
旅行   2024-09-15 22:58   广东  

Do you know how big a hole the biggest bankruptcy since the founding of New China has been? 

Total liabilities reached 1.1 trillion, and more than 430,000 people were dragged down. 

This is not Evergrande, but a record set by HNA Group, once China's second largest private company. 

The most direct cause of the sea thunder, of course, is from the mask, but the "natural disaster" is only the last straw that crushed the camel, and the root cause of the thunder is still "man-made disaster". 

The so-called success is also what, what is the failure, for Chen Feng and Wang Jian, this is probably more appropriate. 

The two core founders of HNA have been closely bound together since the beginning of the company's establishment. 

In 1993, Hainan Airlines made its first flight. Wang Jian, 32, stays at the airport and handles check-in procedures. 

Chen Feng, 40, boarded the plane and personally served tea and water to passengers. 

This division of labor of one person on the ground and one person in the air seemed to foreshadow their later roles in HNA. 

Chen Feng became the face of the company and stood in the spotlight. 

Later, you could always see him traveling with all kinds of bigwigs, signing, taking photos, giving speeches, and giving interviews. 

Wang Jian is more like a trader, silently standing behind Chen Feng to promote the implementation of HNA's various businesses. 

Whether it is increasing leverage at the beginning of the millennium, buying around to avoid the fate of being absorbed by the three major state-owned airlines. 

When it was still SARS, it launched the strategy of "one main and two wings" and began to cross the fields of tourism, finance and real estate. 

Or during the subprime crisis, it threw out the "Super X plan", established eight business segments, and set the ambition to enter the world's top 100 in 2020. 

The tacit division of labor and "similar taste" of Chen and Wang, and the strategy of constantly increasing leverage and constantly buying and buying have indeed made HNA achieve "rapid development" and also helped HNA overcome many "difficulties". 

In 2012, HNA, which has been in business for 20 years, achieved the mythical achievement of "asset growth of 36,000 times", and also put Chen Feng in the spotlight on the altar. 

In that year, almost all HNA employees got a considerable number of year-end bonuses, and everyone with a smile did not find that the relationship between the two big bosses, Chen Wang, has quietly given birth to cracks. 

In the eyes of the outside world, HNA is a rare domestic duopoly system, as the co-founders of Chen Feng and Wang Jian, a main outside, a main inside, the two are one, this combination seems perfect.

Wang Jian has also described his relationship with Chen Feng in internal meetings: "We are sitting here as if we are two people, but we are actually one person." 

But no one knows exactly when the feud began. People only slowly found that the people Chen Feng reused, Wang Jian did not seem to use, and vice versa. Later, the people below began to gradually take sides, forming the so-called "Chen school" and "Wang School."

In the process, Mr. Wang gradually gained control, Mr. Chen was marginalized, the relationship between the two founders accelerated, and the company's internal management became increasingly chaotic. 

The climax of this power struggle came in late 2015. Mr Chen stepped down from actual management of HNA after a board reshuffle described by gossip as a "forced palace". 

Soon after, there also appeared the "Sunshine Declaration" of loyalty to Wang Jianbiao, and the implementation of the "three no-policies" for Chen Feng, that is, not to carry out any instructions from Chen, not to answer any questions from him, and not to give him any explanations. 

The public change of power also led directly to a "great purge" within HNA, with hundreds of senior executives being reassigned or expelled within a year. 

With the temporary end of the "power struggle", HNA has also opened an unprecedented expansion. From buying a skyscraper in Manhattan, New York, to becoming the largest shareholder of Deutsche Bank, to subduing the five major real estate giants, winning the new land king in Hong Kong, China, and all kinds of buying all over the world. 

In the first two years of Wang Jian's full power, HNA Group spent more than 500 billion yuan on net investment alone, and its assets doubled to more than one trillion yuan. 

In 2015, when HNA first entered the world's top 500, it was 464th. By 2017, HNA's ranking had reached 170. At the end of 2017, HNA's debt problems began to surface, and the surging capital giant began to make a sharp turn.

More than half a year later, Wang Jian accidentally fell in Provence, France, and died of serious injuries. At the same time, Chen Feng, who had been in seclusion for a long time, stood again in the spotlight. 

Like when Wang Jian was in charge, Chen Feng, who returned to the center of power, also came to a big purge. In a short period of time, more than 200 cadres were dismissed, and many of the new people were ignorant of the company's affairs. 

Under internal troubles and foreign aggression, HNA continues to fall into the abyss, but in Chen Feng's view, this seems to be Wang Jian's responsibility. 

In a later interview about Mr. Wang's death, Mr. Chen said with some emotion: "His own ambitions and desires grew. I review that there have been significant deviations in my perception of people and in my corporate governance." Entrepreneurial work together for decades, for the dead old partner, Chen Feng's final evaluation is only cold four words, old eyes. 

Three years later, after more than 20,000 HNA employees reported that Chen Feng was suspected of illegal crimes, he was placed under compulsory measures. 

Chen Feng and Wang Jian believe in cause and effect, and ultimately do not escape from it. 

Wang Jian in the Lord has died a long time ago. And the main outside Chen Feng, the next half of life probability will never come out. 

From the boundless global expansion of scenery to the impermanent outcome of disintegration, everything makes people sigh that the fate of the arrangement, may have been doomed.


这不是恒大,而是曾经是中国第二大民营企业的海航集团(HNA Group)创下的纪录。

































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