好歌在听 | Throne Room

文摘   2024-06-11 15:35   浙江  

美图 | Pinterest

音乐 | Je.sus Culture

主唱 | Kim Walker-Smith


Dream after dream

You are speaking to me

Breathing word after word 

of kingdom come

Here, at your feet

I can See the unseen

Truly, one look at you 

And I’m undone

I run to the throne room 

I run to the throne room 

And I fall on my face

With angels and saints 

And all I can say is

Holy, holy, holy 

Are You G0d

My heart can’t contain

The weight of your name

And all I can say is

Holy, holy, holy

Are You

Grace upon grace

All my fear falls away

Only your perfect love 

for me remains

Time after time

You stay close by my side

Burning fire inside

I can’t contain

I run to the throne room

I run to the throne room

And I fall on my face

With angels and saints 

And all I can say is

Holy, holy, holy 

Are You G0d

My heart can’t contain

The weight of your name

And all I can say is

Holy, holy, holy 

Are You

I run to the throne room

Before you, the only One

I run to the throne room

Before you, I’m overcome



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