
文摘   2024-09-13 10:01   新加坡  

By Charlie Wu 吴卓言


▲ 姜耀辉 Keung Yui Fai

姜律师主专注于争议解决,包括但不限 于处理在香港及外国开展的仲裁、在香港执行国内或外国判决及破产清算(个人破产或公司清盘),以及跨地区的商事交易服务,公司成立、合并、收购、集资及重组,设立信讬和基金,并处理财富的传承。

▲ 甄维仁 Yen Barry Joseph






Guantao & Chow expands HK team with SKYS partner duo

PRC law firm Guantao has strengthened its corporate and IP practice in Hong Kong after hiring two partners from So Keung Yip & Sin (SKYS), namely Keung Yui Fai, Yen Barry Joseph.

Joining Keung and Yen in the move are a team comprising four lawyers.

Keung’s main focus is on dispute resolution, including but not limited to dealing with arbitrations conducted in Hong Kong and foreign countries, enforcement of domestic or foreign judgments in Hong Kong and insolvency and liquidation (personal bankruptcy or company winding up), as well as cross-border commercial transactional services, company incorporation, mergers, acquisitions, capital raisings and reorganizations, setting up trusts and funds and dealing with the passing on of wealth.

With more than 35 years of legal services experience, Yen focuses on commercial, corporate, and intellectual property matters, with an emphasis on disputed and non-disputed intellectual property; information technology and licensing; advertising, entertainment, gaming, and media law; and personal data and privacy.

Prior to joining SKYS in 1997, Yen worked at Baker McKenzie as an associate for more than five years.

“We are pleased to welcome Keung and Yen to Guantao's Hong Kong office! The addition of these two senior lawyers will further enhance the strength of our commercial and intellectual property practice,” said Grace Yan, the managing partner of Guantao HK.

Since Guantao HK established in 2008 and localized as a Hong Kong solicitor’s firm in 2016, the firm has been providing both Hong Kong SAR and Chinese law advice for years. In addition, Guantao HK and Gallant just entered into association in Hong Kong on 1 April this year.



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