!

▼夜览外观,Night view of exterior © yuuuunstudio

▼店铺立面,Facade © yuuuunstudio


▼手绘地图,Hand-drawn maps © SONO STUDIO

The project is situated in Xinjiekou Street, Xicheng District, Beijing. It begins at Xinjiekou South&North Street, and Xisi North Street to the east, and borders Shichahai Street. To the west, it extends to Xizhimen South&North Street, Fuchengmen North Street, and adjoins Exhibition Road Street. To the south, it reaches Fuchengmen Inner Street, neighboring Financial Street. To the north, it connects to the western section of the Second Ring Road through Deshengmen West Street. The area boasts a rich historical and cultural heritage, complemented by distinctive humanistic features, while also embracing contemporary trends and a nostalgic aesthetic.

▼一层空间概览,First floor overview © yuuuunstudio

▼生活休闲区,Living and leisure area © yuuuunstudio

本项目建立的最初构想源于主理人何冬东对于新街口大街的童年胡同生活回忆。穿过繁华热闹的王府井大街、威严肃穆的故宫,继而拐到直线距离仅有3km的新街口大街,何冬东边走边讲述着这30年来新街口大街上的时光故事。“这边是开了30年的西安饭庄,那边是从记事就有的炸酱面馆”,新街口也是他第一家车店的位置,也是最开始接触自行车运动的地方。他介绍到:“OOTB 骑意骑行空间是想给大家提供一个自由共创、社交属性的友好交流空间。我们期望在城市里,构筑一片趣味「绿洲」用骑行串联起区别于人工作、生活之外的第三空间。就我个人而言,OOTB承载着我童年的时光,更是我一生中的热爱事业。所以我更想打破固有门店运营模式,深入了解大家的需求,这才有了OOTB”。

The initial concept for the establishment of this project was inspired by Director He Dongdong’s recollections of his childhood spent in the hutongs of Xinjiekou Street. By traversing the bustling Wangfujing Street, the grandiose Forbidden City, and finally arriving at Xinjiekou Street, a mere 3-kilometer linear distance away, He Dongdong recounted the narrative of Xinjiekou Street over the past three decades. “There stands the Xi’an Restaurant, which has been operating for 30 years, and there is a Zhajiang noodle eatery from my childhood memories,” he shared. Xinjiekou is also the site of his first bike shop and the place where he first engaged with cycling. He elaborated, “OOTB riding space aims to offer a freely accessible co-creation venue with social attributes that foster friendly exchanges. Our vision is to create an enjoyable ‘oasis’ within the urban landscape, utilizing cycling as a means to bridge the gap between people’s work and personal lives, forming a unique third space. Personally, OOTB encapsulates the essence of my childhood and the fervor of my existence. Therefore, I am committed to breaking away from conventional business models and gaining a profound understanding of our patrons’ needs, which is the core philosophy of OOTB.”

▼咖啡吧台,Coffee bar © yuuuunstudio

▼休闲座椅,Seating area © yuuuunstudio

▼咖啡吧台旁的修理间,Repair room next to the coffee bar © yuuuunstudio


OOTB integrates cycling equipment, cycling stations, fitting, maintenance, activity experience, community communication, and road map consulting services, and combines coffee, floral aesthetics, and clothing to create a comprehensive cycling-friendly living space. Just like there are more than just cycling in our lives. There are aesthetic flower art spaces, photo-taking spaces, and terrace salon spaces, all aimed at creating a “slow” lifestyle that we all yearn for. In the urban “oasis”, we can slow down and enjoy our lazy moments.

▼自行车装备区,Bicycle equipment area © yuuuunstudio

▼装备区细部,Equipment area details © yuuuunstudio

一层为生活休闲区,骑行、咖啡、花艺、大头贴完美适配。窗明几净的落地窗上手绘四九城胡同骑行路线,室内外都可放置自行车,旨在打造骑行友好空阿金。在城市更新理念下,本项目最大限度保留的建筑原始状态,并且用植物景观模糊了室内外边界, 只为呈现一个舒适的城市「绿洲」。
The first floor is a living and leisure area, which is perfectly matched with cycling, coffee, flower arrangement, and selfie. The clean and bright French windows has hand-painted cycling routes of the 49-city Hutong, and bicycles can be placed indoors and outdoors, aiming to create a cycling-friendly space. Under the concept of urban renewal, the project maximizes the original state of the building and uses plant landscaping to blur the indoor and outdoor boundaries, aiming to present a comfortable urban “oasis”.

▼服饰区,Clothing area © yuuuunstudio

▼展架细部,Display rack details © yuuuunstudio

▼产品细节,Product details © yuuuunstudio


The B1 floor is the bicycle equipment area. This area takes the bike buyer shop as the concept theme. It is an equipment platform that provides multi-brands and multi-products. From glasses, helmets to riding clothes, from taillights, kettle holders to kit wheels, you can find the brands and products you want here. The core display area of the store shows the use of unused products with an immersive scene restoration method; The circular central landscape area takes into account the functions of product display and rest, and can also be used as a space for brand new product release, cycling salon space, etc., giving more possibilities for scene expression.

▼圆形中置景观区,The circular central landscape area © yuuuunstudio

▼洗车间,Car wash © yuuuunstudio

▼洗手间,Hand washing area © yuuuunstudio

▼空间设计细节,Design details © yuuuunstudio

“这个设计理念也是从业很久后,发现骑友们在装备选择遇到很多麻烦,比如购买场景可能需要专门跑好多个地方才能配齐,那我就想如果把现有市场上极好的品牌、装备都带到OOTB,方便大家一站式体验,岂不是更好!”何冬东介绍到。“所以我们打造了一个骑行与生活的第三空间,无论是品牌商,还是骑友,大家都可以参与到这个项目中,我们尊重每一个个体的表达,在这里都是主角,也期望每个热爱骑行运动的人都可以在这里找到专属的OUTFIT OF THE BIKE” 。最后,感谢每一位为项目付出的小伙伴。在未来,我们可以创造无限可能!

” After a long career, I found that cyclists have a lot of trouble choosing equipment, such as needing to specifically run multiple places to complete their cycling gear. I think it would be better if we could bring all the excellent brands and equipment on the market to OOTB, making it convenient for everyone to experience in one place!” He Dongdong introduced said. ” So we have created a space that combines cycling and life. Whether bike brand owners or cycling enthusiasts, everyone can participate in this place. We respect the expression of every individual, and in this place, everyone is the protagonist. I hope that everyone who loves cycling can find their own exclusive OUTFIT OF THE BIKE in it.‘’ Finally, I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the project. In the future, we can create endless possibilities!

▼1层平面,first floor plan © SONO STUDIO

▼B1层平面,B1 floor plan © SONO STUDIO

▼1层立面,first floor elevation © SONO STUDIO

▼B1立面,B1 elevation © SONO STUDIO

▼节点,details © SONO STUDIO

项目名称: OOTB城市骑行
Design agency: SONO STUDIO
设计师:杨治明 周鹏飞 储阳 宋连鹏 杜倩
项目施工总负责:严汉波 严有波
项目主材:海洋板 不锈钢 铝型材 金属铝 天然石材 水泥


