近日,南京农业大学资源与环境科学学院汪鹏教授联合北卡罗来纳州立大学胡水金教授等开展研究,通过田间分解和实验室孵化的方法,评估了全球变化因素如何通过改变根系特性和土壤微生物属性来影响细根分解。研究成果以题为Resolving the Intricate Effects of Multiple Global Change Drivers on Root Litter Decomposition发表在Global Change Biology上。
研究发现,气候变暖和氮沉降加速了细根分解 10% 以上,二者组合表现出加性效应,而降水减少总体抑制了 12%,其中抑制效应在单独增温和单独氮肥集条件下最为显著。显著的是,在增温和氮肥集中条件下,凋落物质量的变化起主导作用,加速了细根分解15%~18%,而土壤和微生物性质的变化占主导地位,在减降和增温-氮肥联合下,分解减少了7%~10%。单独检查分解环境或凋落物特性可能会扭曲全球变化对根系分解的影响,低估了 38% 的降水减少影响,并高估了高达 73% 的变暖和氮效应。
这些发现强调,GCFs 对凋落物根系分解的净影响取决于 GCF 调制的根系分解性与分解环境之间的相互作用,以及 GCFs 本身之间的协同或拮抗关系。该研究强调,整合多个 GCF 对根系性状、土壤条件和微生物功能的传统影响将改进我们在交互式全球变化情景下对 C 和养分循环的预测。
A conceptual framework of root litter decomposition under global change. A schematic diagram of the three-way factorial global-change experimental design simulating global warming, N enrichment, precipitation alteration and their combinations. The effect sizes of warming (W), N inputs (N), precipitation alteration (PA) and their interactions on global-change-mediated net decomposition (a, d, g), the litter-mediated decomposition (b, e, h), and the soil-mediated decomposition (c, f, i).(a, b) Pearson's correlation coefficients between fine-root characteristics, and soil and microbial properties with decomposition. Assessing the net effects of multiple GCFs and the relative importance of litter quality, soil conditions, and microbial properties on fine-root decomposition under the global changeGeneralized multilevel path models elucidating the effects of GCFs on fine-root C loss via direct and indirect pathways driven by litter quality, litter decomposability, soil and microbial properties, and decomposition environment.