献血者: 我可以说英语。I can speak English.
工作人员:好的,请问您愿意献血么?OK,Would you like to donate blood?
献血者:是的,我愿意献血。Yes,I want to donate my blood.工作人员:谢谢您, 请坐。请您出示一下您的护照。Thank you,please have a seat,May I see your passport?
献血者:好的,给你。Sure,here you are.工作人员:请问您早餐/午餐吃的什么?What did you have for breakfast/ lunch?献血者:我吃了几片面包和一杯橙汁。I ate some pieces of bread and a cup of orange juice.
工作人员:好的,请您填写一下无偿献血登记表OK, please fill in the Blood Donation Registration form.
献血者:我填好了I filled.
工作人员:请稍等一下,医生将要为您测量血压和心率,以及询问您的健康状况。Please wait a minutes,the doctor is going to take your blood pressure、heart rate and ask some questions about your health condition.
工作人员:您的血压、心率和健康状况都符合献血标准,现在需要采集一个血液标本做检测,请您露出上手臂。You blood pressure,heart rate and health condition are qualified to donate blood,now I need take a blood sample to the test, please expose your upper arm.
献血者:谢谢。Thank you.
工作人员:您的献血前检测结果合格,血型是A型,现在可以准备献血了。Your pr-donation test is qualified, your blood type is type A, you can prepare for donating blood now.
献血者:好的,可以。Ok, I’m ready.
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