
教育   2024-07-04 21:43   湖南  


















Isabella Zou 邹依潇

Isa is from Austin, TX, home of Texas Hold’em (德州扑克) and delicious tacos. She graduated from Yale University in 2023 with a B.A. in Ethnicity, Race and Migration and designation as a Yale Journalism Scholar, working in and writing about education and educational justice. She loves singing, dancing, writing, and playing instruments like piano, violin, and guitar—and since coming to China, she’s been learning calligraphy and classical dance too! Teaching Oral English at Yali and interacting with so many wonderful, talented, curious students has made this one of the most magical years of her life. She constantly learns from her students and colleagues, and she has loved getting to know Changsha and China as a part of the Yali community. Her parents are from Changde, Hunan and Taiyuan, Shanxi originally, and she’s treasured the chance to learn about her family, cultures and histories while doing what she loves—teaching. She is particularly grateful to the cast and crew of Shrek for a deeply life changing experience. Working with these amazing students inspired her every day, and their dedication, humor, and care will stay with her forever. She is so proud of them!



Julia Arancio 朱丽娅

Julia was born and raised in New York City. At Yale, she majored in Film Studies and got a certificate in Chinese language. She started studying Chinese during high school, but she rarely had chances to communicate with Chinese people. She always wanted to live and work in China, but because of the pandemic, she didn’t have any opportunities to study abroad. Thanks to Yali and the Yale-China fellowship, she seized this precious chance to teach oral English in Changsha. She has especially loved talking to her students during class and creating opportunities to foster cross-cultural dialogues.

Another highlight of her time at Yali was leading the English musical, Shrek. She was always impressed by the cast members’ talent, hard work, and determination. Without them, the show would not have been nearly as splendid. In her free time, Julia likes learning pilates, listening to pop music, and traveling all around China!



Anna Chiu Tran 陈美恩

Ms. Anna was born and raised in the United States. She grew up in Philadelphia, a city with a bustling Chinese Vietnamese population. She graduated from Yale University in 2022 and majored in “History of Science, Medicine, and Public Health.” Her thesis essay was written on how Traditional Chinese Medicine helped underprivileged communities in New York by heavily influencing healthcare policy changes in the 1970s. During her college years, Ms. Anna did a lot of volunteer work to tutor children, teach adults English as a Second Language (ESL), and often help high schoolers with the college application process. Some of her students are now at Stanford University, University of Pennsylvania, Boston College, and more. Moving to China was a big step for Ms. Anna. She has always wanted to see the place her grandparents grew up in and loves travelling. The most fulfilling aspect of being in China though, is teaching her students. Ms. Anna thinks the students at Yali High School are bright, energetic, and always willing to learn. Even if a topic is challenging for them to express, they are always asking questions. Although this is Ms. Anna’s last year teaching at Yali, she is most grateful to have had the opportunity to teach at such a wonderful school with such extraordinary students.


Gulminay Lone 龙梦兰

Ms. Gulminay was born in Lahore, Pakistan where she completed high school before moving to the USA for her bachelor’s degree. Although she studied History at Yale, she became interested in working in education during her visits back home. Her interest in education led her to the Yale-China fellowship even though she had never considered living in China. Despite this unexpected twist, Ms. Gulminay has really enjoyed her time at Yali High School these past two years. It has been an honour for her to meet and get to know so many wonderful students, especially through The Lion King musical last year and Shrek musical this year.

Teaching students at Yali has been a very fulfilling experience and it convinced her to pursue a Master’s degree in International and Comparative Education, which she will begin this fall. This would not have been possible without the enriching and inspiring influence of her students and so, she feels incredibly grateful to have had the chance to be an Oral English teacher.

Ms. Gulminay will be leaving Yali and China soon, but she will cherish the memories she has made with the students and will miss being their teacher.













去年Lion King埋下的种子终于在Shrek的舞台上发芽开花。光鲜亮丽的演出背后,是同学们日复一日的排练,是Oral English teachers默默无闻的付出,但远远不止于此——耶鲁外教们毫不吝惜的鼓励,让我们在感动之外自信心倍增。参演同学们从寒冬到初夏的关心互助,续写并讲述了我们的共同故事。“We are all friends. It’s so lucky to meet you all!”




Day by day we practiced over and over again. Night after night the music in the musical swung to our ears. But all those efforts have paid back——the thunderous applause proved everything. A considerable amount of warmth arose in my inner heart and quickly flooded over me, and that was indeed a time that I had been waiting for a long time.


当站在舞台上时,心中怀揣着的满腔热情与梦想对我来说意义非凡!因为这不仅是剧组近半年的准备、排练工作的一次成果展示,也是成员们第一次正式以角色而非同学的身份与大家见面!相信English Musical会成为我在雅礼三年最为珍贵的回忆,也希望在将来的日子里能在雅礼遇见更多值得分享的美好瞬间!




Shrek must be a unique and memorable experience in my high school life, which added a touch of bright color to my life. Also, I will be more active when facing this kind of activity, making full preparation! Never give up!




我想,最后站在舞台上并不是为了展现美妙的歌喉或是精致的妆造,而是为了给这么久以来的准备画上一个圆满的句号,因为我们喜欢musical,所以满怀信心而来,演给我们自己看。无论何时回忆, Shrek都会是校园生活中闪闪发光的一部分!


在雅礼今年的音乐剧中出演主演真的是一件很幸运的事,对我的英语口语能力提升有很大的帮助。在从去年十月到正式演出结束,Shrek the Musical剧组一直都很温暖。她们会在我们排练没吃晚饭时带我们出去吃711的车仔面,会在我们因太紧张而忘词时鼓励我们,会在演出结束后给我们准备Party,用真诚的语言给每个演员写信。Fiona只是在无意中闯入了我的人生,在帮助她演绎她的故事后,we need to write our own story!








When the spotlight was on me and the audience cheered my name, I finally understood the significance of performing on stage. At that time, I felt that my body was full of light. Thanks to all teachers and classmates for their care. Although Shrek the Musical is over, our story never ends!


关于Shrek,真的非常幸运能加入这个剧组,并和大家认识成为好朋友。无论是排练还是演出,大家都是乐意且快乐的。在Musical里,不会被嘲笑,被否定,每个人都是自己的主角,是有生命的,是光鲜亮丽的,是欢乐的。当音乐结束,演员集体谢幕,群像的生命力冲击着每个人的心脏。那一到,我们是发着光的!总之,很开心能出演Shrek。 "The story never ends."


It has been my dream to take part in Yali English Musical for a year. When I recall the oath of "I'll act in it next year" made in grade nine, I finally have a lot of different feelings. Now, my oath has been fulfilled! I tried and was about to give it up, but I finally stuck with it! I wish the English Musical can go smoothly next year!




"We have bold and brand-new stories to be told. What makes us special, makes us strong. We're a screwy but delighted crazy stew. We're different and united. We are us and we are you. Fairy tales should really be updated. It's a big bright beautiful world with possibilities everywhere. Let your freak flag fly. Never take it down.” 生活并不如意,但我们会选择用一生去期待,会永远相信独属于我们的fairy tales。




文字 | 刘真志

图片 | 刘真志 张浩浩

责编 | 方思思 姚江

一审 | 黄琼 卢恋

二审 | 刘智锋

三审 | 杜慧 王旭
