
学术   2024-12-23 18:01   云南  



1. plspm的优点有哪些?


2. plspm的缺点有哪些?


3. 我为什么更新这一期?










PS:这里的指定变量关系就和我们构建复合变量的结构方程模型一样,是将读取进来的数据中的指标赋值给我们规定的指标,例如我们的土壤指标由BD SM构成。


# 加载必要的R包library(plspm)
# 读取数据data <- read.csv(file.choose(), header = TRUE)
# 指定变量关系comdata <- list( soil = c("BD", "SM"), plant=c("TN","TP","TOC"), AK = "AK", AN = "AN", AP = "AP", TRAD ="TRAD")
# 定义潜变量列表(包含模型中所有潜变量)latent_vars <- c("soil", "plant", "AK", "AN", "AP", "TRAD")
# 将路径关系用公式列表表示model_formulas <- list( TRAD = ~ soil + plant + AK + AN + AP, AK = ~ soil + plant, AN = ~ soil + plant, AP = ~ soil + plant)


# 创建一个全0矩阵,用于存储路径关系dat_path <- matrix(0, nrow = length(latent_vars), ncol = length(latent_vars),                   dimnames = list(latent_vars, latent_vars))
# 根据公式自动填充路径矩阵for (end_var in names(model_formulas)) { # 提取公式右侧的自变量 rhs_vars <- all.vars(model_formulas[[end_var]]) # 将对应位置标记为1 dat_path[end_var, rhs_vars] <- 1}
# 确保路径矩阵是下三角矩阵dat_path <- dat_path * lower.tri(dat_path)
# 输出路径矩阵print(dat_path)


> print(dat_path)      soil plant AK AN AP TRADsoil     0     0  0  0  0    0plant    0     0  0  0  0    0AK       1     1  0  0  0    0AN       1     1  0  0  0    0AP       1     1  0  0  0    0TRAD     1     1  1  1  1    0


# 定义测量模式("A""P"dat_modes <- c("A", 6)
# 运行PLS-PM模型dat_pls <- plspm(data, dat_path, comdata, modes = dat_modes)
# 查看PLS-PM模型结果summary(dat_pls)


---------------------------------------------------------- MODEL SPECIFICATION 1 Number of Cases 54 2 Latent Variables 6 3 Manifest Variables 9 4 Scale of Data Standardized Data 5 Non-Metric PLS FALSE 6 Weighting Scheme centroid 7 Tolerance Crit 1e-06 8 Max Num Iters 100 9 Convergence Iters 3 10 Bootstrapping FALSE 11 Bootstrap samples NULL
---------------------------------------------------------- BLOCKS DEFINITION Block Type Size Mode1 soil Exogenous 2 A2 plant Exogenous 3 A3 AK Endogenous 1 A4 AN Endogenous 1 A5 AP Endogenous 1 A6 TRAD Endogenous 1 A
---------------------------------------------------------- BLOCKS UNIDIMENSIONALITY Mode MVs C.alpha DG.rho eig.1st eig.2ndsoil A 2 0.000 1.04e-29 1.07 0.933plant A 3 0.236 5.56e-01 1.41 1.013AK A 1 1.000 1.00e+00 1.00 0.000AN A 1 1.000 1.00e+00 1.00 0.000AP A 1 1.000 1.00e+00 1.00 0.000TRAD A 1 1.000 1.00e+00 1.00 0.000
---------------------------------------------------------- OUTER MODEL weight loading communality redundancysoil 1 BD 0.7741 0.728 0.5301 0.000 1 SM 0.6870 0.635 0.4035 0.000plant 2 TN 0.8293 0.817 0.6671 0.000 2 TP 0.5656 0.591 0.3495 0.000 2 TOC -0.0623 0.188 0.0352 0.000AK 3 AK 1.0000 1.000 1.0000 0.282AN 4 AN 1.0000 1.000 1.0000 0.527AP 5 AP 1.0000 1.000 1.0000 0.396TRAD 6 TRAD 1.0000 1.000 1.0000 0.661
---------------------------------------------------------- CROSSLOADINGS soil plant AK AN AP TRADsoil 1 BD 0.7281 0.31412 -0.303 0.557 0.537 -0.150 1 SM 0.6352 0.00428 -0.376 0.254 0.137 -0.605plant 2 TN 0.2802 0.81677 0.169 0.494 0.304 -0.120 2 TP 0.0301 0.59115 -0.113 0.238 0.396 -0.220 2 TOC 0.0523 0.18755 0.111 0.104 -0.115 0.182AK 3 AK -0.4930 0.06927 1.000 -0.384 -0.169 0.702AN 4 AN 0.6058 0.53743 -0.384 1.000 0.555 -0.637AP 5 AP 0.5093 0.48352 -0.169 0.555 1.000 -0.407TRAD 6 TRAD -0.5322 -0.23591 0.702 -0.637 -0.407 1.000
---------------------------------------------------------- INNER MODEL $AK Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)Intercept 4.27e-16 0.119 3.60e-15 1.00e+00soil -5.43e-01 0.122 -4.43e+00 4.93e-05plant 2.03e-01 0.122 1.66e+00 1.04e-01
$AN Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)Intercept -9.87e-16 0.0963 -1.03e-14 1.00e+00soil 5.04e-01 0.0993 5.08e+00 5.50e-06plant 4.13e-01 0.0993 4.16e+00 1.21e-04
$AP Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)Intercept -9.38e-16 0.109 -8.62e-15 1.000000soil 4.15e-01 0.112 3.70e+00 0.000529plant 3.81e-01 0.112 3.40e+00 0.001333
$TRAD Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)Intercept 3.97e-16 0.0841 4.72e-15 1.00e+00soil 2.54e-02 0.1189 2.13e-01 8.32e-01plant -3.67e-02 0.1107 -3.31e-01 7.42e-01AK 5.62e-01 0.1036 5.42e+00 1.90e-06AN -3.57e-01 0.1300 -2.74e+00 8.51e-03AP -1.09e-01 0.1103 -9.89e-01 3.28e-01
---------------------------------------------------------- CORRELATIONS BETWEEN LVs soil plant AK AN AP TRADsoil 1.000 0.2461 -0.4930 0.606 0.509 -0.532plant 0.246 1.0000 0.0693 0.537 0.483 -0.236AK -0.493 0.0693 1.0000 -0.384 -0.169 0.702AN 0.606 0.5374 -0.3837 1.000 0.555 -0.637AP 0.509 0.4835 -0.1686 0.555 1.000 -0.406TRAD -0.532 -0.2359 0.7018 -0.637 -0.406 1.000
---------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY INNER MODEL Type R2 Block_Communality Mean_Redundancy AVEsoil Exogenous 0.000 0.467 0.000 0.467plant Exogenous 0.000 0.351 0.000 0.351AK Endogenous 0.282 1.000 0.282 1.000AN Endogenous 0.527 1.000 0.527 1.000AP Endogenous 0.396 1.000 0.396 1.000TRAD Endogenous 0.661 1.000 0.661 1.000
---------------------------------------------------------- GOODNESS-OF-FIT [1] 0.4304
---------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL EFFECTS relationships direct indirect total1 soil -> plant 0.0000 0.0000 0.0002 soil -> AK -0.5430 0.0000 -0.5433 soil -> AN 0.5040 0.0000 0.5044 soil -> AP 0.4154 0.0000 0.4155 soil -> TRAD 0.0254 -0.5300 -0.5056 plant -> AK 0.2029 0.0000 0.2037 plant -> AN 0.4134 0.0000 0.4138 plant -> AP 0.3813 0.0000 0.3819 plant -> TRAD -0.0367 -0.0751 -0.11210 AK -> AN 0.0000 0.0000 0.00011 AK -> AP 0.0000 0.0000 0.00012 AK -> TRAD 0.5617 0.0000 0.56213 AN -> AP 0.0000 0.0000 0.00014 AN -> TRAD -0.3566 0.0000 -0.35715 AP -> TRAD -0.1091 0.0000 -0.109>


#查看因果关系的路径图,详情 ?innerplotinnerplot(dat_pls, colpos = 'red', colneg = 'blue', show.values = TRUE, lcol = 'gray', box.lwd = 0)

# 提取路径系数inner_model <- dat_pls$inner_model
# 提取路径系数,去掉 Intercept 信息path_coefficients <- bind_rows(lapply(names(inner_model), function(name) { data.frame( Predictor = rownames(inner_model[[name]]), Response = name, Estimate = inner_model[[name]][, "Estimate"], StdError = inner_model[[name]][, "Std. Error"], tValue = inner_model[[name]][, "t value"], pValue = inner_model[[name]][, "Pr(>|t|)"] )})) %>% filter(Predictor != "Intercept") # 去掉 Intercept 信息
# 提取 R² 值r_squared <- as.data.frame(dat_pls$inner_summary) %>% select(Type, R2) %>% filter(Type == "Endogenous") %>% mutate(Response = rownames(.)) %>% select(Response, R2)
# 将 R² 值与路径系数表合并path_coefficients <- path_coefficients %>% left_join(r_squared, by = "Response") %>% arrange(Response, Predictor) %>% mutate(Significance = ifelse(pValue < 0.001, "***", ifelse(pValue < 0.01, "**", ifelse(pValue < 0.05, "*", "ns"))))
# 打印整理后的路径系数和 R² 值表print(path_coefficients)



> print(path_coefficients)   Predictor Response    Estimate   StdError     tValue       pValue        R2 Significance1      plant       AK  0.20288525 0.12243738  1.6570532 1.036488e-01 0.2817613           ns2       soil       AK -0.54296973 0.12243738 -4.4346730 4.928334e-05 0.2817613          ***3      plant       AN  0.41339579 0.09930778  4.1627734 1.210835e-04 0.5274940          ***4       soil       AN  0.50403181 0.09930778  5.0754513 5.498105e-06 0.5274940          ***5      plant       AP  0.38128650 0.11228529  3.3956942 1.333346e-03 0.3959311           **6       soil       AP  0.41544149 0.11228529  3.6998746 5.291138e-04 0.3959311          ***7         AK     TRAD  0.56165887 0.10361608  5.4205765 1.898703e-06 0.6608346          ***8         AN     TRAD -0.35661098 0.12996193 -2.7439650 8.511693e-03 0.6608346           **9         AP     TRAD -0.10908939 0.11031664 -0.9888752 3.276830e-01 0.6608346           ns10     plant     TRAD -0.03665453 0.11071724 -0.3310643 7.420369e-01 0.6608346           ns11      soil     TRAD  0.02536749 0.11888597  0.2133766 8.319369e-01 0.6608346           ns


#goodness-of-fit 值可以帮助评估模型优度dat_pls$gof


> dat_pls$gof[1] 0.4303953> > #查看变量间的直接或间接影响状态> dat_pls$effects   relationships      direct    indirect      total1  soil -> plant  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000002     soil -> AK -0.54296973  0.00000000 -0.54296973     soil -> AN  0.50403181  0.00000000  0.50403184     soil -> AP  0.41544149  0.00000000  0.41544155   soil -> TRAD  0.02536749 -0.53002730 -0.50465986    plant -> AK  0.20288525  0.00000000  0.20288537    plant -> AN  0.41339579  0.00000000  0.41339588    plant -> AP  0.38128650  0.00000000  0.38128659  plant -> TRAD -0.03665453 -0.07506349 -0.111718010      AK -> AN  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.000000011      AK -> AP  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.000000012    AK -> TRAD  0.56165887  0.00000000  0.561658913      AN -> AP  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.000000014    AN -> TRAD -0.35661098  0.00000000 -0.356611015    AP -> TRAD -0.10908939  0.00000000 -0.1090894


# 加载必要的包library(tidyr)library(dplyr)library(ggplot2)
# 示例数据dat_pls_effects <-dat_pls$effects
# 筛选出对 TRAD 的影响trad_effects <- dat_pls_effects %>% filter(grepl("-> TRAD$", relationships))
# 去掉 "-> TRAD" 只保留指标名称trad_effects <- trad_effects %>% mutate(relationships = gsub(" -> TRAD", "", relationships))
# 转换为长格式trad_effects_long <- trad_effects %>% pivot_longer( cols = c(direct, indirect, total), names_to = "effect_type", values_to = "effect_size" )
# 自定义 X 轴指标显示顺序(按需调整顺序)custom_order <- c("soil", "plant", "AK", "AN", "AP") # 自定义顺序
trad_effects_long <- trad_effects_long %>% mutate(relationships = factor(relationships, levels = custom_order))
# 绘制柱状图ggplot(trad_effects_long, aes(x = relationships, y = effect_size, fill = effect_type)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge") + labs( x = "Predictor", y = "Effect Size (Standardized)", title = "Effects on TRAD: Direct, Indirect, and Total" ) + scale_fill_manual( values = c( "direct" = "#008CB7", "indirect" = "#A5C98C", "total" = "#FFBD00" ), labels = c( "direct" = "Direct Effect", "indirect" = "Indirect Effect", "total" = "Total Effect" ) ) + theme_bw() + theme( axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 0, hjust = 0.5), legend.title = element_blank() ) + geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "solid", color = "black", size = 0.5) + # 添加水平线 ylim(-1, 1) # 设置 Y 轴范围


# 加载必要的R包library(plspm)library(dplyr)
# 读取数据data <- read.csv(file.choose(), header = TRUE)
# 指定变量关系comdata <- list( soil = c("BD", "SM"), plant=c("TN","TP","TOC"), AK = "AK", AN = "AN", AP = "AP", TRAD ="TRAD")
# 定义潜变量列表(包含模型中所有潜变量)latent_vars <- c("soil", "plant", "AK", "AN", "AP", "TRAD")
# 将路径关系用公式列表表示model_formulas <- list( TRAD = ~ soil + plant + AK + AN + AP, AK = ~ soil + plant, AN = ~ soil + plant, AP = ~ soil + plant)
# 创建一个全0矩阵,用于存储路径关系dat_path <- matrix(0, nrow = length(latent_vars), ncol = length(latent_vars), dimnames = list(latent_vars, latent_vars))
# 根据公式自动填充路径矩阵for (end_var in names(model_formulas)) { # 提取公式右侧的自变量 rhs_vars <- all.vars(model_formulas[[end_var]]) # 将对应位置标记为1 dat_path[end_var, rhs_vars] <- 1}
# 确保路径矩阵是下三角矩阵dat_path <- dat_path * lower.tri(dat_path)
# 输出路径矩阵print(dat_path)
# 定义测量模式("A"或"P")dat_modes <- c("A", 6)
# 运行PLS-PM模型dat_pls <- plspm(data, dat_path, comdata, modes = dat_modes)
# 查看PLS-PM模型结果summary(dat_pls)
#查看因果关系的路径图,详情 ?innerplotinnerplot(dat_pls, colpos = 'red', colneg = 'blue', show.values = TRUE, lcol = 'gray', box.lwd = 0)
# 提取路径系数inner_model <- dat_pls$inner_model
# 提取路径系数,去掉 Intercept 信息path_coefficients <- bind_rows(lapply(names(inner_model), function(name) { data.frame( Predictor = rownames(inner_model[[name]]), Response = name, Estimate = inner_model[[name]][, "Estimate"], StdError = inner_model[[name]][, "Std. Error"], tValue = inner_model[[name]][, "t value"], pValue = inner_model[[name]][, "Pr(>|t|)"] )})) %>% filter(Predictor != "Intercept") # 去掉 Intercept 信息
# 提取 R² 值r_squared <- as.data.frame(dat_pls$inner_summary) %>% select(Type, R2) %>% filter(Type == "Endogenous") %>% mutate(Response = rownames(.)) %>% select(Response, R2)
# 将 R² 值与路径系数表合并path_coefficients <- path_coefficients %>% left_join(r_squared, by = "Response") %>% arrange(Response, Predictor) %>% mutate(Significance = ifelse(pValue < 0.001, "***", ifelse(pValue < 0.01, "**", ifelse(pValue < 0.05, "*", "ns"))))
# 打印整理后的路径系数和 R² 值表print(path_coefficients)

#goodness-of-fit 值可以帮助评估模型优度dat_pls$gof

# 加载必要的包library(tidyr)library(dplyr)library(ggplot2)
# 示例数据dat_pls_effects <-dat_pls$effects
# 筛选出对 TRAD 的影响trad_effects <- dat_pls_effects %>% filter(grepl("-> TRAD$", relationships))
# 去掉 "-> TRAD" 只保留指标名称trad_effects <- trad_effects %>% mutate(relationships = gsub(" -> TRAD", "", relationships))
# 转换为长格式trad_effects_long <- trad_effects %>% pivot_longer( cols = c(direct, indirect, total), names_to = "effect_type", values_to = "effect_size" )
# 自定义 X 轴指标显示顺序(按需调整顺序)custom_order <- c("soil", "plant", "AK", "AN", "AP") # 自定义顺序
trad_effects_long <- trad_effects_long %>% mutate(relationships = factor(relationships, levels = custom_order))
# 绘制柱状图ggplot(trad_effects_long, aes(x = relationships, y = effect_size, fill = effect_type)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge") + labs( x = "Predictor", y = "Effect Size (Standardized)", title = "Effects on TRAD: Direct, Indirect, and Total" ) + scale_fill_manual( values = c( "direct" = "#008CB7", "indirect" = "#A5C98C", "total" = "#FFBD00" ), labels = c( "direct" = "Direct Effect", "indirect" = "Indirect Effect", "total" = "Total Effect" ) ) + theme_bw() + theme( axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 0, hjust = 0.5), legend.title = element_blank() ) + geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "solid", color = "black", size = 0.5) + # 添加水平线 ylim(-1, 1) # 设置 Y 轴范围



