
企业   2024-10-03 07:54   北京  


National Day

亲爱的朋友们,国庆长假来了,你们是不是已经摩拳擦掌,准备开启或者已经开启了一场"epic adventure"(史诗级冒险)了呢?但是,请记住一点:安全度过这个长假的秘诀之一,就是别和其他人比较。为什么呢?让我们一起来探讨一下这个"fascinating"(引人入胜的)话题吧!


首先,我们要明白一个道理:每个人的假期体验都是"unique"(独特的)。你的朋友可能在社交媒体上晒出了在某个海岛的"breathtaking"(令人惊叹的)照片,而你可能正在家里"binge-watching"(狂看)一部新剧。别担心!这并不意味着你的假期就不"awesome"(棒极了)。记住,"comparison is the thief of joy"(比较是快乐的小偷)。






最后,让我们来学习一个新词:"JOMO"。这个词是"Joy Of Missing Out"的缩写,意思是"错过的快乐"。与其羡慕别人的经历,不如享受当下,感受自己独特的假期生活。也许你错过了拥挤的景点,但你获得了宁静;也许你没有去远方旅行,但你有更多时间陪伴家人。这些都是值得"cherish"(珍惜)的美好时光。


National Day




1. epic (adj.): 史诗级的,宏大的

   - Example: The movie was an epic tale of adventure and heroism.

2. adventure (n.): 冒险,奇遇

   - Example: They went on an adventure to explore the Amazon rainforest.

3. fascinating (adj.): 引人入胜的,迷人的

   - Example: The documentary about deep-sea creatures was absolutely fascinating.

4. unique (adj.): 独特的,唯一的

   - Example: Each snowflake has a unique pattern.

5. breathtaking (adj.): 令人惊叹的,壮观的

   - Example: The view from the mountaintop was breathtaking.

6. binge-watching (n.): 连续观看(电视剧等)

   - Example: I spent the entire weekend binge-watching my favorite TV series.

7. awesome (adj.): 极好的,令人敬畏的

   - Example: The concert last night was totally awesome!

8. stressed (adj.): 压力大的,紧张的

   - Example: He felt stressed about the upcoming job interview.

9. anxious (adj.): 焦虑的,担忧的

   - Example: She was anxious about her test results.

10. impulsive (adj.): 冲动的,易冲动的

    - Example: His impulsive decision to quit his job surprised everyone.

11. overcrowded (adj.): 人满为患的,过度拥挤的

    - Example: The subway was overcrowded during rush hour.

12. risky (adj.): 有风险的,危险的

    - Example: Investing all your money in one stock is a risky strategy.

13. calm (adj.): 冷静的,平静的

    - Example: Despite the chaotic situation, she remained calm and focused.

14. content (adj.): 满足的,满意的

    - Example: After a delicious meal, they felt content and relaxed.

15. extravagant (adj.): 奢华的,铺张的

    - Example: The wedding was an extravagant affair with hundreds of guests.

16. enjoyable (adj.): 愉快的,令人愉快的

    - Example: We had an enjoyable time at the beach party.

17. memorable (adj.): 难忘的,值得纪念的

    - Example: Their first date was a memorable experience.

18. cherish (v.): 珍惜,珍爱

    - Example: She cherished the moments spent with her grandparents.

19. delightful (adj.): 令人愉快的,可爱的

    - Example: The children put on a delightful performance for their parents.

20. journey (n.): 旅程,历程

    - Example: Life is a journey full of ups and downs.

21. joy (n.): 欢乐,喜悦

    - Example: The birth of their child brought them immense joy.

22. wonder (n.): 惊喜,奇迹

    - Example: The child's eyes were filled with wonder as she saw the fireworks.

23. safe (adj.): 安全的,平安的

    - Example: We wish you a safe journey home.

24. happy (adj.): 快乐的,幸福的

    - Example: They were happy to reunite after being apart for so long.

25. fulfilling (adj.): 令人满足的,使人称心如意的

  - Example: Volunteering at the animal shelter was a fulfilling experience for her.



National Day
