总结了 传统文化考点素材,包含传统节日、节气、传统美食、名胜古迹、四大发明、四大名著等,老师家长都可以收藏,为孩子提供有力的复习支持~
随着新课标要求深入推进,要将中华优秀传统文化全面覆盖所有课程。英语学科的核心素养之一就是文化意识,学会运用英语“传播中国思想,讲好中国故事”成为践行新课标要求的重要一环。今天给大家总结了 8个传统文化考点素材,这些知识和话题可以运用到书面和口头表达中,一起来看看吧!
传统节日 Traditional Festivals
春节 the Spring Festival
元宵节 Lantern Festival
清明节 Qingming Festival/Tomb-Sweeping Day
端午节 Dragon Boat Festival
七夕节 the Double Seventh Festival
中秋节 Mid-Autumn Festival
重阳节 Double Ninth Festival
腊八节 Laba Festival
2.传统艺术 Traditional Art
皮影戏 shadow play
脸谱 facial make-up design
水墨画 ink and wash painting
舞狮 lion dance
刺绣 embroidery
剪纸 Chinese paper-cutting
书法 calligraphy
京剧 Peking Opera
艺术珍品 art treasure
民族风格 ethnic style
文化内涵 cultural connotation
传统民间艺术 traditional folk art
National Intangible Cultural Heritage List
3.传统美食 Traditional Food
小笼汤包 Baozi Stuffed with Juicy Pork
北京烤鸭 Beijing Roast Duck
羊肉泡馍 Pita Bread Soaked in Lamb Soup
饺子 Dumpling
汤圆 Tangyuan
拉面 Lamian
馒头 Steamed Bread
粽子 Zongzi
月饼 Moon Cake
4.传统习俗 Traditional folk
喝八宝粥 eat laba porridge
扫尘 sweep the dust
守岁 staying up
拜年 pay a New Year’s call
祭财神 worship the God of Weaith
烧香 burn incense
贴倒福 paste the Chinese character“Fu”upside down
辞旧岁 bid farewell to the old year
Paper-cut is a very distinctive visual art of Chinese handicrafts. It originated from the 6th century when women used to paste golden and silver foil cuttings onto their hair at the temples,and men used them in sacred rituals. Later, they were used during festivals to decorate gates and windows. After hundreds of years' development, now they have become a very popular means of decoration among country folk.
5.名胜古迹 Places of Historic Interest
兵马俑 Terracotta Warriors and Horses
大雁塔 Big Wild Goose Pagoda
长城 the Great Wall
烽火台 beacon tower
胡同 hutong
敦煌莫高窟 Mogao Grottoes
丝绸之路 the Silk Road
故宫 the Palace Museum
苏州园林 Suzhou gardens
布达拉宫 the Potala Palace
6.四大名著 The Four Great Classical Novels
中国的四大名著(the Four Great Classical Novels)指创作于明清时期的四部最伟大、最有影响力的小说。阅读四大名著,可以了解中国传统的社会、历史、地理、民俗和处世哲学。大多数的中国人对这四部小说中的人物、情节和场景都很熟悉。它们已经深深地影响了中国人的思想(mentality)、观念和价值观。现在,四部小说都已被改编成电影或电视剧(TV series),受到很多观众的喜爱。四大名著都具有很高的艺术水平,是中华民族的宝贵遗产,在中国文学史上也是一大创举。
The Four Great Classical Novels of China refer to the four greatest and most influential novels written in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Reading them can acquaint people with traditional Chinese society,history, geography, folk customs and philosophy of life. Most Chinese are pretty familiar with the figures, plots and scenes in the four novels. They have profoundly influenced the mentality, ideas and values of Chinese people. Nowadays, the four novels have already been adapted into movies or TV series, favored by lots of audiences.Being high in artistic standard, the Four Great Classical Novels are precious heritages of Chinese nation and pioneering works in the history of Chinese literature.
《三国演义》 Romance of the Three Kingdoms
《西游记》 Journey to the West
《水浒传》 Heroes of the Marshes
《红楼梦》 A Dream of the Red Mansions
The Four Great Inventions of Ancient China
四大发明(the Four Great Inventions)是指中国古代对世界有巨大影响的四种发明。即造纸术、印刷术、火药(gunpowder)和指南针。造纸术和印刷术使信息的记录和传播有了革命性的进步。火药的发明和传播改变了中世纪(the Middle Ages)的战争模式。而指南针大大帮助了欧洲航海家探索新航路。四大发明是古代中国先进科学和技术的象征在中国和世界文明发展中都有着重要的意义。
The Four Great Inventions refer to the four inventions in ancient China that had great influences on the world. They are paper-making, printing, gunpowder, and compass. Paper-making and printing lead to revolutionary progress in recording and transmitting information. The invention and spread of gunpowder changed the mode of war in the Middle Ages. And the compass greatly helped the European navigators to explore new routes. The four great Inventions are symbols of advanced science and technology in ancient China and of great significance in the development of Chinese and the world's civilizations.
火药 gunpowder
印刷术 printing
造纸术 paper-making
指南针 the compass
The Four New Inventions in China
扫码支付 scan the QR code to pay
高铁 high-speed trains
共享单车 shared bikes
网购 online shopping
8. 24节气 24 Solar Terms
立春 Beginning of Spring
雨水 Rain Water
惊蛰 Awakening of Insects
春分 Spring Equinox
清明 Qingming Festival
谷雨 Grain Rain
立夏 Beginning of Summer
小满 Grain Buds
芒种 Grain in Ear
夏至 Summer Solstice
小暑 Minor Heat
大暑 Major Heat
立秋 Beginning of Autumn
处暑 End of Heat
白露 White Dew
秋分 Autumn Equinox
寒露 Cold Dew
霜降 Frost's Descent
立冬 Beginning of Winter
小雪 Minor Snow
大雪 Major Snow
冬至 Winter Solstice
小寒 Minor Cold
大寒 Major Cold
A Chinese lunar year has 24 solar terms. The Beginning of Spring comes first.Nowadays, the 24 solar terms could not only be applied to farming, but also guide Chinese in everyday life.
【义教英语角】——歌曲、动漫、小故事、朗读、听读、演讲、口语、听力、词汇、音标、语法视频、自然拼读...... |