1.东北大学 材料电磁过程研究教育部重点实验室,辽宁 沈阳 110167
2.中国科学院金属研究所 师昌绪先进材料创新中心高温合金结构材料研究部,辽宁 沈阳110016
不同凝固阶段应用脉冲磁致振荡(PMO)技术获得的凝固组织[28] : (a)未处理, (b)施加PMO 至形核完成, (c)熔体冷却至958 K施加PMO, (d)最大形核率施加PMO, (e)在晶粒生长阶段施加PMO, (f)晶粒生长前期施加PMO, (g)晶粒生长后期施加PMO
Solidification structure by applying the PMO technique at different solidification stages[28] : (a)untreated, (b)apply PMO until the nucleation is finished, (c)apply PMO until the molten metal is cooled down to 958 K, (d)apply PMO for a period of 10 s around the maximal nucleation rate, (e)apply PMO for the whole stage of crystal growth, (f)after nucleation apply PMO in the first half of the time taken for crystal growth, (g)apply PMO in the last half of the time taken for crystal growth
有无磁场条件下PWA1483 高温合金定向凝固试样纵向显微组织(a, c)及EBSD 取向和反极图(b, d)[46] : (a, b) 0 T, (c, d) 0.7 T
Longitudinal microstructure (a, c) and EBSD orientation image maps and inverse pole figures (b, d) of directionally solidified specimens of PWA1483 superalloy with and without magnetic field[46]: (a, b) 0 T, (c, d) 0. 7 T
[引用格式]郝铭淞,李金国,卢楠楠,等. 磁场作用下高温合金增材制造技术的研究进展[J]. 中国材料进展, 2024, 43(10): 879-890.
HAO M S,LI J G,LU N N, et al. Research Progress in Additive Manufacturing Technology of Superalloy under Magnetic Field[J]. Materials China, 2024, 43(10): 879-890.