活动预告|气候拼图工作坊 Climate Fresk

文摘   2024-10-07 17:43   英国  

气候拼图工作坊 x 清华机械系研会

“气候拼图”工作坊(Climate Fresk)的构思始于2015年,源于气候变化讲师Cédric Ringenbach主持的一门课程。在课上,他让学员们根据因果关系重新排列IPCC(政府间气候变化专门委员会)的报告图表,并发现这种形式在教学上极具效果。经过不断反馈、打磨和引导师们的持续贡献,工作坊逐渐发展为如今的形式。目前“气候拼图”工作坊已经有超过45种语言版本超过180万人曾参与其中,他们遍布在162个国家和地区

The idea of the "Climate Fresk" workshop originated in 2015, stemming from a course delivered by climate change lecturer Cédric Ringenbach. In the course, he had participants re-order graphs from the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) reports based on cause and effect, discovering that this method was effective pedagogically. Through continuous feedback, refinement, and contributions from the community of facilitators, the workshop gradually evolved into its current form. Today, the "Climate Fresk" workshop is available in over 45 languages, with more than 1.8 million participants from 162 countries and regions worldwide.



Scientific: The Climate Fresk workshop is based on data and charts from the most respectful source in climate science, the IPCC reports. It remains neutral and objective, presenting only the most fundamental scientific facts.



Accessible: Unlike traditional lectures, the workshop encourages active participation and discussion. Regardless of one’s expertise or background, anyone can confidently sign up and take part.



Effective: The workshop helps participants grasp the causal relationships between various aspects of climate change from a broad perspective. It empowers them to propose their own actions, whether at an individual, community, or corporate level.


Participants are divided into groups of 4 to 7, guided by a facilitator known as a Fresker. Together, they use collective wisdom to collaboratively identify and connect the cause-and-effect relationships between different cards, eventually forming a complete climate change cause-and-effect network. Afterward, the Fresker encourages interaction and discussion to explore possible strategies and solutions, fostering a dynamic exchange of ideas. The entire session lasts around three hours and includes an introduction and understanding (90 minutes), creativity and summary (30 minutes), followed by discussion and action (60 minutes).






Location: To be determined

Time: 9:00AM-12:00PM, Oct 13 Sunday, 2024

Event Language: Chinese OR English

Registration: Scan the QR code to register

Number of Participants: Around 18 for Chinese group, 7 for English group


Organized by: International Department, Graduate Union of DME, Tsinghua University




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