报名 | 摩课士创始人苏铭天做客管理大师论坛

教育   2024-08-27 13:52   上海  

8月29日 12:15-13:40



12:15-13:40, August 29th, 2024

Room 205, 2nd Floor, Starr Building

School of Management, 

Fudan University



The Evolution of

Marketing and Advertising

in the Age of AI

作为S4 Capital plc 旗下的全球纯数字、统一运营品牌,摩课士(Monks)致力于为品牌提供AI赋能数字驱动的整合创意营销方案,通过整合营销与科技服务,赋能企业实现可持续增长和创新。

8月29日,S4 Capital/摩课士创始人兼执行董事长苏铭天爵士再次莅临复旦管院,做客学院大师论坛,与许梦然博士对话,并与复旦学子面对面交流。他将深入阐述在AI时代,市场营销与广告将如何演变,以及广告行业所面临的挑战与机遇。

As a purely digital, unified global brand of S4 Capital plc, Monks aims to provide brands with AI powered, digitally-driven, integrated creative marketing solutions, empowering companies to achieve sustainable growth and innovation through integrated marketing and technology services.

On August 29th, Sir Martin SORRELL, Founder and Executive Chairman of S4 Capital/Monks, will visit Fudan University for a fireside chat with Dr. Mengran Xu of the School of Management, Fudan University. He will offer an in-depth exploration of "The Evolution of Marketing and Advertising in the Age of AI" as well as the challenges and opportunities facing the advertising industry.


Guest Speaker

苏铭天 爵士

Sir Martin SORRELL

S4 Capital / 摩课士创始人兼执行董事长

Founder and Executive Chairman,

S4 Capital / Monks

苏铭天爵士,现任S4 Capital / 摩课士创始人兼执行董事长。S4 Capital创立于2018年,为全球品牌、跨国品牌、区域品牌、本土品牌以及面向千禧一代的新潮品牌打造完整的数字广告和营销服务。目前公司业务遍及32个国家,员工超9000人,并于伦敦证券交易所上市。

此前,苏铭天爵士建立了 WPP 集团,并担任首席执行官长达33年,将其发展成为全球最大广告营销服务公司。苏铭天爵士曾任第二十七届上海国际企业家市长咨询会议主席。


Sir Martin SORRELL is Founder and Executive Chairman of S4 Capital plc, the tech led, new age / new era digital advertising and marketing services company for global, multinational, regional and local clients, and millennial-driven influencer brands.

Sir Martin was Founder and CEO of WPP for 33 years, building it from a £1 million ‘shell’ company in 1985 into the world’s largest advertising and marketing services company. When Sir Martin left in April 2018, WPP had a market capitalisation of over £16 billion, revenues of over £15 billion, profits of approximately £2 billion and over 200,000 people in 113 countries. Prior to that, Sir Martin was Group Financial Director of Saatchi & Saatchi plc for nine years and worked for James Gulliver, Mark McCormack and Glendinning Associates before that.

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Dr. Mengran Xu


Assistant Professor of Marketing, 

School of Management,

 Fudan University


目前许博士主要为复旦大学本硕博和MBA学生讲授《营销管理》《消费者行为学》《消费者研究》和《学术写作》等课程。此外,许博士还致力于行为科学的传播,基于其学术研究的章节和评论收录于牛津大学出版社即将发行的新书《The social science of the COVID-19 pandemic: A call to action for researchers》当中。同时,许博士也参与了科特勒《营销管理》第16版的翻译工作。

Dr. Mengran “Nancy” Xu is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Marketing at the School of Management, Fudan University. Dr. Xu's research focuses on consumer behavior and attitude change, with a primary emphasis on developing effective persuasion strategies to incentivize attitude change and providing theoretical guidance for the development of market solutions for businesses. Her research findings have been published in top international academic journals in the fields of marketing and social psychology, including the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, European Review of Social Psychology, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, and Marketing Letters.

Currently, Dr. Xu primarily teaches undergraduate, graduate, and MBA students at the Fudan University in courses, such as Marketing Management, Consumer Behavior, Consumer Research, and Academic Writing. In addition, Dr. Xu is committed to the dissemination of science to the public, and her academic research chapters and reviews are included in the upcoming book "The Social Science of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Call to Action for Researchers," to be published by Oxford University Press. Furthermore, Dr. Xu is also involved in the translation work for the 16th edition of Kotler's "Marketing Management."

左右滑动查看中英文简介 Swipe left and right to view an introduction in both Chinese and English →

 活动议程 Agenda 

签到入场 - Registration

对      话 - Dialogue

问答环节 - Q & A

 报名 Registration 



Scan the QR code to register


Fudan Forum of Management Masters


Fudan Forum of Management Masters, as one of the highest-level forums of School of Management, Fudan University, invites senior executives from multinational companies and renowned business leaders from home and abroad to deliver speeches and share their secrets to success, industry insights and life lessons. The Forum serves as a platform for management elites in China to have extensive face-to-face exchanges and discussions with outstanding business figures from both at home and abroad to learn from each other and explore future development opportunities.

来源 | 复旦管院


BI-Fudan MBAers出席G20海洋对话

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【中国首批/国际合作/在职全英文】复旦-BI(挪威)国际合作MBA项目是中国首批国际合作硕士项目之一,成立于1996年,由复旦大学和BI挪威商学院联合举办。与我们一同开智求真,拓新领变!Go North!