Recap | Hiking Through Japan: DofE AJ Recap with Our Trip Leader

旅行   2024-07-24 15:58   山东  

At the end of June, we led a group of international school students from Qingdao on a remarkable journey to complete The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award Adventurous Journey in Japan. Opting for hiking to meet the Gold and Silver Award requirements, the students embarked on a challenging adventure that tested their limits and fostered personal growth.

The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award, a prestigious non-competitive youth achievement initiative, is renowned for its comprehensive approach to developing various skills and qualities in young people. Recognized by top universities worldwide, it is a testament to the value of holistic education.
To recap this adventurous journey in Japan, our trip leader Cory provided detailed insights into the DofE's assessment standards and requirements, as well as the unique roles within an expedition team:

At the beginning of this year, WildChina Education and The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award became closer partners.

我们|碧山教育荣获爱丁堡公爵国际奖全国级推荐奖项服务提供方 DofE RAP-AJ (National Level) !(Click the link to read the full article)

This honor inspires us to offer students more diverse and exciting outdoor adventure programs, where the choice of destination and hiking routes is crucial. The school proposed conducting the AJ activity in Japan, which undoubtedly posed higher demands on our execution capabilities. After careful research, we chose lesser-known hiking routes in Japan, the Lake Nozori and Lake Chuzenji areas, for this DofE AJ program.

Hiking routes:

Lake Nozori (Practice Journey):
11km 2 days 1 night

Lake Chuzenji (Qualifying Journey):

36km 3 days 2 nights (Silver)

45km 4 days 3 nights (Gold)

Part of the hiking route for the Gold Award

What are some differences in completing a DofE AJ program in Japan?

First, in a more unfamiliar environment with different languages and scripts, tasks such as reading maps and navigation are undoubtedly more challenging. Hiking amidst ever-changing landscapes of mountains, lakes, waterfalls, and streams also provides students with a sense of freshness and excitement.

Second, Japan's strict waste classification standards naturally teach students to practice the Leave No Trace principles, preserving the beautiful environment they explore.

One of the core spirits of the DofE AJ is the courage to face challenges. Official requirements state that outdoor activities must have a certain level of difficulty, and students must carry their own tents and food, making it a physically demanding journey.

During this hike, students faced not only low temperatures at high-altitude campsites but also rain on the descent. On one day, they had to complete a long-distance, high-intensity hike of over 15 kilometers with an elevation gain of more than 600 meters. These challenges tested their willpower, endurance, and physical strength.

We are thrilled to see that, despite some students' physical limitations, no one was left behind. This was achieved through mutual understanding and support among team members, as well as individual determination to overcome difficulties.

The DofE AJ program is team-based, making teamwork, leadership, and responsibility key qualities for successfully passing the assessment.

Alongside physical challenges, team members must fulfil their duties, including the group leader, chef, navigator, and safety person. Students rely on collaboration to achieve their group goals.

The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award promotes holistic education, enriching life experiences, unleashing potential, and developing various qualities through different challenges.

Each challenge becomes an exciting part of the students' life stories and may serve as a key to new opportunities.


WildChina was established in 2000 and is committed to creating life-changing experiences, providing high-end customized travel, innovative corporate services and experiential education programs. Dedicated to experiential learning, WildChina Education provides innovative educational projects for Harvard, Stanford, Dulwich and Nord Anglia schools to name a few. Since 2000, we have hosted programs at more than 100 destinations across Asia and have worked with more than 1000 schools and nonprofit organizations throughout the world.



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