好歌在听 | I Will Wait for You (Psalm 130)

文摘   2024-05-12 15:51   浙江  

美图 | Pinterest

音乐 | Shane & Shane


Out of the depths I cry to you

In darkest places I will call

Incline your ear to me anew

And hear my cry for mercy, L0rd

Were you to count my sinful days

How could I come before your throne?

If all forgiveness meets my gaze

I stand redeemed by grace, L0rd

I will wait for you

I will wait for you 

On your word I will rely

I will wait for you

Surely wait for you

Till me soul is satisfied

So put your hope in G0d alone

Take courage in his power to save

Completely and forever one

By Christ emerging from the grave

I will wait for you

I will wait for you 

On your word I will rely

I will wait for you

Surely wait for you

Till me soul is satisfied

Now he has come to make a way

And G0d himself has paid the price

That all who trust in him today

Find healing in his sacrifice

I will wait for you

I will wait for you 

Through the storm 

and through the night

I will wait for you

Surely wait for you

For your love is my delight

I will wait for you

I will wait for you 

On your word I will rely

I will wait for you

Surely wait for you

Till me soul is satisfied



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