转自 中国微米纳米技术学会
曹炳阳,清华大学航天航空学院教授,院长,国家杰青,国际先进材料学会、亚洲热科学联合会和美国工程科学学会Fellow。担任国际传热大会常务理事会理事、亚洲热科学与工程联合会副主席、中国航空教育学会常务理事、中国复合材料学会导热复合材料专业委员会副主任等学术职务。主要研究领域为微纳尺度传热和先进热管理技术,发表SCI学术论文200余篇,出版专著《纳米结构的非傅里叶导热》,担任ES Energy & Environment主编、International Journal of Thermal Sciences副主编和10多个国际期刊编委。
由于芯片制程尺寸的不断减少、集成密度的不断提高以及对算力和功率的更高要求,热管理正成为现代芯片系统进一步发展的瓶颈问题。本次报告涉及以下三方面内容:(1) 芯片近结热管理,包括芯片近结区自热效应及产热抑制、纳米导热的非傅里叶效应、热物性及扩展热阻优化设计;(2)界面热管理,包括半导体抑制结构界面热调控、液态金属相变热控和热界面材料等;(3)液体冷却技术,嵌入式微通道液冷和浸没式液冷技术要综合考虑降低流动阻力、提高传热系数、提高温度均匀性和半导体工艺兼容性等因素。
Rujun Ma is a professor in the School of Materials Science and Engineering of Nankai University, selected by the National Youth Thousand Talent Program. He has led many key projects of the National Key R&D Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and the key projects of the Tianjin Natural Science Foundation, etc. He graduated from the College of Nanotechnology, Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea, with a Ph.D. degree in February 2013, and then worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the School of Energy Science and the Institute of Basic Science of the same university. In April 2015, he joined Prof. Qibing Pei's group at UCLA as a postdoctoral researcher, and in September 2018, he joined the School of Materials Science and Engineering at Nankai University.His main research interests are flexible active/passive solid-state cooling materials and devices and multifunctional flexible thermoelectric materials and devices. In recent years, he has published in Science (2), PNAS, Nature Communications, Joule (2), Chemical Society Reviews, Energy & Environmental Science, Advanced Materials (4), Advanced Energy Materials (2), Nano Letters (7), ACS nano (2), etc. He has been authorized more than 10 patents in the United States, China, and South Korea, and has applied for 2 international patents.Traditional refrigeration equipment commonly uses environmentally polluting Freon and has low cooling efficiency. The current increasingly integrated electronic chips need more efficient cooling technology to extend their service life. A compact and portable solid-state refrigeration system with high cooling efficiency and performance parameters can provide effective heat dissipation for current wearable electronics and can be widely used. Whereas electrocaloric cooling with ferroelectric materials is an efficient and novel alternative to Freon. Here, we utilize a flexible ferroelectric electrocaloric polymer film and an electrostatic driving mechanism to enable effective heat transfer between the heat source and the heat sink. The use of reversible electrostatic force reduces the parasitic power consumption and enables effective heat transfer through instantaneous formation of good thermal contact between the polymer film and the heat source or heat sink. Electrocaloric effect refrigeration system performance factor exceeds existing vapor compression refrigeration technology. The high efficiency, non-polluting electro-thermal effect cooling device not only spans the performance of existing solid-state cooling technologies, but in the future it can be made into a very small cooler to be carried around in a pocket. Moreover, it can also effectively cool down cell phones, computers and wearable electronics to extend their service life.(一)欢迎登录mTT2024官方网站:http://mtt2024.csmnt.org.cn 注册参会。