其实走一走,达到相应的步数,真的没有那么难。 👇也不用像下面这些这么「努力」啦👇 另外,如果你还想提升下走路的乐趣,也可以考虑一些花式走路,效果可以更好: 比如走快点。 在日常生活里,把走路速度提一提,患糖尿病的风险就会降低[9]。保持快速步行的人(>6.4km/h),端粒更长,人到中年会比同龄人年轻 16 岁[10]。 比如倒着走也好。 想尝试花样的走路运动,不妨尝试下倒着走,不仅可以激活更多的下肢肌肉,还可以锻炼自己的平衡能力,减少跌倒风险,走得更稳[11]。 如果觉得天太冷了,选择最近流行的室内「超慢跑」也是不错的选择哦。 不过,说再多,重点要先动起来。敢不敢在评论区晒出你的步数,让我们看看今天你的努力到哪个程度了? 本文合作专家:南京体育学院学士 王慧洋致谢:本文经 运动生物力学博士、南京体育学院教师 冯茹 专业审核 本文首发于:丁香医生策划:阿发 | 监制:Feidi题图来源:自己做的参考文献:[1] Veerman L, Tarp J, Wijaya R, et al. Physical activity and life expectancy: a life-table analysis. Br J Sports Med. Published online November 14, 2024. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2024-10812[2] 中国医药卫生文化协会心血管健康与科学运动分会. 心血管运动医学指南[J]. 中国循环杂志, 2024, 39(6): 937-955. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-3614.2024.10.001[3] Kokkinos P, FaselisC, Samuel IBH, et al. Cardiorespiratory fitness and mortality risk across the spectra of age, race, and sex[J]. J Am Coll Cardiol,2022,80(6):598-609.DOI:10.1016/ j.jacc.2022.05.031.[4] 梅方久仁子,《惊人的超慢跑》, 2018,江西科学技术出版社[5] Saint-Maurice, Pedro F., Troiano, Richard P., Bassett, David R., Graubard, Barry I., & Carlson, Susan A.. (2020). Association of Daily Step Count and Step Intensity With Mortality Among US Adults. JAMA, 323(12), 1151-1160.[6]Saint-Maurice, Pedro F., Troiano, Richard P., Bassett, David R., Graubard, Barry I., & Carlson, Susan A.. (2020). Association of Daily Step Count and Step Intensity With Mortality Among US Adults. JAMA, 323(12), 1151-1160.[7] Del Pozo Cruz, Borja., Ahmadi, Matthew N., Lee, I-Min., Lee, I-Min., & Stamatakis, Emmanuel.. (2022). Prospective Associations of Daily Step Counts and Intensity With Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease Incidence and Mortality and All-Cause Mortality. JAMA internal medicine.[8] Bizzozero-Peroni B, Díaz-Goñi V, Jiménez-López E, et al. Daily Step Count and Depression in Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.JAMA Netw Open. 2024;7(12):e2451208. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.51208[9]Jayedi, Ahmad., Zargar, Mahdieh-Sadat., Emadi, Alireza., Aune, Dagfinn., & Aune, Dagfinn.. (2024). Walking speed and the risk of type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. British journal of sports medicine.[10]Dempsey, Paddy C., Dempsey, Paddy C., Dempsey, Paddy C., Dempsey, Paddy C.,& Musicha, Crispin.. (2022). Investigation of a UK biobank cohort reveals causal associations of self-reported walking pace with telomere length. Communications biology, 5(1), 381.[11]冯茹,杨辰.倒走在健身和康复中的应用[J].当代体育科技,2020,10(25):43-47.DOI:10.16655/j.cnki.2095-2813.2001-9799-6464[12]Watts EL, Matthews CE, Freeman JR, Gorzelitz JS, Hong HG, Liao LM, McClain KM, Saint-Maurice PF, Shiroma EJ, Moore SC. Association of Leisure Time Physical Activity Types and Risks of All-Cause, Cardiovascular, and Cancer Mortality Among Older Adults. JAMA Netw Open. 2022 Aug 1;5(8):e2228510. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.28510. PMID: 36001316; PMCID: PMC9403775. 丁香园是面向医疗从业者的专业平台,以「助力中国医生」为己任。在丁香园,可以和同行讨论病例 ,在线学习公开课,使用用药助手等临床决策工具,在丁香人才找可靠医疗岗位。