
体娱   2024-11-04 06:30   上海  

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Sophisticated 复杂的

Highbrow 专为精英设计的

Heaven 天堂

Phantom 幽灵 鬼魂

Character 角色

Conjuring 变戏法

Mephistopheles 靡菲斯特(歌德所著《浮士德》中的魔鬼)


总觉得音乐剧带着一股“新手勿进”的距离感,还没接触已然担心太过 highbrow 怕欣赏不来...




今天的《曲外之音》Sound of Musical 板块我们就来看看这部“百看不厌的猫族派对”背后的文化故事和Wordplay呀~


Cats, a musical with no clear storyline


音乐剧《猫》(Cats)是一部由安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯(Andrew Lloyd Webber)作曲,基于T.S.艾略特(T.S. Eliot)的诗集《擅长假扮的老猫经》(Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats)改编的作品。


《猫》是非线性叙事(non-linear narrative)的作品,叙事方式更接近于"故事集"(story collection)。





杰里科猫就是"Jellicle Cats" , 是T.S.艾略特在他的诗集中创造的一个词,用来指代那些参加杰里科舞会的猫咪们。

你试试快读下“Dear little cats”“Dear little cats”是不是就有Jellicle 的味儿了?

而“九重天”就是"Heaviside layer" 。在故事中,它被描绘为一个类似于“天堂”(Heaven)或“来世”的地方——选中的 Jellicle 猫在重生之前会被送往此处,它象征着猫的来世或者重生的机会。

实际上,Heaviside Layer 在现实中是指地球大气层中的一个真实存在,通常被称为 Kennelly-Heaviside 层。这是地球电离层中的一个层,位于大约56到93英里(约90到150公里)的高度。 



Gus在描述自己曾经是舞台上的明星时,他提到"I knew how to let the cat out of the bag",字面意思是“我知道如何把猫从袋子里放出来”,实际是习语“泄露秘密”的意思。

又比如歌词里"to jump through a hoop",字面意思是“跳圈”,实际是指“按照别人的期望行事”,尤其是取悦他人这种背景下会使用~


The Jellicle cats


在给朋友的一封信中,原著作者Eliot 写道:“据我的经验,到目前为止主要有四种猫:Old Gumbie Cat, Practical Cat, Porpentine Cat 和 Big Bravo Cat;我怀疑你的猫看起来像是一只 Bravo Cat。”



白天,Jennyanydots 会在平坦的地方休息,一到夜晚,就开始忙碌。她精通各种家务技能,并将这些技能传授给她的“学生”。



在音乐剧中,Jennyanydots 在自己的歌曲中占据中心舞台,带领合唱团进行复杂的踢踏舞表演。

🐱Rum Tum Tugger 

一只摇滚明星猫。据说,这个形象在某种程度上参照了滚石乐队的 Mick Jagger。

Rum Tum Tugger 性格怪诞而反叛,总想着与众不同、惊世骇俗,他任性且以自我中心,总是很难被满足。




是“魅力猫”(the Glamour Cat)担当。




Grizabella 以其演唱的著名歌曲Memory而闻名,在音乐剧史上具有标志性地位。

在剧终,她通过再次演唱Memory的副歌部分,最终赢得了族群的接纳和原谅,并被选中升天重生,前往 Heaviside Layer.

🐱Mr. Mistoffelees


Mr. Mistoffelees 以魔术技巧和敏捷的身手而著称,他在剧中有展现自己魔法能力的部分,比如在帽子里变出七只小猫、瞬间移动这些。




🐱Bustopher Jones






.... 除了这些主要和次要角色之外,猫咪的总数可能超过30只。



You can find the transcript here


Cats "

/ Sound of Musical :Ⅰ /



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Has been on Broadway and the West End for a combined total of 39 years (21 in London, 18 in NYC).

Based on poetry by T.S.Eliot. Uses a lot of his poetry from “Old Possums Book of Practical Cats", a collection of poems by Eliot. Music has been added to the poems to make many of the songs.

The poems were put to music by Andrew Lloyd Webber (Of “Phantom of the Opera”, and many other shows, fame).

Opened in 1981 in London.

The original show featured several famous faces, such a Elaine Paige. It was supposed to have Dame Judi Dench in it, but she was injured a week before the opening night.


 The musical isunusual in its construction; along with Eliot's poems, music and dance are themain focus of the show at the expense of a traditional narrative structure

(Note: I find the story in this very strange. It doesn't really have a proper story, just a lot of character introductions that then move into a surprise villain scene, then the ending).

The show focuses on the story of a group or gang of cats, called the Jellicle Cats. (Jellicle was Eliot corrupting the phrase “dear little cats". There was also Pollicle Dogs, for “Poor Little Dogs”).

The gang of cats are meeting at night for the Jellicle Ball, an event held to choose which cat will go to Heaviside Layer, and begin their new life. A play on words with Heaven, and the idea that all cats have 9 lives.

The first act is mostly just the cats who want to go to Heaviside Layer introducing themselves through song and ballet.

We meet a lot of cats with weird and wonderful names, such as:


   Rum Tum Tugger


   Bustopher Jones

♪   Mungojerrie


   Mr. Mistoffelees

♪  Macavity (the villain, apparently...)

The character that stands out the most is Grizabella, an old cat who the others are scared and disgusted by. She left the tribe when she had gotten older, and now she only has the memories of happier times (leading to the best and most famous song in the show “Memories”.

The 2nd act sees more Jellicle’s introduced, and then the introductions are interrupted by Macavity, who kidnaps Old Deuteronomy and impersonates him. It doesn’t work very well, as he is soon found and beaten up. (He is referred to as the Napoleon of Crime, like Sherlock Holmes’ Moriarty. He seems far less successful.)

Macavity breaks the lights, and the Magical Mr. Mistoffelees, the “original conjuring cat”, brings them back on so the choosing can take place.

Grizabella returns now, and sings “Memories”. This song and her bedraggled appearance led the cats to choose her to go to the Heaviside Layer. She rises up off the stage.





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Hi, everyone. And welcome back to one of your favorite segments, Sound of Musicals, 欢迎回来【曲外之音】. Hi, Oliver.



So which musical are we going to talk about today?

Well, I'll ask you a question to give you a hint. Are you a cat person or a dog person?

I know exactly what you're talking about, unless they've recently made a musical called dogs. I think we're talking about Cats.

Yes, we are. Today it's all about the cats, although a dog musical I would watch. So, yeah.

So are you a dog person then?

I tend to be a dog person, yes, but I've got nothing against cats. I do like cats as well.

I'm definitely a cat person and I actually have a cat, a ginger cat.

Oh. Very nice.

All right, so let's talk about cats. I'm pretty sure a lot of our audience they are familiar with cats.

Yeah, it's quite a well-known musical. It's been around for a long time now, it opened in 1981, in London. So it's a good 40 something years old. It's been on Broadway, the West End, it was in London for 21 years and in New York for 18 years. So it's got a long history to it. It's actually based on poetry. The songs in the musical are based on poetry by T.S. Eliot, a famous poet.

That's why it's so sort of fragmented.


It's not like one of those things with a clear storyline. It's not a storybook, it's just pieces of like verses.

That's it, exactly. The music, it takes his poems and the composers and Andrew Lloyd Webber who created the music and for the show, he put the poems to music as kind of an experiment he wanted to see if he could do it.

And then his friends said, now you could make a concert of this and so he did, and then that changed again into the musical 'Cats'. It's got a strange history to it.

I mean, you are right. It sounds more like a concert, sounds like a collection of songs rather than a very well sort of piece together storyline.

It has, yes. It makes the next part of our show today a little bit difficult for me.

But it's more like a collection of songs in a collection of almost life stories from some of the characters which it pushed together to make a show or a concert, as you say.

Collection of poems or a collection of short stories. It's like a collection of bio like little bio pieces for each cats.

It is, yeah. I think Elliot, if I'm remembering my research correctly, he wrote it for his young god children as just funny poems about different cats. The book is called 'Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats', if you want to find the poems yourself.

It was a children's book about cats and the different types of cats and the different things cats do. He made it a little bit funny and a little bit childish in some ways for the kids reading it.

All in all, it just sounds sort of like experimental musical.

It definitely feels like that to me, when I listen to it and watch it. It's got very nice combination of musical and ballet though, Cats stands out a little bit because it uses ballet in many many places.

Yeah, the dance bit, the whole choreograph, choreography is amazing. I do like the choreography.

It is, if you listen to the music, you don't get half the experience is actually seeing the show.

When you just listen to the songs on their own, it does feel very strange. But being there and seeing it, oh, it's an experience you have to be there for.

Exactly. Okay, so I'm gonna give you the impossible task of walking us through the storyline or the lack of it, the none storyline.

It's not so impossible task so much as just a very short one there is. So the whole show is around a gang or a tribe of cats called the Jellicle cats.

Why are they called the Jellicle cats?

Yeah, Jellicle comes from T.S. Eliot, the poet who created the poems. He corrupted the phrase 'Dear little cats' and turned it into 'Jellicle cats'.

Wow, I never knew that. So dear little cats读快了, 就是 dear little, dear little cats, Jellicle cats.

Jellicle cats, yeah.

I always thought it was a cat breed and I literally checked and there were no cat breed called Jellicle.

I thought it was as well. I had no idea what Jellicle was until I was preparing for this show, and he also did another one called Pollicle dogs.

Poor little dogs?

Poor little dogs. Pollicle dogs. Yeah.

OKay, I can see the wordplay. So Jellicle cats, so this whole bunch of cats, they are Jellicle cats, right?

They are. It's kind of like a tribe. All the different cats are part of this gang or this tribe with a, but I think maybe two exceptions there are two which are a little bit out of it.

But they’re meeting the night of the show for the Jellicle ball, which is an event they have every year, so once a night... once a year event where the cats will choose who gets to go to the Heaviside layer. And when they get to the Heaviside layer, they can start a new life. It's like a rebirth for the cat.

It's like cat's heaven, isn't it?

It is, yeah. The Heaviside layer is, again, Elliot corrupting these words, heaven, heavi, heaven side layer, so. And again it's the idea that the cats have nine lives.

I guess they can reborn.

So when they finish one of them, they go to the Heaviside layer and they start the next one.

I see, so they have to choose one cat to go to the Heaviside layer.

That's it. Just one cat gets to go every year and starts the new life. And that's why the show is a little bit unusual, because there's not really a story, to actually say the story is really difficult, because it has so little, what we get instead is a series of cats introducing themselves through music, singing and dance. And they have fantastic names. I just... some of these names... there is Jennyanydots, who is...


Jennyanydots who...

Let me guess it's like a cat with some spots on her.

Exactly. She's described as looking a bit like a leopard with leopard spots, yeah..


Haha. Jennyanydots. There is Rum Tum Tugger.

Do you know Rum Tum Tugger is the rock star cats and then they are saying that it's kind of like, I don't know, referring to Mick Jagger?

Mick Jagger, kind of, yeah. It's kind of the same. If you give him this, he will want that. If you put him outside he wants to come in. If he's inside he wants to go out. He's the rebel.

Is that rebellious rock spirit?

He is. And then you've got all sorts of good names, Bustopher Jones, Mungojerrie, Rumpleteazer, Macavity who is the villain of the show.

A villain cat.

Although he doesn't do much villain in throughout the show, to be honest. He's kind of a little bit later on.

But all of these cats they have introductions, they sing a song, they introduce themselves. And most of them are quite upbeat. They've lived good lives, they're quite happy.

They're mischievous.

Yeah. Definitely, they are mischievous. Mungojerrie, Rumpleteazer that their song is definitely, they are the cats who climb onto the table and slowly knock that glass of water onto the floor. It's though they are those cats. Is your cat like that?

Yeah. My cat would look me in the eyes and do that.

Your cat is Mungojerrie. Oh, my...

Yeah. But there is one cat which stands out as being different and that is Grizabella.

Is the one that sings memory.

Yes, it's the one that everyone kind of when they think of cats because her song is the most famous song in the show and outside of the show too.


So she's an old cat and she's really old. She's described as having like sand in her fur and her face, eyes are like drooping and scarred and she's really old, and she's not had an easy life.

The rest of the tribe is actually scared and almost disgusted by her a little bit. She used to be a beautiful cat. She used to be able to dance and do all these nice things. But now when she tries it...

I mean Grizabella sounds very elegant, the name.

Yeah, it does. Grizabella is a very elegant name.  When she tries to do these things now, she just can't do it. But she can remember and that's where the song memories is introduced.

Yeah. That is a very sad song.

It is very sad, but it is lovely. I like that song a lot.


But honestly, that is Act one, that is the first half of the show described. It's just these cats introducing themselves.

In Act two, we see a few more cats like Gus who used to be an actor, and then Macavity the villain appears for, ah, I mean, I know I'm exaggerating, but he's on stage, he's there for about 5 minutes before he's gone again. He doesn't really do much for a villain of the show.

Yeah. They were trying for some plot, but there was no plot. Actually I saw a social media posting says there is no storyline or there are no plots to Cats and that's kind of the point.

Yeah, seems like it was intentionally done. It wasn't they just made a show and forgot to do it. They didn't want to add this big storyline to the show which makes me wonder why Macavity was in it. Aside from having a good song because his song is quite cool.

I do wonder why he's here. And he thought of, he's talked about as the napoleon of crime, which is kind of a nod to Sherlock Holmes as Moriarty, the villain in Sherlock Holmes, who was also called the napoleon of crime.

It might just be a typecasting. Oliver.

It could be in fairness,  it could be, I don't think there's much to it.

Yeah. But I also remember there's a magician cat called Mr. Mistoffelees which is obviously reference to Mephistopheles from the story or from Faustus.

Yeah. From Faustus. Yeah. So there's a few word plays and things like that in the names as we've seen.  Mistoffelees is the magic cat, so it has that connection.


But at the end, all the cats, the Jellicle cats, they decide to choose Grizabella, the cat which they were scared of and almost disgusted by through a few of the other cats kind of convincing them that she deserves this. She is chosen and then she rises up off the stage in a very almost religious way. She kind of rises up towards the Heaviside layer of heaven, cat heaven and is...

I guess reborn.

Yeah. That's where...Yes, the reborn we don't see it, but that's where the show ends.  But for the cats, that's where she gets reborn. Yeah.

I see, I see, yeah. Thank you for doing this impossible task of giving us the storyline of a none story. I think we're gonna wrap up here. There are so many characters.

In the second episode of Cats, we are going to listen to some of these famous musical numbers, so that you can perhaps get a little bit more into these characters. Also we're gonna try to explore some of the themes which are not very obvious in this musical.

Yeah. Just like with the lack of a story, the themes becomes a little difficult, but there are some we can talk about.

All right. Thank you, Oliver for coming to the show. We'll see you next time.

Thank you very much. I'll see you next time. 


文稿校对:Wency  & Jenny

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