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近日,美国斯坦福大学发布了2024年全球各学科前2%科学家榜单(第七版),通过统计每个科学家发表的论文数及其引用次数,采用6种指标建模进行综合评分(模型和指标附后),遴选出217098名科学家,大致涵盖了各学科排名前2%的科学家。中国大陆有10687名科学家入选,占4.92%。该榜单分为两类,分别为“职业生涯影响力榜单”(career-long citation impact)和“年度影响力榜单”(citation impact during the single calendar year)。
钱七虎 (编委会顾问) | Derek Elsworth (编委会顾问) | 王成善 (编委会顾问) |
Jian Zhao (编委会顾问) | 袁亮 (编委会顾问) | 谢和平 (主编) |
王建国 (副主编) | 陈云敏 | Sevket Durucan |
Ranjith Pathegama Gamage | 何满潮 | Andrey P. Jivkov |
康红普 | Manoj Khandelwal | 李术才 |
V. N. Oparin | 潘哲君 | Jianfu Shao |
沈树忠 | 唐春安 | 王明洋 |
Louis N.Y. Wong | Danial Jahed Armaghani | 宫凤强 |
严珂 |
钱七虎 (编委会顾问) | Derek Elsworth (编委会顾问) | 陈骏 (编委会顾问) |
王成善 (编委会顾问) | Jian Zhao (编委会顾问) | 袁亮 (编委会顾问) |
谢和平 (主编) | 王建国 (副主编) | 陈湘生 |
陈云敏 | Jianqiang Cui | Sevket Durucan |
Ranjith Pathegama Gamage | 何满潮 | 胡钦红 |
Andrey P. Jivkov | 康红普 | Manoj Khandelwal |
李术才 | 潘哲君 | 彭建兵 |
Jianfu Shao | 沈树忠 | 孙友宏 |
唐春安 | 王明洋 | Louis N.Y. Wong |
Wei Wu | 徐锡伟 | 张茹 |
Danial Jahed Armaghani | 窦杰 | 房倩 |
Ankit Garg | 宫凤强 | 郭兴森 |
李学龙 | 刘伟 | 柳先锋 |
Ahmed E. Radwan | 宋文辉 | 孙元田 |
陶志刚 | 汪亦显 | 王亮 |
王少锋 | 严珂 | 杨海清 |
俞缙 | 张传庆 | 张杰 |
赵涛 | 周磊 | 朱鸿鹄 |
图文 侯庆萍
审核 王继红
Deep Underground Science and Egineering
《 深地科学(英文)》欢迎广大学者积极投稿!
《深地科学(英文)》(Deep Underground Science and Engineering)是由中华人民共和国教育部主管,中国矿业大学主办的深地科学领域的第一本国际期刊,成功入选 ”中国科技期刊卓越行动计划高起点新刊项目”。主编是中国工程院院士谢和平教授,执行主编是新加坡工程院院士Chunfai Leung教授。与国际知名出版商 Wiley 合作,进行全球OA出版发行。已被ESCI、EI、Scopus、DOAJ、CNKI等数据库收录。
Deep Underground Science and Engineering (DUSE), as a new international and fully open access journal ,aims to build a mainstream academic exchange platform focusing on forefront research, and to become a world-class scientific and technological journal.DUSE is currently indexed in prominent databases: ESCI、EI, CNKI, DOAJ and the Scopus database et al.
The DUSE publishes the papers on important theoretical breakthroughs, valuable reviews of state-of-the-art, or discussions on the latest innovative, prospective, and leading achievements in the field of Deep Underground Science and Engineering. Papers on core fundamental research, revolutionary technology development, major engineering construction, special environmental effects, and other important related studies are also solicited.
DUSE intends to present the latest findings to help keep researchers worldwide abreast of the latest developments in the field and it welcomes papers with an emphasis on innovation, leading achievements, core research, theoretical breakthroughs and valuable reviews focusing on, but not limited to, the following topics:
Exploration and extraction of geo-resources
Energy extraction and storage
Underground infrastructures
Geo-environments and waste geological disposal
Research and testing space in deep underground
Plan, design and construction technology for underground space and engineering
文章类型:Research Article、Review Article、Case Study、Perspective、Short Communication、Commentary、Correspondence、Editorial.