Recap|Discovering Zhoushan: A Journey Through Maritime Culture

旅行   2024-08-09 21:29   内蒙古  

Zhoushan, known as the "City of a Thousand Islands," is a coastal gem in eastern China, rich in maritime history and culture. For centuries, it has been a vital hub for the fishing industry. Recently, we took a group of students to Zhoushan to explore its breathtaking coastal landscapes and vibrant maritime culture.
Let's hear from Bernice, who participated in the trip, as she shares the unforgettable highlights of our journey.


An Exciting Icebreaker

Beach Olympic Games

Our exploration began with the quintessential elements of Zhoushan—its ocean and beaches. The students were divided into teams and participated in a series of fun and challenging Beach Olympic activities to earn points. During the water relay race, the students ran energetically across the beach, each focused on completing their tasks. Their lively figures, set against the backdrop of the ocean, mountains, and blue skies, were a sight to behold.

Through these activities, the students not only experienced the joy of sports but also deeply understood the Olympic spirit—friendship, unity, competition, and perseverance. Each team strove to achieve the best results, and in working towards a common goal, their bonds of friendship grew stronger.


Coastal Hiking

Immersing in Nature's Beauty

Zhoushan’s stunning natural beauty is reflected in its place names, with frequent references to "mountain," "island," "reef," "sea," "river," and "beach," highlighting the region’s vibrant maritime elements. The students hiked along Zhoushan’s beautiful coastline, taking their time to immerse themselves in the present and fully appreciate the wonders of nature.

Along the way, the students traversed breathtaking rugged cliffs, quietly observing the surging ocean waves from high above. This hike allowed the students to gain a firsthand understanding of the unique geographical advantages and abundant natural resources that have sustained Zhoushan’s thriving fishing industry for centuries.


Exploring the Past, Present, and Future

of Zhoushan’s Fishing Industry

Zhoushan, a crucial node in the ancient Maritime Silk Road, boasts a rich history of fishing and shipbuilding cultures. We aimed to provide students with a deep understanding of how Zhoushan’s marine culture and fishing industry, which have thrived for centuries, have evolved into the modern era—and more importantly, where they are headed in the future.

In the museum, the students engaged in a scavenger hunt, discovering the history of Zhoushan’s fishing industry through questions we designed. They carefully read the descriptions and explanations of the exhibits and even creatively proposed innovative possibilities for integrating artificial intelligence into the fishing industry in the future.

Having explored the history, the students certainly wanted to see what modern Zhoushan’s fishing industry looks like. We took them on a boat trip to observe contemporary fishing practices up close. They even had the opportunity to step into the cockpit and learn from the captain about the operation of modern fishing vessels.


Diving into a Fishing Village: 

Immersing in Fishermen's Culture

Fishermen, who have long lived with the sea, have developed their own unique culture. To help the students understand Zhoushan’s vibrant marine culture, we visited a local fishing village. In the village’s narrow streets and alleys, the students discovered unique visual symbols—images and colors closely related to marine culture.

The rich and vivid fisherman paintings are an important symbol of Zhoushan’s marine culture. These paintings often feature oceanic themes like the sea, boats, and fish, with frequent use of blue tones. The paintings reflect the vitality that the sea brings to those living in Zhoushan. The fishermen, resilient and broad-minded, infuse their works with the innocence, ruggedness, and wildness of the sea, preserving the deep and unique emotions of their community.

The students also tried their hand at creating fisherman paintings, expressing their interactions and observations with nature and the ocean throughout the trip.

In addition, the students experienced fishing net weaving, a traditional skill once essential to the daily lives of fishermen’s wives. In the past, these women skillfully wove large fishing nets, their hands deftly moving the shuttles up and down. Today, this skill is rare. Through this experience, the students gained a profound understanding of the hardships faced by traditional fishing communities.


Outdoor Sketching

Observing the Interplay Between

Humans and Nature

Throughout the journey, the students were surrounded by beautiful natural scenery and vibrant fishing culture. For the final stop, however, we chose a unique abandoned village.

Despite Zhoushan’s rich fishing resources, it has also experienced the consequences of overfishing. The abandoned fishing village we visited stands as a testament to the depletion of resources, leaving behind an empty shell of once-thriving life. Over the years, climbing vines have quietly taken over the village, covering the abandoned walls and rooftops.

We encouraged the students to use this outdoor sketching opportunity to observe the dynamic relationship between humans and nature. This was perhaps the perfect moment to reflect on how humanity and nature can maintain a harmonious and balanced interaction. We hope the students saw the connection between environmental stewardship and human development, and continue to think about the importance of sustainability for both people and the planet.


WildChina was established in 2000 and is committed to creating life-changing experiences, providing high-end customized travel, innovative corporate services and experiential education programs. Dedicated to experiential learning, WildChina Education provides innovative educational projects for Harvard, Stanford, Dulwich and Nord Anglia schools to name a few. Since 2000, we have hosted programs at more than 100 destinations across Asia and have worked with more than 1000 schools and nonprofit organizations throughout the world.



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