当你的妻子告诉你她出轨了,我知道你会忍不住问“with who?” ,你得克制住自己啊
2024-12-26 21:00
☆When I was at school I forgot my P.E.kit..I had to do the whole lesson naked..I'm not a teacher anymore.☆I had a white Christmas this year.I didn't leave the house, turn on the news, or answer the door, so all I saw on Christmas Day was white people.我没有离开家,没有打开新闻,也没有去开门,所以圣诞节那天我只看到了白人。☆When your wife tells you she cheated, I know there's the temptation to ask “with who?” Resist it.Instead ask “with whom?” Speak proper English no matter the circumstances.当你的妻子告诉你她出轨了,我知道你会忍不住问“with who?” ,但你得克制住自己啊,不该这么问的。而要问“with whom?” 无论在什么情况下,都请说标准的英语。
@RF16235:鸟:他喵滴,我睡个 der 啊!我嗨一晚上