近日,“2024年世界青年看福建”——“世界青年 趣淘漳州”活动收到了参加活动的外国青年代表及其家人一封封热情洋溢的感谢信。
From Monica Darowish
来自美国洛杉矶的Monica Darowish特别感谢了漳州:“从我们访问的省市到我们所感受到的热情,每一刻都难以忘怀。漳州职业技术学院的开幕式以及志愿者孩子们的热情好客让我深受感动。”她在信中深情地写道:这次在中国的旅行,犹如一场心灵的蜕变。探索贵国丰富的文化、悠久的历史、动人的音乐、舞蹈、语言、茶文化以及美味的佳肴,每一天都让我倍感荣幸与快乐。沉浸在如此深厚的文化中,对我来说是一份难得的特权,我将永远珍藏这一宝贵的经历。此行让我更加明白,"中华人民共和国"这个名字是多么贴切,它不仅体现了国家的伟大,更体现了人民的精神和坚韧不拔。这里人们的善良、目标感以及笑容中传递的温暖,深深打动了我。这次经历让我充满了分享和传播的动力,想要让更多的人了解我所遇到的中国——一个充满深度和人性的国家。
Monica Darowish来信原文登载如下:
Monica Darowish
I am writing to express my gratitude for the incredible opportunity to visit your country. For many years, I realized I had been taught a limited and often misguided view of your world. While I don’t place blame on others, I take responsibility for accepting those narratives without question. This is precisely why I am so profoundly thankful to you and your amazing program for allowing me to truly see and understand what your country, China, is all about.
My journey through China was nothing short of transformative. Exploring your rich culture, history, music, dances, language, tea flavors, and incredible cuisine was a daily delight and an honor. Immersing myself in the essence of your nation felt like a privilege—one I will treasure for a lifetime.
This experience has shown me why your country’s name, "The People’s Republic of China," is so fitting. It reflects the spirit and resilience of its people, their kindness, sense of purpose, and the warmth in their smiles. I am inspired to share my experiences and spread the truth about the beauty, depth, and humanity I encountered throughout my travels.
I loved sharing this journey with the incredible group of students and participants I got to know on this trip。
The "Global View of China" Youth Program Network, held from December 9–19, 2024, was extraordinary in every sense. From the provinces and cities we visited to the warm welcomes we received, every moment was unforgettable. In Fujian, Zhangzhou City, the fantastic opening ceremony at the Vocational and Technical College, along with the kindness of the volunteer kids, overwhelmed me with gratitude. Visiting the Longjiang River, exploring Xiamen and the stunning Gulangyu Island, and traveling to Quanzhou to visit the Twin Pagodas, the temple, and Xunpu Village—where we dressed in "Flower Pinning" attire—were experiences I will cherish forever.
In Fuzhou, the capital of Fujian Province, we explored museums, visited the Maritime Silk and International Tourism Center, and then went on a night cruise with a tea ceremony on board along the Minjiang River. We experienced the high-speed rail to Mount Wuyiand watched the live performance of Dahongao. Travel from Nanping to Shangrao.
We attended a wedding ceremony (fake one) for one of our group members and enjoyed a fantastic bonfire show. It was Fantastic Place! Each activity and interaction with the Chinese people left a vivid impression on my heart.
Wishing you all a joyous holiday season! I hope to see you again soon—I already miss you all!
With love and warm regards,
Monica Darowish
Administration & Tourism Travel
From Capt Khurram Zaidi
巴基斯坦驻华外交官Capt Khurram Zaidi对于此次活动所促进的中外文化交流与互鉴,给予了高度赞扬。作为青年学生的家长,他认为此次活动精心安排的中国文化体验及美好回忆,将深刻地影响Yahya的世界观和对中国的认知。
Capt Khurram Zaidi来信原文登载如下:
Heartfelt Thanks for an Unforgettable
Cultural Exchange Experience
I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits. As the curtains close on what has been an extraordinarily enriching cultural exchange event, I felt compelled to reach out and extend my deepest gratitude to you and your team for orchestrating such a magnificent platform for international students, including my son.
The opportunity for my son to immerse himself in the cultural depths of China has been a transformative experience for him. The meticulous planning, the selection of activities, and the thoughtfulness in pairing students with local people were evident and much appreciated. Your dedication to fostering cultural understanding and appreciation among young minds does not go unnoticed.
Special thanks to all coordinators, for their tireless efforts, support, and guidance throughout this journey. China passion for cultural exchange and team commitment to creating an inclusive, educational, and enjoyable environment for all participants have truly made a significant impact. The knowledge and memories my son has gained from this experience are invaluable and will undoubtedly shape his perspective and understanding of the world in the years to come.
Please convey my sincere appreciation to everyone involved in the planning and execution of the event. It is clear that this success is a result of teamwork and the collective effort of many dedicated individuals.
Thank you once again for giving my son the chance to be a part of something so special. We are forever grateful for the memories created and the friendships forged during his time in China. We look forward to staying in touch and hopefully participating in more of your remarkable programs in the future.
Warm regards,
Capt Khurram Zaidi
据了解,本次“2024年世界青年看福建”——“世界青年 趣淘漳州”活动吸引了来自美国、巴西、澳大利亚、巴基斯坦等中外80余名青年学生代表参加。在漳期间,世界青年一行前往林语堂纪念馆感受世界文学大师文化、片仔癀博物馆体验中医药文化、南靖土楼品读世遗文化,并亲身体验布袋木偶戏、拓印技艺等,感受非遗魅力。
“世界青年 趣淘漳州”活动中,漳州市外办与南靖县政府共同组织中外青年在南靖土楼举办交流分享会,青年们踊跃发言,表达了对漳州深厚历史文化、美好风土人情的欣赏,以及对中国的喜爱,纷纷表示“感受到前所未有的热情欢迎”“收获了满满的感动和无比美好的回忆”。
来源:本台记者 杨晓岚 漳州市外办 卢美莲 李明玉
二审:王 冬
三审:李志君 赖明杨