招聘 | 华东师大哲学系人工智能伦理与全球治理方向博士后招聘启事

教育   2024-09-06 22:38   法国  





  • 在海内外知名大学取得博士学位不超过3年,年龄一般不超过35周岁;

  • 主要研究方向与人工智能伦理与全球治理相关;

  • 遵守学术道德,身心健康;

  • 已取得优秀学术成果或具有良好的学术发展潜质;

  • 能够提出可行的、有价值的研究计划;

  • 进站后须全职从事博士后研究工作,工作期限为2-3年;

  • 具有团队意识和服务意识,愿意从事并能够胜任相关的哲学系内工作。




  • 薪酬待遇按华东师范大学博士后有关规定执行(年薪12.5-30万元)。

  • 对于综合表现优异的博士后出站人员,可协助申请专职科研岗位或竞聘专任教师岗位。相关规定参见


  • 即日起接受申请,名额招满为止。

  • 请将个人详细简历(包括教育经历、工作经历及论文发表情况等)及博士学位证书、毕业证书(扫描件)、个人研究计划发送至。应聘材料予以保密。

Postdoctoral Fellowship in AI Ethics and Global Governance

Department of Philosophy, East China Normal University

The Department of Philosophy at East China Normal University (ECNU) invites applications for a Postdoctoral Fellowship in Artificial Intelligence Ethics and Global Governance. We seek innovative scholars to contribute to our growing research program in this cutting-edge field.

About the Position

This fellowship offers an excellent opportunity for early-career researchers to develop their research profile in a supportive academic environment. The successful candidate will join a dynamic team of scholars working at the intersection of philosophy and artificial intelligence.

Why Join Us?

• Competitive salary up to 300,000 RMB per annum

(125,000-300,000 RMB, according to qualifications)

• Research support, including vibrant academic environment

• Comprehensive benefits package, including housing assistance

• Collaborative research with leading scholars

• Clear pathway to a tenure-track position for exceptional performers

Ideal Candidate

• PhD in Philosophy or related field from a prestigious university (obtained within the last 3 years)

• Passionate about AI ethics with a track record of excellence or high potential

• Innovative thinker with the ability to drive independent research

What We’re Looking For

• Groundbreaking research in AI ethics and global governance

• High-impact publications and conference presentations

• Active participation in departmental intellectual life

• Commitment to interdisciplinary collaboration

Ready to Take the Next Step?

Submit your CV to

ECNU values diversity and welcomes applicants from all backgrounds. Candidates should be 35 or younger at appointment.

全法中国学者学生联合会\x0d\x0aUCECF Union des Chercheurs et des Etudiants Chinois en France\x0d\x0a