
学术   2024-07-09 16:38   江苏  

Opportunities and challenges for gas coproduction from coal measure gas reservoirs with coal-shale-tight sandstone layers: A review

Wei Liang, Jianguo Wang, Chunfai Leung, Sianghuat Goh, Shuxun Sang




Wei Liang, Jianguo Wang, Chunfai Leung, Sianghuat Goh, Shuxun Sang. Opportunities and challenges for gas coproduction from coal measure gas reservoirs with coal-shale-tight sandstone layers: a review. Deep Underground Science and Engineering. 2024; 1-22. doi:10.1002/dug2.12077





Brief Introduction:

The extraction of coal measure gas has been shifted toward thin gas reservoirs due to the depletion of medium‐thick gas reservoirs. The coproduction of coalbed gas, shale gas, and tight sandstone gas (called a multisuperposed gas system) is a key low‐cost technology for the enhancement of natural gas production from thin gas reservoirs in coal measure. As an emerging engineering exploitation technology at its early stage of development, gas coproduction confronts various engineering challenges in hydraulic fracturing, bottom‐hole pressure regulation, well network arrangement, and extraction sequence. The current understanding of the opportunities and challenges in the gas coproduction from the multisuperposed gas system is not comprehensive enough. In this case, the previous achievements in the field of gas coproduction should be urgently reviewed to provide valuable guidance and recommendations for further development. This review first discusses the regional and spatial distribution characteristics and possible reservoir combinations of gas reservoirs in coal measure. Then, the basic properties of different reservoirs, engineering challenges, and interlayer interference are comparatively analyzed and discussed. The current simulation models for gas coproduction and potential future research directions are further explored. The results indicate that the coupling effects of reservoir heterogeneity, interwell interference, and geological structure for increasing coproduction prediction accuracy should be included in future simulation models for gas coproduction. Careful investigation is required to explore the mechanisms and their further quantifications on the effects of interlayer interference in gas coproduction. The fractal dimension as a scale can play an important role in the characterization of the gas and water transport in different reservoirs. The machine learning methods have tremendous potential to provide accurate and fast predictions for gas coproduction and interlayer interference.



  1. 总结了世界各国煤系天然气藏的区域分布、空间分布及储层组合特征。

  2. 讨论了煤系三气合采的关键工程问题。

  3. 综述了煤系岩石孔隙特征和三气合采产量预测模型。

  4. 提出了煤系三气合采的未来研究方向。


  1. The regional and spatial distributions, as well as reservoir combinations of gas reservoirs in the coal measure all over the world, have been summarized.

  2. The key engineering problem of three‐gas coproduction is identified.

  3. The pore characteristics of three‐gas reservoirs and the simulation models for three‐gas coproduction are reviewed.

  4. Potential future research directions for three‐gas coproduction are suggested.




王建国,中国矿业大学教授,博士生导师,《深地科学(英文)》副主编。江苏省“双创(外国院士)团队”核心成员。1979-1987年就读北京清华大学,获得工学学士(水工建筑专业)、硕士学位(岩土工程专业);1996年获得日本名古屋大学土木工程工学博士学位。先后在新加坡国立大学和澳大利亚西澳大学长期就职,2014年9月全职加入中国矿业大学。主要从事径向基无单元法,防护工程,非常规油气藏开采(主要针对煤层气和页岩气)数值模拟,二氧化碳地下存储,压缩空气储能和地热资源开采等方面的科学研究和教学工作。首次将多尺度均质化法应用于非线性岩土力学及孔隙介质渗透力学;创建基于径向基的点插值无单元法理论及算法,并成功应用于固体力学,海床液化和软组织生物力学问题;提出时间和空间多尺度的裂隙岩体渗流理论,并部分成功开发无水压裂技术和地层微热力致裂体积处理新技术。至今已发表SCI收录论文180余篇,其中单篇最高引用已达1162次,并两次获SCI高引用率论文奖。其开发的Mfree2D 获新加坡CrayQest2000 银奖。2020年入选全球排名前2%科学家榜,2021年获WEBLEO Scientist Award。2021-2023连续三年入列“全球顶尖前10万科学家榜单”和中国高被引学者。



梁伟,中国矿业大学深地工程建造与健康运维全国重点实验室博士研究生。主要从事非常规天然气开采、裂隙岩体渗流、二氧化碳地质封存等方面的研究。近5年在Journal of Petroleum Science and EngineeringApplied EnergyNatural Resources ResearchEnergy & Fuels等期刊上发表论文10余篇。主持江苏省研究生科研实践创新计划1项,参与国家自然科学基金项目2项。




图文  侯庆萍

审核 王继红

Deep Underground Science and Egineering




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《深地科学(英文)》(Deep Underground Science and Engineering)是由中华人民共和国教育部主管,中国矿业大学主办的深地科学领域的第一本国际期刊,成功入选 ”中国科技期刊卓越行动计划高起点新刊项目”。主编是中国工程院院士谢和平教授,执行主编是新加坡工程院院士Chunfai Leung教授。与国际知名出版商 Wiley 合作,进行全球OA出版发行。已被EI、Scopus、DOAJ、CNKI等数据库收录。



Deep Underground Science and Engineering (DUSE), as a new international and fully open access journal ,aims to build a mainstream academic exchange platform focusing on forefront research, and  to become a world-class scientific and technological journal.DUSE is currently indexed in prominent databases: EI, CNKI, DOAJ and the Scopus database et al. 

The DUSE publishes the papers on important theoretical breakthroughs, valuable reviews of state-of-the-art, or discussions on the latest innovative, prospective, and leading achievements in the field of Deep Underground Science and Engineering. Papers on core fundamental research, revolutionary technology development, major engineering construction, special environmental effects, and other important related studies are also solicited.

DUSE intends to present the latest findings to help keep researchers worldwide abreast of the latest developments in the field and it welcomes papers with an emphasis on innovation, leading achievements, core research, theoretical breakthroughs and valuable reviews focusing on, but not limited to, the following topics:



Exploration and extraction of geo-resources


Energy extraction and storage


Underground infrastructures


Geo-environments and waste geological disposal


Research and testing space in deep underground


Plan, design and construction technology for underground space and engineering

文章类型:Research Article、Review Article、Case Study、Perspective、Short Communication、Commentary、Correspondence、Editorial.

DUSE 深地科学
Deep Underground Science and Engineering(《深地科学(英文)》,简称DUSE)已被ESCI、Ei、Scopus、DOAJ等数据库收录,是教育部主管,中国矿业大学主办的深地科学领域的第一本国际期刊。