过年了,除了“Happy New Year”,你还可以这样说……

文摘   教育   2025-01-26 20:00   山东  

 主播:Wendi(中国)+ 梅莉(法国)
 歌曲: Chinese New Year

今天这期节目我们会跟大家分享一下一些实用的新年祝福语,并且学习一下如何用英语送上新年祝福。This will be coming in handy for sure!(这肯定会派上用场!)

01 英语中,除了Happy New Year,还有哪些祝福语?

1. 对于领导、同事或者老师可以说:

May this year bring clarity to your vision, strength to your actions, and peace to your mind.


2. 发给亲朋好友可以说:

Wishing you a year filled with meaningful work, deep laughter, and moments that stay with you forever.


3. 对于身边一些在过去的一年中经历了一些坎坷的人,你可以说:

As we step into a new year, may it be a season of renewal, growth, and quiet triumphs.


02 中文中那些很美好的祝福语,可以用英语这样表达

1. 辞暮尔尔,烟火年年。朝朝暮暮,岁岁平安。

- 释义:每一年,每一天,愿你平安幸福、生活美满。 

- 英文表达:Farewell to the fading days, year after year the  joys of life goes on. May peace be with you, day and night, year after year.  

2. 岁岁常欢愉,年年皆胜意。

- 释义:每一年都顺顺利利,称心如意。 

- 英文表达:May you find joy every year and may each year exceed your expectations.  

3. 多喜乐,长安宁。

- 释义:祝愿对方生活中多一些开心的日子,安静祥和。 

- 英文表达:More joy, lasting peace.


Wish you more happy days and a life filled with tranquility and harmony.

4. 所求皆如愿,所行化坦途。

- 释义:祝愿对方的愿望都能如愿以偿,前方的人生道路顺利、没有坎坷。 

- 英文表达:May all your wishes come true, and may the path ahead be smooth and free of obstacles.  

5. 日有熹,月有光,富而昌,寿且康,新春嘉平,长乐未央。

- 释义:白天总有温暖的日光作伴,夜晚总有皎洁的月光照路。人生既富贵又昌盛,既长寿又健康。新春快乐,吉祥平安,愿你拥有无尽的欢乐。 

- 英文表达:May the sun shine brightly, the moon glow softly, wealth and prosperity abound, and health and longevity prevail. Wishing you a joyful and peaceful New Year with endless happiness.  

6. 万般旧事归于尽,来年依旧迎花开。

- 释义:无论过去经历了怎样的喜怒哀乐,现在你都不再将受其困扰,新年的生活依旧充满希望和美好。 

- 英文表达:May all past matters come to an end, and may the coming year greet you with blooming flowers once again.  

7. 愿山河无恙,人间安康。

- 释义:祝福天下一切太平,所有的人们平安健康。 

- 英文表达:May the mountains and rivers remain unscathed, and may the world be peaceful and healthy.  




See you next time







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