
文摘   2025-02-04 22:32   安徽  
1. 纵向(追踪)数据分析 训练营(第1期)

The Infant Mind and Cognition Lab at Yale University, led by Dr. Nicolò Cesana-Arlotti, is seeking undergraduates or recent graduates aspiring to pursue a career in developmental psychology. 

The human ability for linguistic productivity and flexible forms of learning and planning is unparalleled in the natural world. All of this requires a domain-general cognitive system that integrates a plurality of logical operations: a “logic of thought”. Yet, despite its importance for human cognition, we know little about the origins of logic in the ontogenesis of the mind: what are the developmental foundations of our logical capacities? To understand how infants and children become able to think and talk as we do, we study logical cognition and its development.

Our research focuses on infant logic and expands to young children and adults. We are especially excited to study how early logical resources can empower infants’ and children’s striking learning potentials. Our research also looks at how maturation, experience, and the acquisition of language contribute to the flourishing of planning and decision-making across the preschool years. Finally, we explore how developmentally basic logical computations serve as an interface between language and perception (e.g., vision) in adults.

Main Duties and Responsibilities: Summer interns will be involved in several crucial aspects of ongoing research projects, including conducting online and in-person studies with children and adults, assisting with participant recruitment and scheduling, contributing to study design, facilitating experiments, managing and entering data, video coding, and other associated tasks. Interns are required to commit to in-person work at Yale University for the entire program.  

Time Commitment: The internship spans eight weeks, to be completed between the start of June until the beginning of August. Certain weekend hours may be necessary.  

Funding: The selected candidates will receive a stipend of $5,000. The interns are responsible for all other expenses, including housing, travel, and meals.  

Application Materials: To apply, please follow this link: https://forms.gle/2wrWE8CUHTRikq3N7 






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