好歌在听 | Praise

文摘   2024-02-17 18:32   浙江  

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音乐 | Elevation Worship

Let everything that has breath

Praise the Lord

Praise the Lord

I'll praise in the valley

Praise on the mountain

l'll praise when I'm sure

Praise when I'm doubting

I'll praise when outnumbered

Praise when surrounded

Cause praise is the waters

My enemies drown in

As long as I'm breathing

I've got a reason to

Praise the Lord

Oh my soul

Praise the Lord

Oh my soul

I'll praise when I feel it

I'll praise when I don't

I'll praise cause I know

You're still in control

My praise is a weapon

It's more than a sound

My praise is the shout

That brings Jericho down

Praise the Lord

Oh my soul

Praise the Lord

Oh my soul

I won't be quiet

My God is alive

How could I keep it inside

Praise the Lord oh my soul

I'll praise cause You're sovereign

Praise cause You reign

Praise cause You rose 

and defeated the grave

I'll praise cause You're faithful

Praise cause You're true

Praise cause there's nobody 

greater than You


柯枫说 这首歌一下子让人进入喜乐的季节

像是开场曲 大家一起欢庆

是啊 早上放这首歌 我就在家里乱蹦 

这首歌 适合开启新的一天

老爸 想要你成为我的喜乐

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