Having recognized the vast opportunities in Shenzhen’s biotech industry, Mauro Rubin embarked on a journey from Milan, Italy to the city in 2022. Rubin and his partner established Almatech and Nexus Group SRL, two companies aimed at bridging the gap between European and Chinese markets.在意识到深圳的生物技术产业蕴含的巨大机遇后,意大利人马文龙(Mauro Rubin)于2022年从米兰来到深圳,先后和合伙人共同成立了两家公司分别是Almatech和Nexus Group SRL,致力于在欧洲和中国市场之间架起合作的桥梁。Almatech focuses on the biotech industry, while Nexus concentrates on “deep tech” sectors like AI, semiconductors, and new materials. So far, the two companies have assisted approximately 10 overseas businesses in entering the Chinese market.Almatech专注于生物科技行业,Nexus则专注于人工智能、半导体和新材料等"深科技"领域。到目前为止,这两家公司已帮助大约10家海外企业进入中国市场。
Mauro Rubin. Photo by Wang JingliRubin’s passion for his work is evident in his words. “One of the reasons I like doing my job now is that I can meet different people and have a chance to learn new things and new ideas,” he said.马文龙对工作的热情溢于言表。他说:“我喜欢现在的工作,其中一个原因就是能结识形形色色的人,有机会接触新事物,吸收新想法。”马文龙丰富的经历为他踏入充满活力且复杂的中国商业世界打下了坚实的基础。
Rubin’s diverse background has prepared him for the dynamic and complex world of Chinese business. He taught himself coding out of pure interest at the age of 11. Rubin also served as a soldier for his country. He then joined a study program to learn artificial intelligence (AI). Later, he worked as a code developer for various companies across Europe and the United States.11岁那年,他纯粹出于兴趣自学了编程。马文龙还曾有过一段军旅生涯。之后,他参加了一个人工智能学习项目。学成后,他在欧美多家公司担任过代码开发员。
In 2009, he founded his own company, which provides AI software for machine maintenance. At the invitation of a professor at the University of Milan, he worked part-time as a lecturer, teaching students AI-related knowledge and sharing his work experience.2009年,他创办了自己的公司,开发了一款机器维护的人工智能软件。后来,在米兰大学一位教授的邀请下,他兼职担任讲师,向学生教授人工智能相关知识并分享其工作经验。
Rubin’s journey in China started in 2016 when he had the opportunity to work as a visiting professor at Beijing Jiaotong University for an AI and software development program.马文龙的中国之行始于2016年,当时他有机会在北京交通大学担任客座教授,并参与了一个人工智能软件开发的项目。
Rubin (R) talks with a Chinese partner. Photo courtesy of the intervieweeAfter completing the short-term program, Rubin began moving branches of his company to China by setting up two different joint ventures in Xi’an and Ningbo, but unfortunately, they failed.完成这个短期项目后,马文龙开始将公司分支机构迁入中国,并分别在西安和宁波设立了两家合资企业,但遗憾的是,这两家企业都以失败告终。
“At that time, it was really hard for me to operate my business in China because I didn’t know about policies and rules. The culture and market are completely different from the West. So I made a lot of mistakes, but I learned from them, and now my business is operating well,” said Rubin.马文龙说:"当时,在中国开展业务对我来说真的很难,因为我不了解相关政策和规则。这里的文化及市场与西方完全不同。所以我犯了很多错误,但我从中学到了很多,现在我的业务运营得很好。"
Integrating into local culture融入当地文化
For anyone who aims to achieve business success in a foreign context, Rubin believes it is crucial to understand the local culture.对于任何想出海成功的商业人士来说,马文龙认为了解当地文化至关重要。马文龙发现中国人的经商方式与意大利人有某种程度的相似性。
Rubin discovered that the way Chinese people conduct business is similar to the Italian way. “For example, an Italian will not start a conversation directly with business. Instead, they tend to have a chat over a coffee or wine first and then move to business gradually. I think it is a rather similar situation in China. People might discuss business after enjoying a dinner together,” said Rubin.他说:“例如,意大利人一般不会直接一上来就谈生意。相反,他们倾向于先喝杯咖啡或小酌聊聊天,然后再慢慢谈到生意。这种现象在中国很相似。人们可能会在共进晚餐之后再讨论生意。”
Thanks to understanding the importance of localization, the companies Rubin is associated with provide comprehensive services —from resources to networking support.正是因为了解本地化的重要性,马文龙的公司提供从资源到社交网络的全面服务。
This is also one of the key advantages that differentiates them from others. “Many big consultancy companies just offer figures and let related people meet with each other, and that’s it. But we are dedicated to providing continuous support and, we want to create success together with our partners,” said Rubin.这也是他们区别于其他公司的关键优势之一。马文龙说:“许多大型咨询公司只提供一些报表数据,然后让相关人员会面,到这里就结束了。但我们致力于提供持续的支持,我们希望与合作伙伴共同创造成功。”
Explaining how he became accustomed to Chinese culture, Rubin said, “I started using WeChat, joined a lot of networking WeChat groups, and introduced my business to see if I can find someone who is interested. Now, I have my own WeChat networking groups.”在聊到如何习惯中国文化时,马文龙说:“来到中国之后,我开始使用微信,加了很多微信群,在群里介绍我的业务,看是否能找到感兴趣的人。现在,我有自己的微信社交群。”
In Rubin’s eyes, Shenzhen’s characteristics can be described in three words: open-minded, innovative, and inclusive.在马文龙眼中,深圳的城市特点可以用三个词来形容:开放、创新和包容。
Rubin (L) talks with his partner during an event held in Longhua District in September 2024. Photo by Wang Haolan在2024年9月一次在龙岗举行的活动中,马文龙和他的合作伙伴交谈。图:王皓兰When speaking of the city’s inclusiveness, Rubin mentioned the widely circulated saying, “Once you come to Shenzhen, you are a Shenzhener.” Rubin believes the saying also works well for non-Chinese people like him.当谈到这座城市的包容性时,马文龙用了一句广为流传的话:“来了就是深圳人。”他认为这句话也同样适用于像他这样的外国人。
“Everyone seems to open to new ideas. Old street vegetable sellers also used a QR code to get money, but I can’t imagine this in my country where most people still prefer to use cash. I am not saying which way is better, but I am just illustrating how people here are very open-minded,” Rubin said.马文龙说:“每个人都对新想法持开放态度。街上卖菜的老板也使用二维码收款,我无法想象这种现象发生在我的国家,在那里大多数人仍然更喜欢使用现金。我并不是说哪种方式更好,只是想说明深圳人十分开放。”
This characteristic also contributes to the city’s innovative spirit, which can be seen in dazzling drone performances or drone delivery services.这一特点为城市注入了强劲的创新动力,无论是令人惊叹的无人机表演,还是高效便捷的无人机送货服务,都充分展现了这一点。
“I think in the next 10 years, I would definitely stay in Shenzhen,” said Rubin.马文龙说:"未来10年,我肯定会留在深圳。"
Data show that in the first three quarters of this year, Shenzhen added over 6,400 foreign firms.数据显示,2024年1到11月,深圳新增外资企业超过8200家。
Rubin mentioned that well-developed infrastructure and facilities, as well as the city’s international atmosphere, will be very attractive to businesses. He listed areas of the city like Longhua, Qianhai, and Hetao as his ideal places for business.马文龙提出,完善的基础设施和公共设备,以及城市的国际氛围,对企业非常具有吸引力。他列举了龙华、前海和河套等区域是他理想的办公地点。
“In my opinion, if the area has well-developed facilities from good restaurants which provide authentic food, convenient transport, and entertainment options, it would be very helpful for overseas companies to relocate employees to work in the city,” said Rubin.马文龙表示:“在我看来,如果一个区域具备完善的配套设施,例如提供地道美食的餐厅、便利的交通以及丰富的娱乐选择,这将为海外公司迁入该地提供显著的优势。”
编辑:刘嘉雯 赖鼎睿