
文摘   教育   2024-12-29 20:02   山东  

 主播:翩翩(中国)+ 梅莉(法国)
 歌曲: Silent Night(开头)+Cold November(结尾)

2024年临近结尾,我们一起做总结吧,reflecting on 2024 (复盘2024)。

我们总结了12个复盘问题(12 prompts),来帮助大家进行有效的反思与总结。You can journal along with us. You can use any notebook or note-taking device. 你可以用notebook,也可以用ipad或者PC之类的note-taking device,总之,welcome  journal along with us!
下期节目我们会带大家一起plan for 2025, so keep an eye out for that!

Now let’s start reflecting on the past year! 12个提示问题,开始复盘你的2024年。

Prompt #1 : 2024 was a year that I … 2024是我......的一年
翩翩:2024 was a year that I stepped into a new chapter of my life. 是我迈入人生新篇章的一年,我当了妈妈。


梅莉:  From my side, I would sum up(总结) my 2024 as the year of learning and getting out of my comfort zone(舒适区).

Prompt #2: List all your highlights from 2024. 列出2024年的高光时刻

这个highlights,不一定是成功或者成就,all of the things that you want to remember forever(你想永远记住的那些时刻). 哪怕是一件小事情,只要你觉得重要,那就是highlights。

翩翩:There were many highlights in 2024, such as the moment I first heard my baby cry, and the moment spent with my colleagues in a small valley out of town, sipping tea, sharing stories, and singing together. 听到我的宝宝啼哭的那一刻,跟一席的同事们在外地的小山谷里,喝茶讲故事唱歌的那一刻, 以及一席进来新同事时,都是2024年的highlights。

梅莉: My highlights for this year would be my experiences abroad (国外经历), I was in Shanghai and HongKong the first part of the year (年初), I also had the chance to meet many new beautiful people (有机会认识许多新朋友), and also spent quality time with my family and friends(和家人度过了美好的时光).

Prompt #3 : What worked in 2024? 



Prompt #4 : What didn’t work in 2024? 2024年哪些事情失败了?

也许,比起our wins, mistakes and failures are also things that we can celebrate and there’s so much we can learn (失败和错误其实能教会人更多). 不光成功值得庆祝,错误也值得庆祝。So celebrate making mistakes,  因为人生,不是得到,就是学到。
Prompt #5 : What did I learn in 2024?  这一年,我学到了什么?

可以是人生教训(life lessons);也可以是practical skills(实际的技能)。

Prompt #6 : How did I grow as a person in 2024? 2024年,作为一个人,我是如何成长的?

可以从new habits、new priorities(优先事项)、new perspective(视角)三方面来回顾。
New habits


梅莉: Spending time with myself more(更多的独处时间).

New priorities

翩翩: 我现在因为要带孩子,所以健康与效率就是我的new priorities。

梅莉: Focused on prioritising myself and my personal growth(以自我及自我的发展为先).

New perspective

翩翩:“没有真相,只有角度”,所以情绪其实来源于我们的perspective, 看待问题的角度。情绪稳定,是因为角度变得更多了,理解和接纳的就更多了,生命也就更宽阔了。

Prompt #7 :What’s the single biggest bottleneck to my continued growth? 对于自我的持续成长,最大的瓶颈是什么?


找到这个biggest bottleneck之后,要追问自己我为什么不focus on removing it(集中精力除掉它)?

Prompt #8 : Am I “spending” them? Or am I investing them? 我是在花费它们,还是在投资它们?

这个“它们”是指finite resources(有限的资源),比如time, energy(精力), attention(注意力)以及capital(金钱)。


Prompt #9:  What things do I look back on most fondly, that brought me the most energy and joy? 回首这一年,有哪些人和事,带给我力量和喜悦?

*people  * places * habits


Prompt # 10 : What things do I look back on less fondly, draining my energy and weighing on me throughout the year?  回首这一年,有哪些人和事,消耗尽我的精力、给我巨大压力?

* people  ...

* places ...

* habits ...


Prompt # 11:  What’s on my “best of ” list?  2024年度,我的最佳清单

列一列你这一年里Best of books, Best of events(参加过的最棒的活动),Best of Articles(读过最好的文章),Best of Podcasts (最佳播客),Best of Purchases(买过最棒的东西)......

Prompt # 12: What about 2024 am I most grateful for?  2024年,最感恩的人和事


Maybe you made a lot of mistakes this past year, or there were things that didn’t go the way you wanted. 也许你在过去的一年里犯了很多错误,或者有些事情没有按照你的意愿发展。这个时候,如果你能够花一些时间来数算你得到的恩典,这也是对自己灵魂的一种关照。

If you take the time to end things with gratitude, you’ll always feel better about yourself. 如果你能用感恩的心态为事情画上句号,你会对自己更加满意。就像《圣经》中的马太效应,爱都会归向不缺爱的人,福气会涌向心怀感恩的人


See you next time


TikTok“说中文挑战”,老外把“芒果”说成“man gou”...太搞笑了!



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