
乐活   2024-11-09 03:40   英国  

【几位英语前辈鼓励我尝试用英语写作,训练英语语感和写作能力,我告诉他们我有自己的微信个人公众号,读者都是和我一样说中文母语的人,他们建议我尝试英语写作,其实微信个人公众平台类似英国的Wix, WorldPress, Instgram或Facebook,不过我还没有注册尝试使用英语个人博客。后半部分是英文文章的中文翻译部分,有增补章节。备注者谢芊然】

What Personal Branding Can Do for Grassroots Influencers? How to Build Trust and Cultivate Long-Term Relationships Among Stakeholders of Customers, Grassroots Influencers, and Brand Management Teams?

Personal branding has become increasingly relevant today. Online influencers, especially grassroots influencers, are active worldwide. The convenience of short videos and the accessibility of smartphones have contributed to their growth and popularity.

Most brand awareness is now built successfully without celebrity collaborations. Celebrities often earn more than most people globally, but they typically choose not to share personal information or private experiences online. Instead, they are usually seen promoting their latest films, roles, or any scandals or humorous events in their daily lives. In contrast, the general public feels more comfortable and flexible sharing their thoughts and daily experiences in online communities. One reason is that, as non-celebrities, they tend to care less about others' opinions. The key point is that the internet has strengthened connections and interactions among internet users across various digital platforms, making it easier for the general public to gain attention and, eventually, to be considered grassroots influencers.

After becoming internet celebrities, grassroots influencers often collaborate with product or service providers. This has become a very common path for most grassroots influencers once they become well-known. Usually, such collaborations make grassroots influencers more capable of making money while also establishing real relationships with fans, changing the relationship between fans and influencers. Fans become their customers. In addition to earning brand endorsement fees and sales commissions, influencers can also receive considerable platform traffic fees.

Most grassroots influencers become online personalities for specific reasons. A typical reason influencers gain recognition is by discussing trending topics or creating controversial discussions to spread awareness widely. Often, many grassroots influencers gain popularity unexpectedly. However, most online influencers continue attracting attention by showcasing talents and excellence in specific areas. Followers value these positive influencers’ self-development or are drawn to their personalities, excellence, and positive inspirations. For instance, Chinese online influencers Dong Yuhui and Li Ziqi.

On the other hand, hot news events often capture widespread public attention. Some smart brand managers with a keen on market sense and strong brand management awareness know how to leverage trending news to promote their brand and product, quickly gathering attention in the consumer market. Through this approach, the brand or product itself becomes an influencer. For instance, in China, the recent “eight Swiss rolls” controversy turned a housewife into an influencer and made Swiss rolls a popular dessert. This incident sparked discussions about the contributions of Chinese housewives to their families after marriage as well as their social status. It also led people to consider issues like marriage equality, women’s rights, and their status within the family or society. In this case, the husband believed his wife didn’t deserve a Swiss roll dessert because the children’s needs came first. Many people felt the husband was taking the moral high ground, and online users viewed him as overly patriarchal and unappreciative of his wife's contributions to household labour and childcare.

In the end, the question is: how does brand management work with grassroots influencers, or "product influencers," to build a strong brand identity, image, and reputation? In my view, effective collaboration should appreciate the unique talents and positive spirit of these influencers to create long-term relationships with their followers, who eventually become the brand’s customers. This focus involves analysing the influencer’s personality, strengths, and ability to reallocate resources creatively.

In today’s landscape, brand management strategy, including influencer personal branding, is no longer just for big-name brands and celebrities. It has become essential for companies, individuals, independent brands, teams, and organizations alike.

By Xie Qianran  

Xie Qianran is a Chinese Micro-influencer.



















