Plant Phenomics | 中国林业科学研究院资源信息研究所利用机载激光雷达数据分层森林覆盖层识别再生树苗
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Liming Du, Yong Pang. Identifying Regenerated Saplings by Stratifying Forest Overstory Using Airborne LiDAR Data. Plant Phenomics. 2024;6:0145.DOI:10.34133/plantphenomics.0145
Plant Phenomics | 安徽大学联合北京市农林科学院信息技术研究中心提出了基于计算智能的玉米冠层三维建模方法
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Yandong Wu, Weiliang Wen, Shenghao Gu, Guanmin Huang, Chuanyu Wang, Xianju Lu, Pengliang Xiao, Xinyu Guo, Linsheng Huang. Three-Dimensional Modeling of Maize Canopies Based on Computational Intelligence. Plant Phenomics. 2024;6:0160.DOI:10.34133/plantphenomics.0160
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Xun Zhao, Jianbo Qi, Zhexiu Yu, Lijuan Yuan, Huaguo Huang. Fine-Scale Quantification of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (APAR) in Plantation Forests with 3D Radiative Transfer Modeling and LiDAR Data. Plant Phenomics. 2024;6:0166.DOI:10.34133/plantphenomics.0166
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Tian Qiu, Tao Wang, Tao Han, Kaspar Kuehn, Lailiang Cheng, Cheng Meng, Xiangtao Xu, Kenong Xu, Jiang Yu. AppleQSM: Geometry-Based 3D Characterization of Apple Tree Architecture in Orchards. Plant Phenomics. 2024;6:0179.DOI:10.34133/plantphenomics.0179
Plant Phenomics | 结合二维和三维方法的三维叶片边缘重建
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Hidekazu Murata, Koji Noshita. Three-Dimensional Leaf Edge Reconstruction Combining Two- and Three-Dimensional Approaches. Plant Phenomics. 2024;6:0181.DOI:10.34133/plantphenomics.0181
Plant Phenomics | 利用Helios 3D植物和辐射传输建模框架模拟自动标注的可见光和多/高光谱图像
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Tong Lei, Jan Graefe, Ismael K. Mayanja, Mason Earles, Brian N. Bailey. Simulation of Automatically Annotated Visible and Multi-/Hyperspectral Images Using the Helios 3D Plant and Radiative Transfer Modeling Framework. Plant Phenomics. 2024;6:0189.DOI:10.34133/plantphenomics.0189
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Weiliang Wen, Jinglu Wang, Yanxin Zhao, Chuanyu Wang, Kai Liu, Bo Chen, Yuanqiao Wang, Minxiao Duan, Xinyu Guo. 3D Morphological Feature Quantification and Analysis of Corn Leaves. Plant Phenomics. 2024;6:0225.DOI:10.34133/plantphenomics.0225
Plant Phenomics | 实地环境下的3D植物几何重建:神经辐射场技术解析
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Muhammad Arbab Arshad, Talukder Jubery, James Afful, Anushrut Jignasu, Aditya Balu, Baskar Ganapathysubramanian, Soumik Sarkar, Adarsh Krishnamurthy. Evaluating Neural Radiance Fields for 3D Plant Geometry Reconstruction in Field Conditions. Plant Phenomics. 2024;6:0235.DOI:10.34133/plantphenomics.0235
Plant Phenomics | 基于温度注释的三维点云测量苹果果实水分胁迫指数
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Nikos Tsoulias, Arash Khosravi, Werner B. Herppich, Manuela Zude-Sasse. Fruit Water Stress Index of Apple Measured by Means of Temperature-Annotated 3D Point Cloud. Plant Phenomics. 2024;6:0252.DOI:10.34133/plantphenomics.0252
Plant Phenomics | 扬州大学缪旻珉教授团队提出基于多视角几何图编码器的黄瓜幼苗三维点云分割网络
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Plant Phenomics | 南京农业大学利用3D深度学习助力小麦氮利用效率基因位点的多变量与全生育期数字表型解析
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Jiawei Chen, Qing Li, Dong Jiang. From Images to Loci: Applying 3D Deep Learning to Enable Multivariate and Multitemporal Digital Phenotyping and Mapping the Genetics Underlying Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Wheat. Plant Phenomics. 2024;6:0270.DOI:10.34133/plantphenomics.0270
《植物表型组学》(Plant Phenomics)是由南京农业大学主办的英文学术期刊,于2019年1月正式上线发行。采用开放获取形式,刊载植物表型组学交叉学科热点领域具有突破性科研进展的原创性研究论文、综述、数据集和观点。具体范围涵盖高通量表型分析的最新技术,基于图像分析和机器学习的表型分析研究,提取表型信息的新算法,作物栽培、植物育种和农业实践中的表型组学新应用,与植物表型相结合的分子生物学、植物生理学、统计学、作物模型和其他组学研究,表型组学相关的植物生物学等。期刊已被DOAJ、Scopus、PMC、EI和SCIE等数据库收录。科睿唯安JCR2023影响因子为7.6,位于农艺学一区(1/125名),植物科学一区(13/265名),遥感一区(6/62名)。2023年中科院期刊分区位于农林科学大类一区。2020年入选中国科技期刊卓越行动计划高起点新刊项目、2024年入选江苏科技期刊卓越行动计划领军期刊项目、中国科技期刊卓越行动计划二期英文梯队期刊。