
文摘   2024-11-16 07:52   日本  


Bacterial infections, especially induced by multidrug-resistant pathogens, have become a significant global health concern. In the infected tissues, biofilms not only serve as a source of nutrients but also act as protective barriers that impede antibiotic penetration. Herein, we developed tea polyphenols epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) Au nanoparticles (E-Au NPs) through direct one-step self-assembly methods by EGCG chelating with Au ions to eradicate antibiotic-resistant bacteria methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and prevent the formation of biofilm under near-infrared (NIR) irradiation. The outstanding antibacterial effect involved in mild photothermal therapy, reactive oxygen species production, pathogenicity-related genes regulation, and quinoprotein formation that were specific to the polyphenol-based NPs. The excellent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapeutic efficacy of E-Au NPs was validated and topically applied in murine MRSA-infected skin wounds and keratitis model in vivo to kill bacteria, reduce the inflammation response and promote wound healing. Furthermore, the ophthalmic and systemic biosafety profiles were thoroughly evaluated while no significant side effects were revealed achieving a balance between high-efficiency antibacterial properties and biocompatibility. This study provides an effective therapeutic agent of metal-phenolic materials for superficial tissue infection with favorable prognosis and potential in clinical translation.


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