1. 别信酒桌上的豪言壮语,那是酒精泡大的牛皮,醒了就忘,一文不值。
Don't believe the big words at the wine table. They are just empty boasts fueled by alcohol. People will forget them when they sober up, and they are worthless.
2. 有人哭穷,不是真穷,是怕你借钱;有人炫富,未必真富,是想引人巴结。
Some people complain about being poor, but they aren't really poor. They are just afraid that you will borrow money from them. Some people show off their wealth, but they may not be truly wealthy. They just want to attract others to fawn on them.
3. 你帮了十次忙,一次不帮,你就是坏人;别人十次不帮,一次帮了,就是好人。
If you help someone ten times but don't help once, you will be seen as a bad person. But if others don't help ten times and help just once, they will be regarded as good people.
4. 说“下次请你吃饭”,基本就是句客气话,你要当真,就太天真了。
Saying "I'll treat you to dinner next time" is basically just a polite remark. It would be too naive of you to take it seriously.
5. 在职场里,干得好不如说得好,默默做事的常被忽视,能说会道的却平步青云。
In the workplace, doing a good job is not as good as speaking well. Those who work quietly are often overlooked, while those who are eloquent can rise rapidly.
6. 朋友之间,往往能共患难,却难共享福。有福时,嫉妒和矛盾就冒出来了。
Among friends, they can often share hardships, but it's hard for them to share good fortune. When there is good fortune, jealousy and conflicts will emerge.
7. 亲人之间谈钱也伤感情,借钱时是孙子,还钱时可能就成了大爷。
Talking about money among relatives can also hurt feelings. When borrowing money, one acts like a grandson, but when it's time to pay back, one may act like a master.
8. 不要在背后说人坏话,因为肯定会传到当事人耳朵里,而且往往变了味。
Don't speak ill of others behind their backs, because it will surely reach their ears, and usually it will be distorted.
9. 看到别人倒霉,有些人表面同情,心里却暗自庆幸自己没摊上,人性就是这么微妙。
When seeing others in trouble, some people show sympathy on the surface, but secretly they are glad that they haven't encountered the same situation. Human nature is so subtle.
10. 越是没本事的人,越爱面子,为了面子常常打肿脸充胖子,最后苦的是自己。
The less capable a person is, the more concerned they are about saving face. They often pretend to be wealthy or powerful just for the sake of face, and in the end, they are the ones who suffer.