
文摘   2024-12-25 04:40   加拿大  
杜鲁多说:“大家圣诞快乐!这是一个非常特殊的时节,一个与亲友团聚、庆祝节日精神并感恩世界上所有美好事物的时刻。(Merry Christmas, everyone! This is such a special time of year. A time to gather with loved ones, to celebrate the spirit of the season, and to give thanks for all that is good in the world.)
“对于基督徒来说,这是庆祝耶稣基督诞生的时刻,思考他关于仁慈、宽恕和信仰的故事。他的一生所传递的教义是普世的,每次被讲述和重温时,都能启发并安慰人们的心灵。(For Christians, it’s a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and think about his story of kindness, forgiveness, and faith. The lessons of his life are universal, and they inspire and comfort people every time they’re told – and retold.)
“对于你们来说,假期可能意味着家庭团聚和盛宴、互赠礼物和庆祝。但也可能是一个非常困难的时刻。如果你正处于悲伤、忧虑或孤独之中,这可能是一年中最艰难的时期,也是最孤独的。所以,让我们都关注一下生活中那些今年过得不容易、可能比我们想象中更需要我们的人。(For you, the holidays may be a time of big family gatherings and feasts, of gifts and celebrations. But maybe it’s a very hard time. If you’re grieving, worried, or alone, this can be the toughest time of the year. It can be the loneliest. So let’s all check in on the people in our lives who have not had an easy time this year, and who may need us more than we know.)
“在我们回顾过去一年并展望未来时,让我们继续向我们自己和需要帮助的人展现爱与善意。让我们也花一点时间感谢那些为使加拿大成为我们引以为豪的家园而奉献自己的人,包括勇敢的加拿大军人、敬业的一线应急人员和必要岗位工作者,以及无数志愿者。感谢你们,向所有人致以诚挚的谢意。(As we reflect on the past year and look to the future, let us continue to show love and kindness – to ourselves and to those in need. Let us also take a moment to thank those who give so much of themselves to make Canada the place we are proud to call home, including the brave members of our Canadian Armed Forces, the dedicated first responders and essential workers, and the countless volunteers. Thank you, to all of you.)
“我祝愿所有今天庆祝节日的人充满欢乐,也愿那些正在受苦的人得到安慰。无论你身在何处,我希望你能为来年找到光明和希望。圣诞快乐。”(I wish joy to everyone who is celebrating today, and comfort to those who are suffering. Wherever you are, I hope you find light and hope for the year ahead. Merry Christmas.)



杜鲁多大幅改组内阁 保守党党领要求总督紧急重开议会倒阁 但却找错人
