厘外商业空间 | 在重复的日子里寻找新意

文摘   房产   2023-12-08 13:56   浙江  


● 项目效果图

● 项目彩平图




The charm of old buildings lies in the changes over time and the familiar scent of old times. A design that grows out of familiar architecture, balancing and coexisting between new and old. In terms of spatial design, the clothing store takes shape from nature, creating a clearly defined "white box" and depicting a clean and simple geometric sense on the white facade, as if it is calm and balanced in the midst of noise.


In terms of spatial design, taking shape from nature, creating a clearly defined "white box", and depicting a neat and simple geometric sense on the clean white facade, as if it is calm and balanced in the midst of noise.

  ▲室 外 建 筑   ©厘外设计

  ▲室 内 展 示 台   ©厘外设计



The exquisite experience of entering from the noisy outside to the inside is like opening a simple blind box, step by step uncovering the manager's treasure.

In addition to exaggeration and showcasing skills, the copper plate and white rock, green cloth and red walls, will slowly bring comfort like a narrative. The designer hopes that people who come here can experience a relaxing and free experience similar to home.

  ▲室 内 陈 列 区   ©厘外设计



The texture and shape of the texture naturally flow out the most comfortable emotions. The rationality of dividing space with copper colored steel plates seems to tell the story of glory and glory. The rough and wild beauty is both wild and gentle, and the wonderful chemical reaction with the space displays the products that attract people to stop.

The entire space style is simple and pure, integrating materials such as micro cement, wood, stone, and white latex paint to create a warm texture in the space. The display desk and tea table feature green rock panels and soft seats as jumping colors, injecting a natural atmosphere into the space. Enable consumers to evoke resonance and response to the brand spirit while enjoying sensory pleasure.

  ▲室 内 茶 歇 区   ©厘外设计



The empty space on the first floor in the middle is the highlight of the second floor space. When sitting in the tea break area drinking tea and resting, looking up unintentionally, the irregular hanging costumes on the second floor are "faintly visible". When customers step into it, there is a fun of exploration.

Step by step, extend the customer's stay in the store, and create visual surprises with the charm of the product itself.

  ▲室 内 转 二 楼 区   ©厘外设计


Search for beauty in the bustling streets, find novelty in the repetitive days, and become your daily wardrobe.


Project Name | 项目名称:新意

Project Location | 项目地址:海普佳苑

Project Area | 项目面积:260㎡

Chief Designer | 主创设计:潘丹霞/陈力铭

Deep Designer | 深化设计:林敏

Model Designer | 模型设计:林敏

Material & Soft Designer | 物料/软装设计:林萍/邵雪红

Design & Construction | 设计&施工:厘外设计&精造

Photography | 独立摄影:郭诗萍

Project Period | 完工时间:2023.09

Special Thanks | 特别鸣谢:

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